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    It's been a busy day with the GDs! GD2 is still feeling poorly and had kept her poor mum and dad up half the night. She's been very tearful and fretful, with the attention span of a gnat. She's not eaten much for several days but tonight she said she'd like cottage pie for her tea, and I think she enjoyed that. So I hope she's getting over it. I also hope the rest of the family don't get it. GD1 came home from school very tired again, but sat down and wrote Christmas cards to all her classmates - all 30 of them, without any help or prompting!

    Tomorrow, I've got a much needed hairdresser's appointment. I was soooo tempted to chop an inch or so off my fringe today - it's just reached that length where it's in my eyes. Then it's a quick trip back home and off to dog training class.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Morning ladies , very foggy during night , got washing on had shower now having a cup of tea before I hoover , not much to do I'm out most of day . Have a good day ladies xx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Good morning everyone.
        Lots of nasty bugs about, I hope you don't catch your GDs Daisy. I keep catching things from my GSs!

        This morning my lovely auntie and I are going out for coffee and cake.
        Then DD3 wants to come over in her lunch break. Her sister told her about my news yesterday, and I think she wants to check I'm still alive!
        Tonight we are having a meal and catch up with a couple of friends.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Another bad night for sleeping,getting a bit fed up of it now.
          We've just got the feature wall to paper today,thenits all done,apart from waiting for carpet coming.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Oh dear, you are having some bad nights lately Nan2
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Good morning Nanto and everyone. I hope tonight you'll sleep better. You can relax a bit when your decorating's finished.

              Gem - enjoy your morning with your Aunt. I'm sure your DD3 wants to give you a hug or three. What a lovely social day, with no meal to cook this evening either. How did OH's golf competition go?

              Oma - I hope B is feeling a bit better. Tell him we're all asking after him. xx

              I'm off to do a bit of shopping - mainly Christmas cards. I ordered cards from GD1's school. She had done a really nice design and they use a company which makes the children's artwork into various things like cards, tea towels, mugs etc. All the other children's orders arrived last week but not GD's! Now the school say they've got to trace of the order - or the money! But the annoying thing is I really wanted the cards!! I thought they were a nice personal touch to send to family and a few friends. In the wider scheme of things it doesn't matter but DS2 could have produced them himself, but didn't because it's one of the ways the PTA raise money for the school. Grrrr..... Then the hairdressers, then it's a quick sprint back home and off to dog training.

              Have a good day everyone. the sun's shining here and I hope it is for you all.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I wrote a scathing review on Trust Pilot of Wren kitchens and received an email today saying that Wren have requested the review be removed as they do not recognise me as a customer! I have responded and sent my order documentation. I have almost been on Wren FB page and they have removed every post I have made in the past five months!

                what a shower .......
                If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                  Lovely mild day here. Just been out to do some food shopping, the supermarket was practically empty! Struggling with a bd back....dosing up on pain killers.

                  Daisy, what a shame about your cards. Our youngest GS' school did the same sort of thing and I've kept the cards with his design in them, I do hope they can track them down.

                  Zizi, I noticed that on the Wren FB page. Someone was asking about recommendations (or otherwise, about Wren and I was going to direct her to their page but everyone's negative comments are gone. What a cheek to say you were never a customer after all that has happened!
                  "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                    Sorry about your cards Daisy, the refund isn't the same.

                    Have a lovely time with your aunt Gemini, coffee and cake sounds lovely

                    Hope Brian is improving Oma
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      ENfys, my son and dil were supposed to be taking delivery of their Wren kitchen on Friday. Son has an electrical company and has organised others to fit it. They have been told delivery has slipped because of the "Christmas rush" and they do not know now when it will be delivered! As the quality of the kitchen is excellent (once it was fitted correctly) we discussed it with them and they decided as they were having their own fitters they would go ahead. I think they may regret it now.......... They had an extension built which has made their kitchen enormous and it will be fabulous when it is finished, whenever that will be!
                      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                        Well how quickly things change. Here we were, going to be on our own on Christmas Day and in the last two hours we now have three guests for lunch instead! Downstairs neighbour, her boyfriend and her mum. They had plans (which neighbour wasn't too thrilled with) but those plans were withdrawn by their hosts. I have already ordered a turkey crown for five because that was the smallest, so now I have to get Christmas crackers, extra pudding and get some beer and sort out a starter. Do you think a whole baked Camembert with relish and fresh bread would do it or should I go traditional and do prawn cocktail or something? I cannot be bothered to make a soup. Oh I need some table presents too. I have some for friend and her mum.

                        I have brioche bread bread and butter pudding and creme caramel on order so I will just up that. We are not big Christmas pudding eaters but should I get one just in case?

                        it is quite exciting as we have not had people for Christmas lunch for years. When the boys were young we would open out our big table (16 seats) and even that wouldn't be big enough and the children had to sit on the garden table! Then as they grew older and had girlfriends they would want to be with them and the girls gravitate toward their parents at Christmas don't they? So we started a tradition of Family Christmas breakfast where I would find some fantastic feast and unusual things like fizzing champagne fruit cocktail and things. Once those started they never came for lunch again and then we moved here.

                        So we are going to have a full house for once which will be nice and neighbour says she will pick husband up from work to leave me some time to prepare. She says she will make a contribution and we will discuss tomorrow. I might buy a paper tablecloth and napkins instead of using linen ones. I am in town tomorrow so I can go to the posh shops. Oh dear I can feel my plastic screaming loudly! Ah well it is only money.......
                        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                          Afternoon all. After several months of complaining about my back and hip the dr has decided that I have to have an MRI scan. He said not to hold my breath as it may be February before I get within sniffing distance of having one. He raised his arms in disbelief and said
                          "If there are anymore cut backs I won't be able to offer my patients any services at all. I already have one patient waiting 6weeks for urgent tests "
                          When the Drs start to complain to their patients about the lack of services you can only worry...a lot . I dread to think what is to become of our health service.
                          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                            Daisy, a pity about the cards, they would have been lovely.
                            ZIZI, i hope the kitchen goes well for son and DIL.
                            Been another busy day,but the decorating is finished.We ordered the carpet this afternoon, will be delivered and fitted on Tuesday afternoon.
                            Been a bright day, but its feeling cold now.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Hi everyone
                              I had a lovely time with my auntie. DD had lunch here and we had some good hugs. I don't want her worrying at all, but I know how hard that is!
                              OH and I did a few shopping bits this afternoon, and hand delivered a few cards.

                              Daisy, how disappointing about GDs cards.
                              Zizi, what a shower that kitchen company is!! Busy Christmas for you now
                              Good to hear your decorating is finished Nan2.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Well, I did go shopping fro cards, and found some really nice ones in the charity shop of the local children's hospice so a good cause has benefitted from the disappearing order. I've just got to write them now! Fortunately I kept a list of the people I wanted to send them to.

                                It's been a busy day. I went into town early to get the cards and some dog toys for Eva and Midge (DS2's dog). Totally forgot about the GSs' cat though. Went to the hairdressers and got home just in time to grab a cuppa before going off to dog training. By the time we got there I was shattered and got in a total muddle over the heel work. Eva's reaction was to dig her paws in and refuse to move! But we improved! She had her first go at using the hurdles (like they use for flyball) and she got it straight away. The trainer said she'd never seen a dog do that on the first try! Came home, cooked dinner - pork steaks with sweet and sour sauce and rice, and then went and prepared ingredients for a trifle for OH's wood turning club's Christmas party tomorrow. I think I'm ready for bed now!

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

