Oma, I am pleased you enjoyed the lunch, my rug is jute. I have just polished the furniture, I love the smell of wax polish.
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The Daily Drop-in
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Nice to see you Glamma
Oma, that sounds a lovely chatty lunch.
Near miss there with your glasses and the airer Lizzie
Plant, Betty's stuff is expensive. Not much cake for the money!
I did a lot of cleaning this morning , did a wash and hung it on the line. I sorted out two rounds of quiz questions then had lunch. I decided that the Minutes can wait until tomorrow, and to watch a film instead. Half an hour later our cat sitter friend (who lives 40 miles away) phoned to say she was in the area. Five minutes later she arrived, so my film was put on hold while we had a cuppa and chat.
I did see the end of it eventually! OH had a lovely time on the golf course. My turn to cook, I will make shepherd's pie later.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Oma, pleased you enjoyed your meal out.
Ours was lovely. Good food and good company. There were 8 of us.
It was such a nice sunny day Oma, i wore my sandals.
Gem, busy day for you, but nice to have a cuppa and chat with your friend.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Good Morning All,a very early morning for me to-day wide awake at 5.45 and could not get back to sleep so decided a cuppa would go down well with a slice or two of toast & marmalade.
Washing machine on doing my whites so they will be out line drying soon as the weather is quite mild here at the moment lets hope any rain keeps away for the morning until everything is dry.
I have sorted some clothes & bedding for the Ukraine appeal at our local charity shop they are hoping to have a van leaving at the week-end,they are going to pick up from me this afternoon which is very helpful saves me having to drive down with them as my back is still uncomfortable.
Enjoy the day and take care everyone x glamma x
Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Good morning dear ladies, the start of a new week
I was awake early too Glamma. I read 3 or 4 chapters, had a shower and washed my hair, washed the pans from last night which we hadn't done, fed the cat and made tea and brought it up to bed by 8am. Not Oma's standards but for me a lot
I'm glad you enjoyed the meal Nan2.
Frosty here too Oma, I was glad to get back into bed with my hot cuppa!
Free day for me. OH has a massage this afternoon. I will type up the minutes today.
Have a good Monday everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good Monday morning, everyone.
I've read back over the last few days and I think it's great that so many of us are getting back to lovely social activities, whether it's the gym, aqua, planning holidays or spending time with family and friends.
We had a good day celebrating DIL's birthday, and the three dogs thought it was theirs as well - they all got on very well together.
It's still bitterly cold here and my bones are feeling chilly! Please would someone switch the sun on for us!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning, Daisy, very cold here early on but at least we have the sun. I have just been to the Synergy, oh dear, I have used muscles that I didn't know existed. Pleased you all had a good day yesterday, yes, it is nice to be getting back to "normal".
Glamm, there were so many duvets, sleeping bags etc handed in here in the village yesterday, the lady was telling me they have 40 volunteers here in the village, everything gets sorted before it is taken to the depot.
Gem, that is an early morning for you! My friends daughter was here at 8am for the mirror, she has handed the key in today so that will be one worry less for them.
Aqua this afternoon, then a rest!
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Been to shopping mall ,
Handed my epipens into Asda Pharmacy ,
Then made a appointment with their Opticians for eye test , can’t get one till April 5th they so busy ,
Boots was June before could get one there
We then went into Wilko for wipes and Dettol spray
By then my foot was throbbing I couldn’t walk any more , Sainsburys will wait another day .
Lizzie I have just been reading about our Polish Deli who I said before we’re collecting to take over ,
They can’t believe how generous people have been ,
Not only with goods but money too , They have at least a full lorry load and that’s only one shop for local people .
Shows there are a lot of lovely people in the world , more good than evil xx
Daisy are the dogs tired today tooDid DIL have a nice day xx
Glamm hope you get your washing dry , it’s cold but sunny now up here ,
Gem sometimes getting back under the duvet is the only way to get warm till the hous up 😁🫖🍽☕️Im not fat just 6ft too small
I went to the pool in the car, in case my legs wouldn't carry me! I took the neighbours, they were pleased as it is a cold wind, on the way we pass petrol stations, it is now £1,85 ltr here and getting more expensive each day. I still have a letter here in the drawer that my father wrote, telling me that petrol had gone up to £1 a gallon!
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I don’t think we had frost but it is lovely and sunny now. I have an appt. At the local hospital for an ECG this morning, then I will pop into GD1 on the way back. Sorry didn’t finish this post earlier. I went straight to GD1 after the hospital visit and have only just got back.
Oma, I can’t remember reading that you had a bad foot, I hope it heals soon.
Lizzie, your must be very fit, loss of 4 stone and all the exercise you do.
Daisy, three dogs all together wow. Missy must be having a lovely time with you.
We have been asked not to supply clothes for Ukraine, they are saying here that they don’t need them. Donations of money are what they are asking for.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Oh dear. I'm still trying to catch up on here. Every time I sit down to chat something happens - phone, doorbell, dogs wanting to go out, OH coming in to chat.
I did get a bit of gardening done this afternoon, but it was so cold!
Meeting up with a couple of friends for lunch tomorrow. Then we really do need to get the remaining fruit trees planted. They're sitting in a bucket of water at the moment. I hope things quieten down a bit towards the end of the week.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning everyone, Plant, I have lipoedema, 12 years ago I could hardly walk, a friend of mine was having help from the local Medical Training Centre, there you train on your fitness etc with help from the fysio's, I managed to get in and I was there for 8 years, twice a week, I loved it! When GD2 was here and I had to go I would take her and she would go in the nursery for the hour I was training, she was only talking about it the other day, how much she enjoyed going there and how nice the lady was, she was as well. After that I joined the gym and worked on the fitness. I have always been active though, I will cycle everywhere. Try this link if it works, it explains more.