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    Good morning ladies.

    Beautiful parrots Nan2.

    That throw is lovely Lizzie.

    Storm will be happy to see you Oma

    Plant I hope the appointment, and driving, go well.

    I managed to get the last place at today's aqua class when I got back from my holiday. However I didn't go this morning as I just didn't feel up to it. I think I am still on US time, 5 hours behind, so mornings are slow. I would have had to leave home by 9.20. I packed my bag last night and set my alarm for this morning. I woke with a bad headache and am still coughing a bit, so I stayed at home.
    I have done some washing, emptied the dishwasher and hoovered the living room, need a rest now!

    I hope everyone has a good day.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      It's just a little bit too late for me to say "good morning" today!

      Gem - jet lag seems a bit like Covid in that it can catch up with you when you think it's all over, so you were sensible to pass on Aqua today, especially if you still have a bit of a cough.

      Lizzie - what gorgeous rich colours. Lovely. I hope the whole country has enjoyed the King's birthday, but a pity it's been chilly.

      Oma - did you enjoy your day with Storm? I'm sure you won't be surprised to know we are still chasing dust from having the stairs/banisters changed! I'm not sure where the time goes. I'm sure your windows sills upstairs will be ok until.

      Plant - how did you get on at the hospital? I hope the journey wasn't too stressful.

      Nanto - I love your colourful parrots. They're such intelligent birds and very interesting.

      WeeGranny - moving day tomorrow? I hope it all goes well. xx

      I went for a long overdue hearing test this morning. The audiologist was very thorough and has put the new prescription in my current bionic ears. What a difference! But I have to go back and see someone more senior in a couple of weeks as there was a test she couldn't perform. It was bitterly cold this morning, and I was so glad I'd put a warm jacket on. While I was in town I went rash and bought some trainer socks from Mountain Warehouse. I do live well, don't I!! Back home, I had a cuppa and took Eva for a walk - still freezing cold - had lunch and then went to dog training. Tomorrow I'll have to catch up with some basic jobs at home - two full days out of the house and everything seems to fall apart.

      OH has been busy tidying sheds - his workshop, our (my) little potting shed and the summerhouse. The bookcase is finally back in the hall and I can put the books back on tomorrow. I bought tomato plants from the garden centre yesterday and they are in the summerhouse for now. It's so cold I covered them with fleece tonight.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Overcast here. According to forecast i don't think we will have any sun today.

        Daisy, new trainer socks,you certainly know how to live.
        It was cold here yesterday as well.
        Glad your hearing is better.

        Hope Plants appointment went well,after DS driving like he is at Brands Hatch.

        Lizzie,i love the colours of the throw.

        Hope all goes smoothly with the house move today for Wee Granny.

        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Morning Nanto
          lovely graphic as usual

          It’s rather dull again but forecast sun later today .

          We off to MILs this morning put her bin out and take her food ,

          Lamb roast with trimmings , cottage pie and two puds to go with it .

          I was in bed at 9 last night ,
          Yesterday afternoon I hosed down the paths and hoovered the garden , not perfect they will need doing properly again but it drained me ,
          I couldn’t keep my eyes open , slept right through till 5am but still feel tired
          I just kept my eyes open enough to watch Sewing bee .

          Hope the move goes smoothly for WG xx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Good morning, not as chilly as it has been, I have taken my car to the garage for the MOT, I got a bike to come home on. It wasn't too cold cycling.

            Daisy, pleased the visit to the audiologist went well, I will be pleased when my ears get the help they need.

            I have decided the throw is knitted on huge needles and not crocheted, I will call in the shop one day and ask. Not that it is important.

            I will get some sewing done, got a denim skirt sewn together yesterday.

            Sorry, Nanto, the colours of the throw are lovely, there is so much wool in it so I got a bargain.

            Oma, I have just read your post. Don't do too much too soon, I feel I have to take it easy, now and again that is.

            Last edited by Lizzie48; 28-04-2022, 06:47 AM.


              Good morning everyone. It's dull and chilly here as well. Not the sort of weather to entice me into the garden, but I've got to do some planting sometime today or tomorrow.

              Oma - this is how I was and Plant, too, I think. You've just got to go with the flow and it washes over you quite suddenly. Have an easy day today. I hope your MIL is in a happy mood. xx

              Lizzie - it makes such a difference being able to hear clearly. My hearing's not that bad, but I was finding it quite hard in groups of people or if there was a lot of noise around me. I'm glad you're taking it easy when you need to - you're such a busy lady.

              Nanto - I love the Lilies of the Valley. They're one of my favourite flowers, and I wore Muget de Bois perfume for years, still do sometimes. Sadly I can't grow them in our garden - the conditions are all wrong. I'm ridiculously pleased with my new socks. I like them if I wear trainers with crop trousers, or even shorts if it's warm enough.

              Besides gardening today, I want to take Eva for a run in the paddock. She was a bit flighty in training yesterday and had the zoomies when we got home - a sure sign she's recovered from all the socialising she did at the week-end and needs to run off some energy!

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Good morning ladies.

                Nan2 I think the sun has disappeared for good!

                Oma, you still need to take it easy I think.

                Daisy I'm glad your new ears are an improvement My OH has been waiting a very long time for an appointment. She was promised one 'in the new year' but is still being told she is on the list. Her hearing is definitely worse .

                Sending all positive vibes for WG's house move! DD3 is about to move too, next week possibly. I think both parties saw their properties at the same time, and both have been remarkably quick!

                OH and I are going to the village this morning for some cards. I am going to see my mum this afternoon, armed with chocolates and cream cakes. I know DD3 took flowers at the weekend so I won't take any this time.

                Have a good day everyone.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gem - I'm sorry your OH has to wait such a long time for an audiology appointment. I was overdue for a check-up at Specsavers, and only had to wait a couple of weeks for an appointment. It was just for a quick adjustment which helped and then yesterday I had a full hearing test and the audiologist re-programmed the hearing aids. But there was one test she couldn't do (not sure why) but she's booked me in for that at the beginning of May. I may also change to a different type because the behind the ears ones I have keep falling out and get tangled in my hair.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    I have quite a few errands this morning and hoping to play outside bowls this afternoon, weather permitting. I didn’t wake up until 9.30, Sil had been in twice to get my keys to move my car as neighbours were having some trees lopped. journey to hospital not too bad, steam was coming out iof DS’s head when for at least half of the journey we had to follow a tractor along with about 20 other cars. We eventually found the right room for my appt. The surgeon was pleased with the healing and wrote down the diagnoses for me. It was a sequanious cell carcinoma but was removed with clear margins. I have to have a check up every 3-4 months for two years as it is possible to pass to the glands, she felt under my armpits.

                    Oma, the after effects of Covid are still causing you to feel tired, mine seemed to pass almost overnight just go with the flow. I bet your Mil enjoys her meals you take her.

                    Daisy, the socks sound a very good purchase when they are giving you so much pleasure. Eva will enjoy her time in the paddock to let of steam. What sort of hearing aid do you have?

                    Lizzie, Busy Lizzie we shall have to call you. I used to have a denim skirt years ago but need something with a bit more give in it now.

                    Nanto, love the graphic, I do not have any Lilly of the Valley in the garden.

                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Good Morning everyone,I,ve been missing for a few days but I have browsed through and caught up slowly on what has been happening.

                      Nanto I know what you mean about tops on bottles this week I had to get DD to open the container for my washing tablets the lid would just not click open for me.

                      WeeG Heres hoping the move is going well take everything slowly sweetie its a big job getting things in the right room isn't it if you are anything like me you will loose something and find it weeks later I still have some boxes in the shed/loft not unpacked from last time we moved.

                      This week I have been over to Liverpool and met DD she had a half day at work so we went to buy my GGS his gifts for his 4th birthday on Monday 2nd May,we went to the Entertainer in St Johns prescient and found what we wanted,I bought an outdoor golf set for him and more playdoh and a Micky Mouse watch I also got a little Barbie type doll for GGD so she doesn't feel left out of the celebrations.
                      We then went to a Spanish tapa's bar and shared 3 x plates it was on their special lunch menu and just filled that gap.After walking around Liverpool for a few hours I spent yesterday on the sofa as my back was in agony I ended up going back to bed at 11.30am and slept until 2.45pm.

                      Oma I just love the new spec's they really suit you I go for another eye test on 7th May and on 16th go back to the eye clinic for a review to check the wet eye problem that I have hopefully I will not need any more injections to the eye.

                      Take care everyone off to brunch with my DS1 and DGD so will catch up later x

                      xxglamma xx
                      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                        Plant, that does sound a positive outcome for the operation. I think checks every 3 to 4 months initially is standard and a good idea.

                        Glamma, there is always a lot to catch up on when we are AWOL for few days I do sympathise with the back ache after walking xx

                        Daisy, are your hearing aids private with Specsavers? OH has NHS ones and the appointments are at the hospital. After a long wait she did see someone at the audiology department last year. They tested and said her aids probably needed retuning, and to wait for an appointment. And so she waits.........

                        OH had been to the card shop as she needs a birthday card to take to golf. I wasn't ready, so my shopping will be done tomorrow morning, so I can relax here a bit more until the washing is ready to hang out
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Plant that sounds good at least they got a clear margin , but checkups are important just in case x

                          Gem it must be frustrating for S waiting so long has she asked to be put on the cancellation list ?
                          might be worth ringing and enquiring.

                          Glamm it takes ages to catch up on threads doesn’t it ,
                          Take it easy with your back you don’t want to be starting it off again .

                          Daisy B complains about his hearing aids getting caught in his mask ,
                          After almost losing them a couple of times he now waits till he is in the car before taking his mask off ,
                          If then he pulls one out we know it’s only lost in the car .

                          Lizzie hope the car passes will it be ready today ? Ours took a couple of hours but they washed and hoovered it before we got it back 😁
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            I have just been for my car, it has passed the MOT, I don't use it very often, but, I would miss it if I didn't have it, if that makes sense. Some nice man put the bike carrier in the back of the car last week and the mechanics have fitted it on for me, I have a garage so leave it on all the summer then hope to go to places and take the bike with me.


                              Just a quick reply as I need to start cooking dinner.

                              My hearing aids are standard NHS ones. The current model of them is slightly smaller, but otherwise much the same. I went to Specsavers via a brief appointment at the surgery. I think I could have done this over the phone - tbh, I can't remember. The nurse checked there was no wax - but this was all pre-Covid, so it may not be the same - you might be able to go straight to the provider (Specsavers for me). I've been able to collect new batteries from Speccies right through the lockdowns (they're free with NHS aids).

                              I had a very short appointment for the audiologist to 're-tune' them a couple of weeks ago. She just put a transponder round my neck and adjusted them to make them 'work' better. Then this week I had a full audiology assessment in the little sound proof booth, using a headset, and pressing a button every time I heard a sound. I was in and out in about 45 minutes, but I know she's newly qualified so it might not take that long for someone else. They are working really well now and have made a huge difference.

                              I'm going back again though as I want to try a different type, which I can still get through Specsavers, but will have to buy.

                              Gem - I think S should be able to choose where she goes, so it might be possible to avoid the hospital, who I'm sure are inundated with patients.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Thanks for that information Daisy.
                                OH and I both use Boots opticians, who also do hearing tests, so maybe she could look into that .

                                Good news about the MOT Lizzie.

                                A nice visit with my mum today 😊
                                My new Kindle arrived whilst I was out. Pretty good service as I only posted the defective one back on Tuesday.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

