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    Sorry this is late, my new iPad doesn't like Grans and the old one was completely flat and then I forgot where I had put in on charger.

    Nana that would be my worst nightmare (having an op on my eye) husband has had a lot of ops on his. I have even taken eyes off my donation card and on line listing!

    Daisy the cost of taxis around here to the airport are astronomical especially on Christmas Day/Boxing. Day etc. The drivers don't want to go there and it is frequently more expensive than getting one to Gatwick and yet it is only a ten minute drive.

    we were very proud of Joe the other night and my eldest (his dad) was very loud in letting people know who he was. Tonight is the last night.

    I ordered my on line meat from Donald Russell and could have had free delivery but paid £4 for a morning delivery yesterday but it didn't turn up. When I phoned the company they said they were sorry but it was a computer glitch and anyone ordering on line should not have been able to request a morning delivery becuE it is was the last delivery day and too busy to guarantee a delivery. So he refunded my delivery charge and gave me a voucher code for 10% off the next order.

    Libra you are right, I do heap things onto myself and now I have made it worse because someone phoned yesterday morning and asked for a report for 3rd January as she will not be back in time to submit it. Also I have seen a big stain on the cream carpet in the hall, goodness knows how that crept in there! I will "Vanish" it tomorrow morning.

    I trotted out this morning as I forgot cucumber and tomatoes and wanted to get a paper and also we have a leaky heated towel rail in the bathroom. I needed to get a particular size spanner but couldn't get one so bathroom will be chilly until we can mend it. Husband said we should maybe call a plumber - err Christmas Eve, call out charge? I don't think so. The flat is not cold by any means and we can manage for a couple of days. I haven't had any attacks for a couple of days so am feeling a bit more confident. I have some things to do for tomorrow but nothing too much.
    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


      Nice and peaceful here
      DD3 and OH came round this afternoon to exchange presents. I iced the Christmas cake and baked the gammon.
      I am going to make shepherds pie for tonight's meal, and one for the freezer. I will make extra mashed potato for tomorrow, and leave it in the fridge overnight. One less thing to do in the morning!

      Zizi, good to know you are feeling a bit better.
      Nan2, Rosies decorations look lovely, as do your flowers!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        We are having chilli tonight. Husband is working from 4.30am tomorrow and insists he is walking to work "no need for you to get up at stupid o'clock when I have a perfectly good pair of legs". Well he wouldn't have said that three and a half years ago would he?

        I was stressing a bit as we haven't had anyone for Christmas lunch for years but husband said to get my pad and paper out (he knows I do like a list) and we wrote everything down. Yes I think we are covered. We will have mince and mash Boxing Day and then the kids and GC will be here 27th.

        Libra as you and I share a common heartache I thought I would tell you. I have been told that my son is in N Ireland for Christmas with his girlfriend who is 44 and has two children. Her age is not important, same as his, just some information is better than none. Her children are a girl aged 12 and a boy aged (it is thought) 9. He is considering moving over there, he has changed his telephone number again, he must do this every three or four months, and has seen his brothers only twice in the last three months. I am sure I am labelled as the mother from hell. Both of my dils say that they ar surer I won't be but I know better. False memory syndrome........

        I have his his birthday gift from July and have his Christmas presents here. I think there comes a time when you have to call a halt to waiting. I am getting close.

        So on that glum note - sorry. I sent my love and best wishes to everyone for a great Christmas (especially our hero Brian) and hope those bruddy gremlins don't sew the seams in our clothes closer of the next couple of days...... ❤️💝
        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


          Zizi as hard as it is DO NOT dwell on absent son and enjoy the love from the other 2. We can't change the situation can we, and as for you being Mother from hell, utter rubbish. I know and you know our sons were loved and treated exactly the same as the others. My husband takes it harder than me, even sent him an e card to his FB page today, I have had to harden my heart I'm afraid to protect myself. Now forget the silly stain on the carpet woman, its Christmas eve, poor a very large G & T relax. I always say whats not done by now, can go hang. Youngest DD is the only one who has contact with estranged son, I do not get them birthday or Christmas gifts either. No doubt they will see her family hey ho got my other 3. Cheers everyone to a happy and enjoyable Christmas day. Oh and we settled for bacon and egg, easy peasy.
          "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


            Well, here we are, Christmas Eve evening. No matter when we started getting ready for tomorrow, we all seem to have made it and are more or less where we wanted to be! I've just realised reading other posts that I've forgotten to decorate the Christmas cake, but as we are out tomorrow, it can wait.

            When I realised I wouldn't be cooking Christmas dinner this year I promised myself that I would sit down at 5.45 with a glass of wine and a mince pie and enjoy the Carols from Kings. I'm usually in the kitchen knee deep in prepping veggies. The mince pies were still warm from the oven, so I settled down, switched the telly on and rellllaa ..... well, nearly relaxed! The phone range once, our lovely neighbours called round with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and OH, who was wrapping presents came into the living room 6 times to discuss said wrapping. Still it was all better than preparing sprouts! As always the amazing voices of the choir combined with the haunting acoustic qualities of the chapel sent tingles down my spine. It's definitely Christmas.

            Whatever you're doing tomorrow, I'd like to wish you all a very happy Christmas Day.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              And the same to you Daisy, sleep well, I hope Santa visits
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Pleased to hear you have not had another attack Zizi, keep it up.

                I hope Santa is kind to you all and have a lovely time
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  As I'm sat here feeling a little ...OH I don't know.... disbelief I think ....where have the years gone , why do they go so fast ? It wasn't that long ago I was the mum who was watching my little ones putting a mince pie and drink out for Santa and then struggling to get 3 excited children off to sleep.
                  But then I read Zizi's post and I know that I am very lucky, I do not have to experience the heartbreak that she and Libra have . I need to count my blessings but not before I have sent lots of love to Zizi and Libra. X
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Well ladies it's officially CHRISTMAS DAY 😀
                    Have a wonderful Time no matter what your doing or where ,
                    Thank you all for you love and kindness you have shown us this year ,as always your never far away from my thoughts , Merry Christmas to all xxx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Good morning.

                      Hope you all have a good one.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Merry Christmas to each and every one of you x 🎄🎄🎄🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          Happy Christmas to everyone. Hope you and yours all have a wonderful day. 🎅🎄🎁💝
                          "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                            I am just back from seeing the grandchildren at youngest son and dil's. Gave the three of them a small gift (Pokomon GO books for the boys and a fairy tale library for Sadie). The other mother turned up an hour earlier than she was invited and was dishing out these whacking great big presents to the kids, very flamboyant. Joe got upset as everyone was opening presents but I was not. I explained that I had presents at home which I will open when granddad gets home and then day after tomorrow we will all have presents to open at our house and I was fine. The other mother overheard and started asking about the day after tomorrow. Dil, wife of eldest, told her it was a tradition that they all come to us between Christmas and NYE for family Christmas. OM wasn't happy and muttered something about we should take it in turns. Dil said "it doesn't work like that" and shot her a dirty look. I just touched dils arm as I didn't want any unpleasantness. No point after all these years.

                            So children were pleased with their books and posed for a picture to send to grandad which is on my phone and I will try to post later on here. Joe and Sadie got up at 7am which I am surprised about but then Joe was on his last night of his play so went to bed late but Ben got up at 3am and hasn't been back to bed so he will be a little misery later today, he is not good when he is tired!! I am just going to get the table ready and then wait for husband to call to be collected. We will be eating around 3pm and we have a turkey crown so it won't take ages to cook. Everything else is already done and chuck in the oven hobbies except the sprouts but I don't even have to peel them YIPPEE.

                            Feeling a bit sad as it would have been my dad's birthday today, said happy birthday and had a little cry first thing and lit his candle, went to the car to go to the GC and a) realised I had left the candle alight and b) that I had different coloured shoes on - same design just one navy and one deep red!!! Got to go now or will get behind. Have a lovely day everyone.
                            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                              happy christmas to all my wonderful granny friends. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
                              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                              (Doe Zantamata.)


                                Merry Christmas one and all, off to meet the family for lunch spoke to the girls this morning. Heard all about the contents of their stockingd and their santa present hunt around the house. They were about to move on to under the tree presents from Santa. OH and I will open each others gifts later.
                                "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."

