Good Sunday morning. Bright and sunny here, but I think our internet connection is on a massive go slow. I'll pop back later. x
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The Daily Drop-in
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Morning ladies
Nanto I think the car boots have started up again here too , they are very popular aren’t they.
Daisy it must be so frustrating that internet connection .
We meeting our friends for coffee in local garden centre , DD and SIL are walking Storm down to meet us , GS will still be in bed
When we get back B will finish the glossing then apart from Radiator fixing tomorrow and flooring on Tuesday and pictures on the wall it will be finally finished .Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning ladies, and happy Sunday to you.
Nan2 there is a big Sunday morning car boot close to us, which we haven't been to for years. We plan to soon, but I need to check if they have started up again yet!
It will be nice to have the catch up with your friends Oma, and not too tiring for you.
Daisy, slow internet must drive you mad. I bought that vanilla nemesia, plus a 2 coloured one. I love nemesia, and when planted in the tubs by the front door we are greeted by a lovely scent.
Lizzie, the family meal out in the summer will be something to look forward to. Happy Mothers Day to you
The sun is shining here at the moment. OH has golf this afternoon, when they go out with new members to give them some practice. One of our friends is in the new group, but they are in Canada so she won't be there today.
Just pottering about planned for me today.
Have a good day everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Nanto, Your OH still keeps busy helping your in-laws settle in to their bungalow. I wonder what he will find at the car boot.
Oma, I am sure you have tried to sleep a bit upright to stop the nighttime coughing. What a lovely thoughtful GS you have, as the saying goes “you reap what you sow”.
Daisy, I didn’t buy geraniums in the end, I bought a deutzia and bedding plants and some for the pots in the courtyard. That gorgeous blue plant is in full flower, I shall never remember it’s name. I am going to do some planting today unless it gets too hot. I gather we are in for some hot weather, just in time for your newly planned garden. DD and Sil are due back quite late tonight, DD has to get up for work tomorrow. Not sure what the outcome of this trip will be.
GD1 just popped in, she had left her sunglasses here yesterday. they are off to Bath for the day, not something I would plan to do on a hot sunny day with a toddler. Her oh’s idea, not a country boy.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Weather wise it has been a lovely day.
Hubby enjoyed going to the car boot.Sadly he didn't get anything that was on his list.
He's been helping out the bungalow again,and going back tomorrow. Should get it finished tomorrow.
After dinner we went to the train station to pick up GD2 and partner.
They loved every minute of their trip to London.
We've had a couple of family members visiting this afternoon.
Been an afternoon of tea drinking and cake eating.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Been a glorious day here and the garden is a suntrap. Sat on one of my benches and nodded off! Luckily I'd put sun cream on and my hat, so I wasn't burnt. Very aware of the sun now after OH and his diagnosis of malignant melanoma. Had a bit of a wander round the village after getting my paper and found some more little footpaths. Quite exciting wondering where you're going to come out and if you'll recognise where you are!
DD came round this evening. Her OH and DS were at the football. Their local team was playing for a place in the finals at Wembley in a few weeks. Pleased to say they won! We had a nice meal and chat and we managed to get my TV working. The lounge is looking good now with only two boxes waiting to go in the shed and several paintings waiting to be unwrapped. I've got the painter coming to give me a quote for decorating some rooms. The lounge has dark walls which is a bit depressing, but some of the curtains I brought with me fit there nicely, so we'll go for lighter walls. The upstairs landing is a bright yellow which also needs to go and I'd quite like my bedroom done too. It's nice as it is, but I want to put my mark on the house.
Tomorrow I need to go to the post office and get some paperwork back to the solicitor about probate and I need to make some phone calls. Apart from that it'll be opening some more boxes!!
Hope everyone is OK. Take care xx
p.s. Plant, I won't forget about lunch!xBelieve you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Nanto - what a lovely day, even though your OH didn't find what he wanted at the car boot. What did GD2 and her partner like best in London? I'm glad they enjoyed it. Was it nice enough to sit out in the garden with your visitor this afternoon?
Plant - it's funny you not buying geraniums, because I did buy a tray of them. I like to see them but can't stand the smell, but I wanted to put them in a pot with a small camellia, as I thought the bright geraniums would look nice agains the dark green glossy leaves of the camellia. It is the low-growing blue plant - Lithodora? Sadly, mine didn't survive, but I'll try another one somewhere else in the garden. Did you get your planting done? I hope GD1's trip to Bath went better than you feared! Do you think your DD and SIL are looking to spend more time in France?
Gem - I bought a tray of bedding Nemesia - quite small plants, but I presume they will grow! The scent is heavenly, but the price of one in a larger pot was silly money. I hope you've had a good potter today.What a lovely day for OH, out on the golf course.
Oma - wow, B has got the panelling finished really quickly. I bet you can't wait to see everything back in place. We still haven't been carpet shopping, and next week we'll be like the weather man and woman - as one comes in the other will be going out!
Lizzie - I hope you've had a lovely Mother's Day, along with my friends in other countries where it's also been Mother's Day.
Yes, the slow internet does drive me mad at times. It's unpredictable as well. But we are getting Fibre to the Property, supposedly this summer. They have already started laying the cables and some of our estate has been connected. Unfortunately I think we will be one of the last, looking at where they've started and which way round they're working. I was talking to one of the workmen a few days ago, and he was saying how pleased people have been to see them, even when they're digging up the road, blocking people's drives and making a noise. I told him just how awful our internet is and that we'd been fighting for this for about 8 years, so no wonder people are pleased to see it happening at long last!
I don't feel I've got much to show for today. Having given up on the computer this morning, I did some washing and got 2 loads out on the line. I decided hoeing the weeds out was the first job, but the ground was so hard it was a struggle. But worth doing. Then I cut out some dead shoots on a hydrangea, weeded an area of ground cover plants where you don't see the weeds until they get too large to handle. My friend M came round this afternoon and we sat in the garden with a cup of tea (no cake, though!). I gave the back garden a good watering while OH did the front and then got dinner. Still lots to do though!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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WeeGranny - you posted while I was typing. Your new home sounds perfect for you, and when you've had the decorating done it really will feel like 'yours'. Sometimes when you move house the decoration is fine, but you kind of feel it's not "yours", don't you. I'm glad you didn't get lost, but it's the best way to find out about a new area, and I'm sure you will quickly have favourite routes to enjoy. Lucky about the curtains - new ones can be so expensive.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Beautiful morning.
Daisy,yes we were able to sit in the garden all afternoon.
GD2 and partner loved everything about London.
Hubby going to the bungalow to finish off the fencing and hang a gate.
I dare say they will find something else they need/want doing in the not too distant future.
WG,when your decorating is done, the house will feel like your home, although i know you are happy with it now.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Morning ladies
A quick one for me , I have the family descending soon , there Hot water is off so they all coming for showers before work and college ,
So my shower getting a bashing and there will be lots of towels to wash ,
No doubt the toaster and coffee pot will be busy too ,
Plumber coming to put Radiator on today and he will go look at their water heater so hopefully they will have hot water today sometime .
Will be back later .Im not fat just 6ft too small
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I was up very early today, well for me, sun was shining into my bedroom. I presumeDD and Sil arrived home safely, haven’t seen them yet. We had messages from them from Normandy that Sil had an accident (something to do with a harbour wall) and thought he had broken his wrist so DD was driving to get them back, he was going to UK hospital this morning. Bed changing for me today and bowls this afternoon unless any thing else crops up. DD and Sil just popped in, DD is taking Sil to Stoke Mandeville then going on to work, not sure how he will get back.
Oma, hope the family get their hot water fixed today. Did Storm come too?Last edited by Plantaholic; 09-05-2022, 07:27 AM.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Good morning everyone, and welcome to a new week!
WG you are doing well with settling in. I agree its good to put your own stamp on a new home, decorating it to your own taste.
Nice to be able to have cuppa in the garden Daisy, even with no cake! We ate our lunch in the garden yesterday.
Nan2, that sounded a lovely social day you had yesterday.
Busy morning there Oma!
I hope your SIL doesn't have a broken wrist Plant. Enjoy the bowls.
Lizzie I hope you enjoyed Mother's Day
Reflexology for me this morning. It's been a long time. As you know we were avoiding unnecessary contacts for a couple of weeks before our holiday, then I had to change my booked appointment last week as it clashed with a meeting. Anyway it is today
Two of our friends are coming round for a meal and catch up tonight. OH is cooking sweet and sour chicken. She makes a very good one! I may do a pudding but I haven't given it any thought yet.
I hope everyone is well and has a good day, and that anyone with worries can have them eased soon.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good Monday morning everyone. It's another beautiful, sunny day here, and hopefully where you are, as well.
Nanto - your OH is like mine - they can turn their hands to a lot of DIY jobs. Over the years I think they must have saved thousands of pounds by being able to fix things.
Oma - a busy morning for you. I hope there's nothing seriously wrong with their water heater.
Plant - oh dear, poor SIL having an accident - I can't imagine how a harbour wall was involved, but I hope SIL's arm isn't broken.
Our little cul de sac coffee group are getting together at my neighbour's this morning, which will be lovely. I'll be back later.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning, Gem - our posts crossed. Enjoy your reflexology, and have a lovely evening with your friends. Sweet and sour chicken sounds good. Strawberries and cream to follow?
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning, I had a lovely Mothers day, went to DS2 for lunch and we went to a restaurant, a surprise and very nice. DIL took some photo's, I am never keen on photo's and never smile, I did on one of these so I will share it when I can.
Wg, you do seem to be settling in your new home, yes, you need to put your stamp on it with decorating to suit you.
Daisy, you will be pleased when you finally get a fast connection to the internet.