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    Morning Nanto
    Its a nice bright morning but cold .
    We have our COVID jabs at 10 then meet with our friends for Brunch at the coast ,
    it will be cold down there so will wrap up for the short walk from the car to the Cafe .

    Hope everyone has a nice Sunday

    safe journey home how’s the mouth ?

    Nicewhen you get unexpected company and have a nice long natter 😁

    A busy morning for you all that cooking .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Morning all, very dull here, not sure what the forecast is. GGD H is here next door again today, she was so entertaining yesterday, she jabbers away, I am sure she knows what she is saying, we have to guess. I have bought the two GGD’s a new dolls pushchair, it is very popular, so far they haven’t been here together, I see a disagreement looming but . H always gives into her cousin who is a year older. I should do some ironing today, I am running out of trousers.

      Oma, have a nice lunch with your friends at the coast, wrap up warm.

      Nanto, lots of cooking for you today, how do you thicken the gravy in the slow cooker? I shall start using mine again now the chilly weather is back.

      Gemini, I hope the site of the tooth extraction is healing okay.

      I have to get a Covid passport before we go to Normandy in three weeks apparently. Sil and DD have decided to go the day before the sailing as it is so early, we are going to stay in Poole overnight.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good morning everyone. It's very wet here - the sort of rain that looks as though it will last all day. Good for the garden and filling the reservoirs but not encouraging me to take Eva for a long walk!

        Nanto, those chicken meals sound delicious. It's Sunday, you could give yourself a day off from the washing.

        Oma, enjoy your brunch at the coast. The sea air certainly helps whip up the appetite! I hope you are both ok after your Covid jabs.

        Plant, I hope our rain isn't coming your way. It's quite heavy, and we've got lights on it's so dark. I was thinking I'll start using the slow cooker again. I didn't realise you still needed Covid passports to travel.

        Gem, enjoy your last day of your break. I do hope you are ok and not in pain from the tooth coming out. Safe journey home. I look forward to hearing all about your week-end.

        More decorating and sorting out for us today. I'd better get started.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Plant, I didn't know you needed a covid passport, I certainly didn't have one to get into the UK. I know the neighbours under me are going to Indonesia, the lady was telling me that they are very strict there.


            Good morning ladies.

            Yes, we needed a covid passport for Majorca Plant. Very easy to download if you have the NHS app.

            We leave here this morning having had a very nice time ( despite dry socket 😐)
            I will catch up with you all later.
            Happy Sunday everyone.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Plant, I'm sure you are aware, but there are 2 different types of Covid passport. You will need the one for travel, not the domestic one
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Morning all.

                It's a nice sunny day here so far . We've been busy outside but we did find time for sit on the garden bench drinking coffee whilst putting the world to rights. We needed to wear a fleece but it's nice to be outside, there is plenty of time being shut in when winter arrives.
                We are having lamb shanks with all the trimmings for lunch.

                Plant can I send you my ironing, its a shame to get my iron and ironing board out if you are busy with your ironing, a little extra won't hurt will it 😂

                Oma it's lovely along the coast when the weather is a little chilly . Wrapped up appropriately it can blow away the cobwebs.

                Oh Daisy I used to do lots of decorating but arthritic hands won't hold the paintbrush for long now but I don't miss it one it , I hated decorating

                Have a good day everyone
                Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                  Afternoon ladies
                  We had a lovely few hours with our friends , sharing GS1 we had lots to talk about and how proud we all are of him,
                  His ears must be burning all the talking we did about him 😁

                  Enjoyed brunch , we went to theNational glass centre always lovely in there and full view of the sea
                  Bit tired now so may have a Nana nap 😁
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Lovely sunny day here. Quite warm when sitting in the sun.

                    Plant, to thicken gravy in the sloww cooker,
                    20/30 minutes before you want serve up,
                    add some gravy granules or mix some cornflour with a bit of water,
                    stir it in and leave the lid off.
                    It won't thicken if you put the lid on. When i add the granules i put the slow cooker on the hottest setting.

                    I made 3 chicken,leek and mushroom pies. The chicken casserole will be made tomorrow.

                    Mimi,i have alway hated decorating.
                    Our nephew does all ours now. He is a painter and decorator.

                    Oma, glad you had a nice meet up with friends.

                    Gem, welcome home.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Plant, you can get your Covid passport on the NHS site, quite easy to do. I think you'll need your NHS number, but I'm sure your DD and SiL will know what to do. I printed mine off, just in case, but nobody asked to check them when I got to Italy.

                      Quite a pleasant day here. Am about to go and attempt to cut the grass before it gets much higher!

                      DD has been open water swimming in a lake near here. She started off in her wet suit, but ended up swimming in just her cossie! Brave girl....or mad! She's bought herself a pass as she enjoyed it so much!

                      Had an email from my decorator who was due to start this month. He's been held up on his present job, which means his other work has had to be put back. He's given me a start date of 21st November !! At least it's giving me time to change and make up my mind about the colours. It avoids a clash with the bedroom fitters, so that's one positive to come out of it!

                      Must go and get on, the grass won't cut itself. Enjoy the rest of the day ladies x
                      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                      Theodore Roosevelt.


                        WG we had to show our Covid passes to get into Majorca. We print them off as it's easier than faffing about with the phones!

                        We are home now. We stopped at a local farm shop cafe for lunch and met 2 friends we hadn't seen for years! Lovely surprise for us all, we had a long catch up
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          I have downloaded my covid pass into my wallet, DD said they barely looked at theirs when they went to Normandy earlier in the year. I suppose printing it is a good idea Gemini, I get into a panic when I have to find things in a hurry on my phone.

                          WG, your DD was very brave swimming in the lake, I bet it was cold.

                          Gemini, you have had a lovely time meeting up with more friends at the farm shop. Did you mean you have a dry socket again?

                          Daisy, we didn’t get your rain, in fact we have had a gorgeous sunny autumnal day.

                          Nanto, thanks for the advice about the slow cooker. Do you brown the chicken first and do you cook it on slow for most of the time.? I usually like to use boned thighs, it is time for casseroles again.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Oma, I expect your GS’s ears were burning but I think he already knows you are proud of him. Brunch at the coast sounds very enjoyable.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Originally posted by Plantaholic View Post

                              Gemini, you have had a lovely time meeting up with more friends at the farm shop. Did you mean you have a dry socket again?
                              Yes Plant Roll on 10.45 tomorrow when I have my appointment.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Plant, i don't brown any meat before i put it in the slow cooker.
                                Today i kept the slow cooker om high.

                                Been sunny here again,but the heating is on now.

                                WG, i think your DD ust be very brave going swimming in the lake.

                                I'm glad i did the washing this morning,it dried lovely.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

