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    Oma - not the leave your GN had planned, for sure, but I hope he hasn't caught it.

    Plant - It's much harder coping with lockdown at this time of the year. Let's hope it will be lifted on 2 December - also, as Mimi says being closed at this time of year will spell the end for a lot of local, small businesses. I just hope people are saving what purchases they can to give them some business when they re-open.

    Mimi - a lot of people seem to be ignoring the rules about being together outside!

    Avo - thanks for the warning. These scams can look authentic so I'm glad you were on your guard.

    Lizzie - how annoying about the alarm. I hope you can shut it out of your head until it's fixed. Thanks - my phone came earlier than expected, but I haven't set it up yet.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Good morning. Breezy but dry.

      Haven't had the best of nights,but hey ho. Onwards and upwards.

      Off to in laws in an hour.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Good morning Nanto /ladies
        Im all done had a shower and now having toast ,
        One lot of washing in dryer one in wash I will iron them all after lunch .

        Dog coming about 8ish i have just done his chicken and rice for lunch ,
        Bought him a new squeaky chicken wonder how long he takes to murder it and get the squeak out

        Forecast is dull but no rain , I will believe that when i see it .

        Nanto how are inlaws ? xx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Forgot to say Fairy Queen hasn't been on since the 2nd , I did send her a message but no reply yet , I do hope she is ok

          Nana looked in yesterday so we know she's still with us but obviously doesn't feel like posting yet and that's ok all in good time so they say
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Good morning all

            Oma, yes I have been wondering about FQ and hoping all is OK. As you say, she hasn't been on at all, so can't see messages. I may send her an email. It's a fine line with newish members between showing concern and seeming to nag them to post! I think I will email her today.

            Tesco delivery due at midday, then GS1 from school this afternoon. I am dropping off some new trousers for mum (Which OH kindly took up. Even short are too long for her!) I will buy some flowers too and drop them at the care home on the way to school. I have said I am leaving them on the table in the courtyard outside the office. I normally hand them to staff. Although we would both be wearing masks I am not taking the risk with covid there.

            I hope everyone is well today and that it is a good day for you.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Good morning, everyone.

              Nanto - thank you for those cheery flower in your morning graphic. I'm sorry you had a bad night and hope you can take it easy after you've been to your in-laws. xx

              Oma - thank you for checking up on our grannies. As Gem says, we don't want to intrude or pressurise anyone, but we do get worried. There are so many worries for us all at the moment and I hope anyone going through difficult times feels they can come and chat, rant or have a shoulder to cry on. xx

              Storm IS spoiled rotten, Oma. Chicken and rice for lunch and a new squeaky toy to beat up!

              Gem - Enjoy your afternoon with GS1. I hope your mum is ok, and all the other residents. I'm sure the flowers will cheer her up on a gloomy day. Have any more staff tested positive?

              Yesterday OH lost one of his hearing aids! We didn't realise until it had gone dark and think it must be out at the front where he was going backwards and forwards setting up a new security light, or, worse in the garden where he was helping me to move heavy pots, or possibly in his shed, sorry workshop, where he was making screwdrivers (don't ask!!). It's rained overnight, so if it's outside I think it will be no good.

              I need to get a couple of loads of washing on, get my new phone set up and do the Sainsbury's order.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I hope you find the hearing aid Daisy. If not get straight onto wherever OH gets them from. My Mum (who probably only wore them two or three times!) managed to lose one, we think in a supermarket or car park. The hospital arranged a new one for us.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Daisy, did your OH wear a mask yesterday, several times I have nearly lost one of mine when taking the mask off so do not wear them when I need to wear a mask. With glasses, hearing aids, wearing a mask is a bit of an overload. If I remember rightly, he had private ones. Hope you find it.

                  That dog, Oma, is so lucky and spoiled rotten but he gives you so much pleasure, he is worth it.

                  Nanto, love the cheerful flowers. Sorry to hear the sleeping wasn't good. Hope the in-laws are well.

                  Gemini, enjoy your time with GS1.

                  I messaged Nana a couple of days ago, she said not to worry about her, she is almost getting there. I hope we hear from Fairy Queen soon.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Daisy I do hope you find the hearing aid as Plantaholic said masks are a problem I have lost an earring when wearing mine.
                    Oma my Poppy just loves chicken and rice she has it a couple of times a week,at the moment she is desperate for a salon visit but the lady she goes to has closed her shop for shutdown so I'm having to trim her paws myself.
                    My garden looks a mess with all the leaves as soon as I brush the up we have a windy day and they are all back again its never ending.
                    My poor youngest Grandson had his bike taken from him on Friday by a group of boys who set upon him and blacked his eye such brave boys setting on a lone boy he is so destressed he used his bike to get to college every day so my DD will now have to spend out for bus fares every day for him i have spoken to my eldest son and he is going to give him his bike when he has blown up the tyres and lowered the seat for him so he should be mobile again by the week-end.Why do these boys do this ?
                    I have been on ebay this week and got a couple of good bargains for xmas for my DD and GD2 so most of my gifts are done just got 2 x birthday presents to get for DS1 and GS2 & 4 I find them difficult to buy for when in their 20's so I can see me putting money in the cards.
                    This afternoon I am going to write my xmas cards for those that need posting and carry on wrapping the presents for the little ones then thats one job out of the way.
                    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                      Plant i spoke to her this morning too , she's sounding more upbeat isnt she

                      Glamm Storm is desperate for a groom , he is booked in for first day after lockdown ,
                      DD can shower him but he wont let her trim the hair between his paws he will only let the groomer do that ,

                      Why do lads have to be so horrible sometimes , I hope it hasn't knocked his confidence Glamm did they involve the police ?

                      Plant B stopped wearing his hearing aids because of the fear of losing them ,
                      Twice one popped out while taking his mask off , luckily both times we were in the car so they fell to the floor where we could find them .

                      Daisy any news on J's lost one ?

                      Yes this dog is spoilt but as you say Plant he gives us so much pleasure , his new toy is still in one piece , he sat making little noises too it for ages and licking it before playing , it was like when a child gets a new toy and says wow so sweet .

                      Gem hope there are no cases in Mums care home how is your sister ? you cant even visit her can you , that must worry your Mum too .

                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        In laws are fine, thank you all for asking.

                        Wonder if Daisy and OH have found the hearing aid.

                        Been a dry mild day here.

                        Glamma,what a rotten group of boys. Hope GS is ok.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Poor GS Glamma, nasty little toads
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Glamm - I hope those low life boys are proud of themselves!

                            Plant - no OH's hearing aids are standard NHS issue, but he didn't wear a mask at all yesterday, but he did wear his funny bobble hat when he was working outside, so I think he may have dragged it off when taking his hat off. No luck in finding it though - he'll just have to wait for a new one, and I'll get my megaphone out.

                            Nanto - how nice to have a dry mild day! The clouds were so low this afternoon driving across the forest that it was misty, and the rain kept stopping and starting.

                            I think a lot of doggies are missing their hairdressers. Eva is lucky - her coat is easy to care for, but I do need to give her a pedicure tomorrow. Her claws are getting too long. she won't let anybody cut them but OH has made her a scratching board which she uses very effectively as long as she gets a treat for each scratch!

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Good morning ladies been up so long i feel its time to go back to bed ,
                              Going to pop to Aldi for 7.30 before anyone is around , done what i need to do this morning so going to be a long day , i will pop back later ,
                              Lizzie me and you could have had a coffee together with the dawn rising
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good morning Oma,and all who follow.

                                Been up since 5,had breakfast and pottered about.

                                Feels mild again.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

