Sorry this is late, my new iPad doesn't like Grans and the old one was completely flat and then I forgot where I had put in on charger.
Nana that would be my worst nightmare (having an op on my eye) husband has had a lot of ops on his. I have even taken eyes off my donation card and on line listing!
Daisy the cost of taxis around here to the airport are astronomical especially on Christmas Day/Boxing. Day etc. The drivers don't want to go there and it is frequently more expensive than getting one to Gatwick and yet it is only a ten minute drive.
we were very proud of Joe the other night and my eldest (his dad) was very loud in letting people know who he was. Tonight is the last night.
I ordered my on line meat from Donald Russell and could have had free delivery but paid £4 for a morning delivery yesterday but it didn't turn up. When I phoned the company they said they were sorry but it was a computer glitch and anyone ordering on line should not have been able to request a morning delivery becuE it is was the last delivery day and too busy to guarantee a delivery. So he refunded my delivery charge and gave me a voucher code for 10% off the next order.
Libra you are right, I do heap things onto myself and now I have made it worse because someone phoned yesterday morning and asked for a report for 3rd January as she will not be back in time to submit it. Also I have seen a big stain on the cream carpet in the hall, goodness knows how that crept in there! I will "Vanish" it tomorrow morning.
I trotted out this morning as I forgot cucumber and tomatoes and wanted to get a paper and also we have a leaky heated towel rail in the bathroom. I needed to get a particular size spanner but couldn't get one so bathroom will be chilly until we can mend it. Husband said we should maybe call a plumber - err Christmas Eve, call out charge? I don't think so. The flat is not cold by any means and we can manage for a couple of days. I haven't had any attacks for a couple of days so am feeling a bit more confident. I have some things to do for tomorrow but nothing too much.
Nana that would be my worst nightmare (having an op on my eye) husband has had a lot of ops on his. I have even taken eyes off my donation card and on line listing!
Daisy the cost of taxis around here to the airport are astronomical especially on Christmas Day/Boxing. Day etc. The drivers don't want to go there and it is frequently more expensive than getting one to Gatwick and yet it is only a ten minute drive.
we were very proud of Joe the other night and my eldest (his dad) was very loud in letting people know who he was. Tonight is the last night.
I ordered my on line meat from Donald Russell and could have had free delivery but paid £4 for a morning delivery yesterday but it didn't turn up. When I phoned the company they said they were sorry but it was a computer glitch and anyone ordering on line should not have been able to request a morning delivery becuE it is was the last delivery day and too busy to guarantee a delivery. So he refunded my delivery charge and gave me a voucher code for 10% off the next order.
Libra you are right, I do heap things onto myself and now I have made it worse because someone phoned yesterday morning and asked for a report for 3rd January as she will not be back in time to submit it. Also I have seen a big stain on the cream carpet in the hall, goodness knows how that crept in there! I will "Vanish" it tomorrow morning.
I trotted out this morning as I forgot cucumber and tomatoes and wanted to get a paper and also we have a leaky heated towel rail in the bathroom. I needed to get a particular size spanner but couldn't get one so bathroom will be chilly until we can mend it. Husband said we should maybe call a plumber - err Christmas Eve, call out charge? I don't think so. The flat is not cold by any means and we can manage for a couple of days. I haven't had any attacks for a couple of days so am feeling a bit more confident. I have some things to do for tomorrow but nothing too much.