The hall will look nice Oma when it is all done, I think the staff take it in their stride, do their work and accept it all. When I am there my friend will say " see that lady, she comes from our village"! She says this about everyone there, I had my doubts and they were confirmed today, everyone comes from here according to her!
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The Daily Drop-in
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Nanto - did you sit in your Arbour for your cup of tea? It got a bit warmer as the day went on and we had lunch in the garden. We are really making the most of being able to use the patio.
Oma - what kind of radiator are you having? I've seen some amazing ones just lately - more like a piece of artwork than a radiator.
Lizxzie - your friend must have been looking out for you. I'm sure your visits are very important to her. I hope the other lady's OH turned up ok.
OH has been busy today making a trough to plant herbs into. Unfortunately the switch on his Triton bench broke, so he spent quite a while finding a replacement. He will hopefully finish the trough tomorrow and I can plant it up. After being very good and doing some housework I couldn't wait to get out into the garden. Apart from cutting the lawn I just pottered, and sat in the sun for a while, took Eva for a walk and by then it was time to start cooking!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Sun is shining but a bit nippy.
Going into town today.Its hubby's suggestion. I think he wants a day off from working in the garden.
If we stayed in,he wouldn't be able to sit and do nothing.
Daisy,we didn't sit in the arbour it was a bit cool. We sat in another spot in the garden with the sun on us.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Morning Nanto
A day out away from the garden will do you both good and you will be refreshed to start again ,
I think the arbour is really lovely a nice bit of shade too if it’s very hot day
I showed B it he said shame we didn’t have room for one and I agree .
Daisy it’s a flat Anthracite grey , we ordered it from Plumbing world so will take a few days to get here
I was toying with one of the old fashioned cast iron type but the hall is very small
The hall is tiled but we putting flooring in The Grey down to match that and carpet
B starting the undercoating today , to be honest I haven’t much to do so a lazy day
what is everyone up too ?
I hope WG is settling in to her new house .You do not have permission to view this gallery.
This gallery has 1 photos.Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Good Saturday morning everyone. The sun's shining, and hopefully it will warm up later.
Nanto - I had to smile. I think your OH would have quite a shock if you bought as many pairs of shoes as your shopaholic friend in the graphic!Enjoy your day out - it's good to have a break and a change of scenery.
Oma - that radiator is cool - or do I mean hot!! Seriously, it's stunning. Relax and enjoy your lazy day.
I hope Wee Granny is settling down ok as well, although I'm sure she's got lots to do still. x
OH is going to finish the herb trough today, so I can get it planted. I've got some plants I bought the other day to put out and I want to make a fern pot up for a shady corner. The washing's piling up so I'd better do a couple of loads - it's not a bad day for drying. I'd better get on.
Have a good day everyone.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Lovely and sunny here, not sure of the temperature as I haven’t been out yet. WG had a dry day for her move thank goodness. I am sure she had lots of help from her family. Daisy I have a herb trough but mine was bought, no clever carpenter here.
Oma, panelling looks good and that is a very stylish radiator.
Nanto, enjoy your day out. Love the arbour.
I expect I will see GD1 and baby H today, her mother and father are going to be out and her OH is working today.
I will pop back later, need to go and have a shower.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Good morning everyone.
Nan2 some people can only rest by being away from their home or garden cant they, or they find jobs to do!
I like the panelling Oma. Our bathroom radiator is that exact colour. Perfect for you, but not so much for us as it needs too much dusting. It shows all the baby powder
The sun is shining again! Sadly the forecast isn't good tomorrow, when my friend is having her 60th birthday garden party.
Today is GS2's 6th party, which we will go along to. You may remember he was 6 just before our holiday so his party was delayed. As a pandemic child he has only had parties at home with his family so this is the first he can have friends to . All his class, plus GS1 ,and GD has invited a friend of hers too. It will be good to see DD3 and bump again
It is at a farm with petting area not far from York so I'm sure a good day will be had by all.
Happy Saturday ladies. I hope WG's move went smoothly.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Oh Gem how lovely for him , he will be so excited take some pictures please 😁
Plant sun is out but it’s chilly , how is Baby H I bet she is into everything now she’s on her feet 😁
Daisy what herbs are you planning for your planter ?
My herb box got very overgrown some went a bit wild and leggy so we cleared it out and will start again
Just been in garden and pottered in the boarder , took some of the cyclamen out that were past there best
What a good long show they have put on , and some Viola that were looking sorry for themselves,
Still a few plants looking good so left them .
I feel I have done a days work so now having a sit down (again🙄)
I have put my jewellery in the sonic cleaner I will dry them off and Polish when it’s done ,
All the hand gel and hand wash makes the rings etc dull so I like to clean them every now and then .
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Hallo everyone, still cold here, I have been on the bike to my friend again, when I was there yesterday I noticed she no fruit, both her son and daughter are away, so, I got her some apples and called for the strawberries and took them, she was so pleased as she loves fruit, I had coffee with her then she went for lunch and I cycled home, I was in the only heavy shower of the day! It was dry here in the village, never mind, I will dry out.
Gem, the birthday party will be good, I hope it is warmer than it is here.
Oma, I like the radiator, so many styles nowadays.
Nanto, enjoy your day in the town.
It is the yearly motor run here in the village, there are more than 100 motors with sidecars and they take the mentally disabled for a day out, this is the first time in 3 years so they will enjoy it, I saw them leaving, DH used to accompany them, I have been myself a few times to organise lunch etc.
DS1 and family finally arrived in Gdansk at 9pm yesterday evening, I was getting worried, he always phones me to say they have arrived, they had more than 2 hour hold ups, one was a bad accident then road works, they have had a good nights sleep so are out and about today, I have just transferred the girls some money for earrings or whatever they fancy.
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Gem, hope GS2 is enjoying his party.
Oma, the radiator will look lvely.
The only thing i bought in town was a new mascara from Boots.
We had coffee and then a meal while we were out.
Made a change from working all the time. Shopped at the supermarket on the way home.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Nan, it would be a change for you both being out in the town.
I have had a look on Google about the noises I hear, it is probably an open eustachian tube, when I had the scan 2 years ago they told me that ear was damaged. I can't explain to people what I hear, noises, music, children, all sounds make my head buzz. I sometimes think I am speaking and nothing comes out. Strange but true.
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Gem - I do hope GS2 has had a wonderful birthday party. I bet he was excited to have friends there.
Nanto - I'm glad you enjoyed your day out, and a mascara was a lot easier on your credit card than all those shoes.
Lizzie - the noises you hear must be very disconcerting, especially thinking you are speaking but you're not. I do hope they can sort it out for you. Bad luck getting caught in the only shower of the day. I hope your family enjoy their holiday despite the long journey.
Plant - baby H is such a delight. I'm sure she's never short of family willing to look after her when her mum and dad are working! It's a lovely age.
Oma - I'm not sure what to put in the planter yet - I've got chives, rosemary and parsley already growing in the trough that's supposed to be for tomatoes, so it would make sense to move those over. I'd like to try French Tarragon, but it's tender. I used to grow it in a pot in the greenhouse. Our cyclamen are still in full flower, in a pot. They are gorgeous flowers aren't they. The look delicate but as tough as old boots and much prettier.
I've not got much to show for today - dusted and hoovered through downstairs this morning. This afternoon I had a nice long chat with one of my SILs, we hadn't spoken since before her birthday earlier this month, so it was good to catch up. Then I trimmed the edges of the lawn and started to sort out the grass path to the compost bins. It needs proper edges not just the straggly edges all over the place. The ground was too hard to dig a neat edge but it's due to rain tomorrow, so hopefully that will help.
It was warm enough to have lunch in the garden, and a cuppa this afternoon. Eva thought it was the perfect place for a siesta!
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This gallery has 1 photos."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)