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    Hello Enfys 😊 Fingers crossed for good results from your knee injections tomorrow.

    How clever of your GD Lizzie, that's lovely.

    Daisy it's annoying when things fall on the same day like that.

    I did my Aquafit class and coffee with my friends in the cafe there. Just a relaxing afternoon at home then, not doing much.
    Talk to you all tomorrow 🌛
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning everyone, the frost seems to have gone, I am going to the gym later as I am trying another class.

      Ladies, GD2 has a few of those houses to construct, she loves doing it.

      I enjoyed seeing DS2 and his friend in Delft, they have been friends almost 40 years, the friend now lives in Germany, he was showing me photo's of the house that he has rebuilt, very nice, he is very handy, DS2 has learned a lot from him over the years.

      Enfys, I hope the knee injection helps.

      I woke with a sore eye but it has improved with the drops.

      I went to a workshop last night, it was about "cooking for less", it is promoted by the council, it was much more interesting than I expected it to be, a nice group of ladies, one half made the bean curry and the other (healthy) muffins. I must say it was very tasty, we all had the meal and even got some to bring home. Plenty of information about what we buy, eat etc.


        Good COLD morning everyone.

        Still frosty here Lizzie. I think we are due less cold weather in a few days.
        I hope the eye soreness goes.

        Any improvement to your back Oma?

        My day for visit my mum. I will go after lunch. I will probably be taking her Christmas tree down today and packing it all away. To stand in its place, on the little table next to the chair she mostly sits in I have bought the below. I saw it in the Range last week and decided she will love it, it will brighten up the dark days and evenings. It is mains so no batteries to run out.

        Have a good day ladies.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Good Morning on a cold and frosty Thursday morning,I have been up since 6.30am woken by Oliver wanting to go out and do his business he is very vocal when he wants to go out so no sleep in for me.

          Finally I have some news about getting to see a Specialist about the problem with my back I go for the first blood tests prior to seeing the muscular team at the Hospital who will arrange for MRI scan so things are moving in the right direction at long last.

          My poor DD is still hobbling about on her work visits with a fractured big toe she is so work conscious, some times she can car share but some visits are single manned and she has to walk between clients I think maybe this has made her more determined to learn how to drive again
          it would stop me worrying about her being on bedtime visits at 10pm-ish then making her way home.

          Whilst being home these past couple of weeks I have been browsing E-bay for baby boy bundles for my DGSs baby boy due in a few weeks I was surprised how many brand new bundles of items where for sale I bought a bundle of 6 x JLewis baby grows and little hats for £6.30 all for 0-3mths which will really help them,DD has also been out buying for this little baby which will be her 3rd DGC she is so excited and can't go past a baby shop.

          Enjoy the rest of the day and keep warm take care walking its very frosty out there xx

          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


            Glamma, the baby bundle sounds amazing value! A new baby on the way, how lovely
            Your poor DD, I bet that toe is so painful.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Another cold one,but at least its dry.

              Gem, the light up tree looks lovely. I bet your mum will love it. Hope you have a lovely visit.

              Glamma,you can get some good bargains on e-bay. Even with brand new stuff.

              Dinner is bacon,beans,mashed potatoes and mushrooms.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Morning ladies

                Good luck today with your knee injection fingers crossed it works as good as Gems ,
                It has always worked great for me but everyone is different hopefully your a lucky one 😁

                the work shop sound great and a bonus you get to bring some home 😁
                how does your eye feel now ?

                Good news that things are moving on with your back it’s taking a while hasn’t it ,
                My DD needs Bladder tests they said it’s a 18 month waiting list 😱

                You can get some amazing bargains on eBay some things especially baby stuff have never been used ,
                People buy so much for new babies and by time they get to use them the baby has grown out of them .

                That is so pretty I’m sure your mum would love it and what a good price .
                hope she’s well when you visit today xx

                My back still sore but so much better, just trying to put my knickers and trousers on has been fun not able to bend ,
                Its been like a circus act 🤣🤣

                Its our day for MIL but for the first time since we got it 6 years ago the car has broken down ,
                It started then cut out .
                We waiting for RAC but they said could be 3 hours or more so we just have too wait .
                Rang MIL to tell her we would be late she moaned as she’s running out of milk , said she would have to ring his other sister who lives near to go get some , She asked why can’t I get a bus over .
                if I got a bus over from ours it’s three busses and well over a hour to get there I’m not doing it .
                She will just have to wait there’s nothing we can do .
                We tell her all the time to make sure she has plenty stuff in just incase things like this happen .

                His sister was there yesterday she could have told her then she needed milk .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Has anyone heard from Clover .
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Now come on Oma, of course you can get three buses with your bad back! Words fail me really. You shop for her regularly anyway, and she should keep some milk in the freezer to avoid running out.

                    I had a nice reply to Clovers birthday card a couple of weeks ago but haven't heard anything since.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Oma, how unreasonable of you not to get buses
                      to visit your MIL. Pleased to hear your bad back isn’t as painful. I hope you get your car fixed asap, is it an electric car?

                      Gemini, I hope you will find your mum well, I am sure she will enjoy her lamp to replace her Christmas tree.

                      Glamm, good news that you have finally heard about seeing someone about your back. Loosing your J the way it happened was a terrible shock for you and the family

                      We have a very bright and frosty morning, no plans to go anywhere today. I had a bad night, my shoulders were very painful and an animal, I presume, was in the garden causing the outside light to keep coming on and off and it was lighting up my bedroom. I shall probably need a nap later.

                      Lizzie, just seen that little house, it is beautiful, such a clever girl. I hope your eye is better.

                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Good Thursday morning from winter wonderland (otherwise known as the New Forest!) Yet another very cold night and although it's sunny it's not making things any warmer.

                        Plant, definitely a day for you to stay warm and have that nap if you feel like it. It's usually foxes that switch our outside lights on, and they also activate the Ring doorbell at the front! Do you have a warming pad to ease your shoulders?

                        Gem, I've been wondering how Clover is as well. I hope her treatment is going well and not making her feel poorly. If you're reading this Clover, lots of love. We look forward to hearing from you when you're up to it. xxx

                        I can't see the picture, Gem. Our connection is too slow and it won't refresh. It sounds a nice cheery present to lift these winter days.

                        Glamm, what amazing bargains those baby bundles are. I bet there are lots of tiny baby clothes that don't get worn by the babies they were intended for. When DIL1's first born weighed in at 10lbs 3oz she gave all the tiny clothes to the prem baby unit. In fact it was very hot that summer and he mostly wore just a nappy and a vest for the first couple of months.

                        You've had to wait a long time for some help with your back. I hope things move quickly now and they have some treatment to help. Do you go to a local hospital?

                        It sounds as though Oliver is staying close to home with this cold weather. He's such a character, isn't he.

                        Your poor DD - her broken toe must be so painful and if she has to walk or wait around for uses it must be worse. No wonder you worry about her if she's working in the evenings . Did she give up driving or never learned?

                        Enfys I hope the knee injections help. Do you have to rest/take it easy for 24 hours afterwards like Gem? I hope there are no icy pavements around. Have your various groups got back to normal now - so many groups seem to have collapsed during lockdown and haven't restarted.

                        Lizzie, that little house is sweet. No wonder your GD likes them. How was your new class?

                        Oma, so glad to hear your back is feeling a bit better, although I can imagine the pantomime to get dressed! Your MIL is incredible! It's not rocket science to keep a pint of milk in the freezer or to look ahead and get some before you run out. It's not as though there's someone else in the house who blithely uses the last drop and doesn't say. I hope it's nothing serious with the car - I bet the rescue services get lots of calls in this cold weather with dead batteries etc.

                        Nanto, aren't the people who create these graphics clever! That's clearly cold, but still pretty and the pink feels warm. Enjoy your dinner - it sounds warm and satisfying for this weather.

                        We had someone coming to clean out our gutters this morning. They arrived but couldn't do them as the debris in them was frozen solid. I made them a cup of coffee which they were very grateful for, but they'll come back and do the job when it's a bit warmer. OH had to get his car in for servicing/MOT first thing, and then go on to a meeting in the village. He's hoping it will be ready by the time the meeting's over, if not I'll go and pick him up .

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning, very frosty again here but the sun is out now. Visit to doctors went well, taking it easy today but after that I can go back to normal. Doctor is very keen on staying mobile so I’m hoping I can get back to my daily walks which will help with my general fitness. He was very positive that I would see an improvement so 🤞.

                          Daisy, yes my groups are all meeting again. The only restriction we have is our Family History meeting as the library has given us a slightly smaller room so our numbers are limited. We have to book a place and when the number is reached that’s it. But a few have dropped out anyway so it doesn’t make much difference.

                          I hope Clover is ok, but I know what it’s like when you don’t feel up to posting. Sending her best wishes.

                          I’ve heard today that a friend has fallen and fractured her shoulder. She was coming to me for coffee but has cancelled. I don’t know the details but it sounds painful, she has just given up driving too so must be feeling very down. I was going to go and pick her up but she just doesn’t feel up to it. Luckily her daughter is local and has moved in to look after her, she is 92.

                          the sunshine is lovely and I’ve noticed bulbs pushing through in the garden, spring is on her way 💐

                          "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                            Gem, I like the lamp for your mum.xx

                            Oma, what a carry on with your MIL, as if you are going to spend all morning on the busses for her milk!!!

                            My eye is improving, I don't know what it was, I could have rubbed it during the night, I have no idea.

                            Daisy, I loved the lesson! It was one of the ladies from synergy that told me it was my type of lesson, she was there this morning as well. It is called "moving better", dancing etc etc, when they all got on the floor I got a chair and did the exercises, I can't get up from the floor with my knee, foot and shoulder not working!! The young lady that was doing the lesson has the same, we were comparing our movements after the lesson, she started with her shoulders when she was only 41 years old.


                              Afternoon all
                              Well RAC came out and it was the battery
                              With the cold weather and we haven’t been out for a few days it had run down ,
                              First time it’s happened in 6 years but he said it may be ready to change it , Hopefully our new car comes before then .

                              MIL was a bit put out and wasn’t happy as she only wanted a tiny pint of milk but Sainsburys only had the small 2 pint bottles and only skimmed milk no full fat in smaller than 4 pints , I know she can’t hold the. Big bottles so she had to have the skimmed ,
                              She only uses it in tea doesn’t eat cereal or make custard so it will do till she gets her shopping .

                              B put her bin out made her bed and put some stuff in the shed for her ,
                              We took her a beef dinner with all the trimmings ,
                              A Sausage casserole,
                              Chicken in chipotle sauce, new potatoes and peas
                              2 Apple charlottes and a chocolate cake ,
                              That will keep her going a few days .

                              B told her off about the Bus idea she pulled a face but didn’t say much .

                              He told her to put milk in the freezer for emergency’s , she won’t we know that .

                              Called in Aldi on way back took ages to get around as I was so slow but managed without too much pain ,
                              The wind is bitter and we now have snow falling .
                              Its a day for doing nothing if you can 😁
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Oma, I was often called out to mum needing paracetamol just after doing her shopping. As I worried she had a headache or something I daren't not go. It was so annoying. In the end I hid over time a few boxes of paracetamol in places I knew she wouldn't look! Then when she phoned I would say 'Look on top of the unit in the dining room' etc. Sometimes we have to be sneaky. You or B could put a pint bottle or two of milk into the freezer when she's not looking maybe?

                                Enfys, yes they say rest the knee for 24 hours or so, then more or less carry on as normal. Unless your normal is hill climbing or something

                                I hope the MOT goes OK Daisy.

                                This afternoon I took mum's Christmas tree down and got all put away. She liked the new tree/lamp very much. She asked several times if she was coming home with me. I always say Not this time mum as we have a few things to do to make the house suitable. I also say she is there to get her strength back and needs to stay a bit longer. She was very tired when I left her.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

