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    The rain we had this morning stopped just before lunch, but everywhere was wet of course, so I didn't get out into the garden. I helped OH to sort out his paperwork, a whole filing cabinet of it. I can understand him not being keen to put everything online, but paper does seem to accumulate very quickly!

    Hopefully his room won't need a second coat of paint, but you can't tell while it's drying, can you. My ironing still awaits me.

    Gem, at least your appointment is morning. How nice to run into friends like that.

    WeeGranny, how did your grass cutting go? Ours is growing so quickly at the moment, it's almost a full-time job.

    Nanto, thanks for the advice on thickening gravy with the lid off the slow cooker. That might be one of the places I've been going wrong.

    I hope everyone has had a good day. Night, night.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Good morning everyone, it is very warm here, I walked to the shops yesterday and it was 21 degrees, the same all this week they forecast then rain at the weekend.

      DS1 came yesterday, he often calls in for coffee when out for a bike ride. He works in the oil industry and he was explaining to me all that is going on in the oil world and that it makes his work very difficult. Not only for him.

      Oma, you will be all proud of your

      I got some material out of my cupboard yesterday to make a pair of trousers, it will keep me occupied, I have found a pattern but need pattern paper when I go to the village, I am quite enjoying my walking to the shops, I meet people and actually have a chat with them! I usually just cycle past them and wave!


        Morning Lizzie
        A dull start here but it was a nice day yesterday .

        No side effects from theCovid Jab ,no sore arm etc
        Having Flu jab at tea time that usually makes my arm ache though .

        Hope the dentist can pack the dry socket , I’m still waiting on the appointment but packing is still holding up so no pain.

        How is everyone this morning , I hope everyone is ok xx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good morning.I'm late checking in,but i've been getting stuff in the slow cooker.
          Making chicken casserole,which will be portioned up for freezing.

          Beautiful morning,the sun is shining.

          Lizzie,if its so nice isn't it,when you stop and chat with people.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning ladies.

            Nan2, I love chicken casserole. I must make one this week.

            Oma, good news about no side effects. Our birthday friend had hers just before we came away and was 'coldy' all weekend.

            Lizzie, that is one advantage of walking over cycling isn't it? Getting to chat to people!

            I will write about our weekend away later.
            I was booked into aquafit this morning but cancelled my place over the weekend. I could possibly do that and get to the dentist in time, but I didn't feel ready for exercise yet!
            My dentist is in town, I think I will get the bus in and out. Just taking it easy the rest of the day. Some gentle unpacking (maybe!) and TV catching up.

            I hope everyone is well today and we all have a good week
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Gemini, I hope all goes well at the dentist.

              Oma, I have had both my jabs and no reaction from either. I hope you don’t have any reaction from the flu jab today. I don’t think the flu vaccine is a live vaccine so you shouldn’t have more than a sore arm.

              Daisy, I see your post was very late, you must be very tired from all the sorting out.

              Nanto, you have started me off thinking about making a chicken casserole now the weather is a bit cooler.

              Lizzie, I do admire your sewing achievements. I am presuming that you are going to make your own pattern for your trousers.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                A quick Good Monday Morning from me.

                I'll catch up a bit later, but I'm going to a neighbour's for coffee and already running late. (Story of my life at the moment!)
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Plant, we get pattern books then just trace the pattern, the one for the body warmer I did draw myself as I knew what I wanted.

                  I have been to the shops and looking for veg I decided to buy sauerkraut, thinking of you Oma now!!!!


                    Back from the dentist. I have had the treatment and it feels a bit less painful now and hopefully will improve more. Nothing I need to do today so I am resting on the bed, feeling sorry for myself!

                    Lizzie, you must save so much money with your sewing! I was looking at some body warmers when we were away over the weekend, and they are not cheap!
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Well Gem, the material cost me €16, then if I add all the hours up it would be expensive, but, nothing else to do and I do enjoy sewing so it cost me €16!


                        rest up sleep if you can even for a hour till you feel a little better xx

                        Its the satisfaction of making your own isn’t it 😁
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Lizzie,thats not a bad costing for the body warmer.

                          It's been a stressful morning for me.
                          Hubby has been up the ladders,doing a bit of repair work.
                          I hate him being up on there,it's stresses me and i ended up with headache.
                          I'm ok now he has finished,but he's 74 years old for gods sake.

                          Chicken casserole is done and portioned up. Just waiting for it to finish going cold then i can i can freeze it.
                          Some of the casserole has been made into 2 pies,hubby loves a pie.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Nanto, I can understand how you feel about DH going up a ladder, BIL lost his best friend last year, he had been a decorator all his life, up and down ladders daily, he fell off this time, landed on his head and poor man died, that really upset my BIL, first his wife then his best friend.


                              I went to the village hall this afternoon to let my bowling friends know I will not be back to bowling, my neck and shoulders are too painful, very sad really I will miss my friends. I then went to feed the ducks to cheer myself up, they were very hungry. The cafe opposite was open so I went over for a cup of tea and who should I bump into but Wee Granny, she had just finished listening to readers at the village school on the green. We enjoyed a cuppa and a long chat.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Plant, how nice that you and WG met up
                                Could you still meet up with your bowling friends? My auntie used to bowl and when they got older they met up regularly for meals instead.

                                Nan2, I can certainly understand how you felt about hubby up that ladder x

                                I watched TV on the bed and dozed on and off
                                A relaxing day!

                                OH's turn to cook so nothing at all to do
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

