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    Nanto - I hope in in laws didn't find anything to complain about this morning.

    Oma - your MIL obviously thinks you and B can work miracles. I hope your phone is fixed now. We use our landline quite a lot as our mobiles aren't very reliable. Some days one bar is as good as it gets! It's great to hear B is ok. xx

    Plant - you are very patient shortening all those pairs of jeans. It's awful when the roads we live in get in a mess. There are major alterations going on next door and the owner very sensibly put a post in the grass verge round the tree so lorries etc can't drive over the grass. One of the workmen parks outside our house most days, but he keeps off the verge, and we really appreciate his thoughtfulness. But sometimes you see a whole road in a muddy mess because of builders. I hope your GD and partner hear about their flat soon.

    Gem - how is S's fringe? Did you choose the paint for the bedrooms?

    Grauntie - I don't like to ask about the elephant.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Daisy OH did well with her fringe. She obviously heeded my warning to go cautiously!
      We didn't buy any paint, in fact we haven't been out today. OH found a large unopened tin of emulsion in the garage (we have no idea why we have large unopened tin!) It is a perfectly acceptable creamy colour which we both agree will do. If we're not impressed once it's on we can still buy more later!
      I agree that Plant is patient taking up those jeans, especially when it's not a job she enjoys!

      I'm so tired tonight. No idea why, it wasn't exactly a taxing day!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Gem - well done to OH. Who knows you might even let her trim your fringe one day.

        Yes, you might as well use the paint you've already got if the colour is ok. As you say, you can always change it again if you don't like it.

        Some days, I think you just feel tired for no particular reason. Sleep well.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning. Had rain this morning.

          Sometimes i think you can be more tired after a lazy day,than if you've had a busy day.

          Full english for dinner today.

          Coffee time before i do the ironing.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning everyone.
            Nan2 we like a full English for our main meal sometimes. In fact OH surprised me with one last week and very nice it was!
            Daisy, OH is going nowhere near my fringe! She has many talents but I doubt hairdressing is one of them

            We are going out! It is Sainsbury's click and collect and I ordered it to be picked up in York this time. We plan to park there, have a walk round then collect the shopping. I haven't been into town for a very long time, apart from the dental appointments!

            I hope everyone is well today.
            Take care
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Good morning. Hardly slept a wink last night. You’ll see why from my other post.

              Gem, fancy you going out out! Enjoy your walk around York, I really like it there and would love to revisit sometime.

              Very dull and dreary here, think it’s raining too....goes with my mood. Have a good day everyone.
              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                Good morning ladies , its damp but bright ,

                Daisy good idea of neighbours to stop the vans being parked on the grass ,

                Our Phone is working again so the exchange must have sorted it

                Enfys what a carry on hope its sorted now ,

                Well would you believe it , I went to bed at 9pm last night and didn't wake till 7.15 this morning , 10 hours solid sleep

                I said to B last night I felt drained , he said go up see if you can get a few hours now , there is nothing to stay up for ,
                So I did and fell asleep instantly , I cant actually remember laying down ,
                I feel a bit wooly headed all that sleep but boy did I need it after so many nights bad sleep ,

                We have Storm today DD and GS away to Liverpool with football ,
                I must say I am surprised they are allowed , you cant travel more than 3 miles for fresh air but can go all that way for a trial with a club ,
                DD checked with Police and it was allowed , pure madness .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good morning one and all. We are sharing Enfys' weather - dark, dreary and wet.

                  We're having a power cut this morning - not sure what time. Our neighbours have had their electricity junction box moved and the Electricity people will have to cut off both houses to connect up the new box. It shouldn't take long, all being well, and I'll come back on here later.

                  Oma - good luck to your GD with his trial for Liverpool. You must really have needed that sleep. xx

                  Gem - never say never about OH and your fringe! Enjoy your walk round York - I'd love to visit there one day when the world gets back to something like normal.

                  Nanto - a full English sounds just right for this miserable wet day.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Have a Zoom WI meeting this morning so I will have to just say HELLO and come back later.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Good Moaning Each,
                      Wet again here but better than snow, anything is better than snow!
                      Glad you managed a good sleep Oma. I’ve had a week of good sleeps, but we had curry (made with a sauce) last night, which gave me raving guts ache at 3am. Also I had weird dreams, I dread to think what was in it, apart from mon sodium glutamate. 😬
                      Speaking of haircuts yesterday, I asked himself to trim the back of my hair last week. It felt like he was taking rather too much off one side, and when I looked at it, it was like a dog’s hind leg!
                      He has done a bit of a rescue job by cutting it all even shorter, and now it looks just like I’ve had a pudding basin on my head.
                      Have a good day ladies.
                      Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                      Eleanor Roosevelt.


                        Good Morning ladies,what a lovely day it is here today the sun is shining and no wind even the temp has improvedI noticed little green shoots in the garden so that is positive.

                        DD has been pinged again from track & trace and has to stay isolated for 7 days it is so awful how people are so stupid a chap (one of the managers) felt poorly on Friday but came to work anyway and on Monday he tested positive at the Companies testing station and 6 people on the floor where sent home because of his contact with them DD being one of them she is so annoyed as it messes up her monthly salary again.

                        Yesterday I went to Aldi the first time in 12 months I have been having home deliveries for quite a while, the difference in going for yourself is so much better and you can pick up some nice treats I got the babies some Easter lollipops and cute double egg cups for them rather than Easter eggs,I also found a new front door mat after my last one got blown away in that terrible storm we had a week or so ago (I must remember to take it out of my car boot)

                        Talking of haircuts I trimmed off about 3ins from the length of mine I just parted it down the middle and cut each section it might not be 100% even but doesn't matter as it goes up every day I'll go to hairdressers as soon as she opens again,thats if she does as word is that she has really suffered during lock down and struggling financially poor girl she has only been trading 2.5 yrs I hope I don't have to search for a new salon again.

                        I'm off to sort washing after changing bed and will sort the wardrobe again I only got half way through last week I just didn't know I had so much stuff.
                        Take care everyone xxGlamma

                        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                          Hi, I am back. The WI Zoom meeting was very good. Nothing else planned, will go next door later to see the GGC, GD1 and her partner are going out for a walk with their little one. I nearly threw the sewing machine and the Christmas table runner in the bin yesterday. Struggled to fit a new foot, had to google it eventually, then I broke the needle and find that very difficult to fit a new one. Managed to prick my finger, blood everywhere as I take warfarin. Still not sure how to finish the runner. I googled several sites but I am going to leave it atm.

                          I hope you have your power back Daisy. Open reach are causing problems in the village, so far so good for us.

                          Oma, what a fantastic sleep you had, you obviously needed it. Enjoy your time with Storm.

                          Glamm, how unfair for your DD, if they were feeling unwell, why did they go to work. I agree, it is so nice to go to do your own shopping, I have a click and collect next week instead of a delivery, as I keep having problems, they delivered a bottle of brandy last week with the alarm still fitted, the driver was embarrassed but not his fault.

                          I trimmed my hair last week, just cut some off the length at the sides and a bit off the back.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Glamm my Nephew in law was told he was Negative for Covid last week Then got a text to say it was wrong and he was Positive ,
                            sorted out with time off from work only for the next day to hear they had it wrong again and he was negative after all ,

                            He works for Amazon it turns out 3853 staff were all told the same .
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma, pleased you had a good nights sleep.
                              I didn't,hoping for a better night tonight.

                              Our niece who is a nurse, has tested positive.
                              They had an outbreak on her ward. She says she just feels like it does when she has a cold.
                              Hope she makes a speedy recovery,as she has a heart condition.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Been raining on and off all day today here. Thank goodness the estate agent got he photos done on Monday when the sun was shining. Have just found the basket of ironing we hid for the photos, so I suppose I should crack on with that, but I don't really fancy it! Got an online exercise class at 6 0'clock, so that might liven me up a bit.

                                OH had text yesterday to say that they're extending the Shielding until 31st March. Just seems to be dragging on and on now. He also got one to say he'll be getting his Vitamin D tablets at some point.

                                Grauntie, I've just tried some curry kits from Tastesmiths and am very impressed. Everything is fresh and you just need to add meat/fish whatever. I've tried a couple now and we've enjoyed them both. Haven't used abought sauce for years now. When we were first married OH used to come back from visiting the oil tankers with jars of mixed spices from the cooks on board. Each one was a different combination depending on the cook. So that got me mixing my own spices and I've just carried on, but it's nice to find something different. Hope you're fully recovered now!

                                Have a good evening ladies x
                                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                                Theodore Roosevelt.

