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    I have to take the car into the local garage to have a new tyre fitted at 10.30, I will wait whilst it is done then I must fill it up (ouch) and then I am taking some clothes to the charity shop. Apart from some of my OH clothes taken by GS3, I have kept one or two. I feel it is time I passed them onto someone else. Sad feelings but it is time. I spoke to GD1 on Face Time yesterday evening, she was already in bed as the television provided was a bit naf.

    Gem, would a private physio be able to help with your pain. It isn’t fair you should have to pay. I feel I should go privately to see if someone could cure my psoriasis but not knowing how many treatments I would need puts me off. Gemini, have you received a package from me, I am wondering if it has gone astray.

    Oma, I must have missed a post about the offer on ther flat for GS1. Take care not to do too much.

    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Plant, I haven't received anything Im afraid.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Gem, our posts crossed.

        Perhaps it will clear up before your OH tees off. It's surprisingly difficult to sort out and tidy up photos, isn't it. I hope your ex was successful in the local election.

        Plant, I think if you have an initial consultation privately they will give you an estimate of how much treatment will cost. It's worth asking, rather than keep on suffering with the psoriasis.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Morning Ladies
          A dull drizzly cold day here

          I can imagine H going on a walk about just as well they have the travel cot .
          How nice to have enthusiastic garden help she must like coming ,Im sure there is something you can find for her to do .

          Letting go of yourOHs clothes must be hard but if you think the time is right then do it .
          MIL still has FILs stuff she’s just not ready to give up yet and that’s fine they in no one’s way .

          Enjoy your weekend with GS have you any plans to do anything or just seehowtheweather is and then decide ?
          Hope S doesn’t get too wet 😀

          Doesnt look good for gardening today , 7.30 shopping slot keeps you on your toes 😀

          Im having a sort of good day so far thank you , been to Lidl and Iceland and not too much huffing and puffing so that’s good 😁
          BIL had a good night and when I rang this morning he was having Tea & Toast , he hasn’t eaten for a few days so must be feeling better.

          Lovely graphic , enjoy your as it comes day , something always turns up on these kinds of days doesn’t it .

          Any news on Jim
          Apparently these scam calls are going to be illegal soon but iwill believe that when they stop .

          Today is the memory of my Dad passing 51 years and I still cry over him , he was so young only the age of my DD is now .

          Daisy on the whole MIL was ok ,
          Had a bit of a moan that the cleaner she has had for only two weeks comes in too late (1pm) no idea why that’s too late .
          Oh and when we take her meals with chicken in can we dice it smaller for her ,
          B said youhave a knife and fork mother it’s not rocket science chop it up yourself 🙄😁
          Last edited by Oma; 05-05-2023, 09:43 AM.
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Good morning everyone, I went for the X ray yesterday, Delft was very busy with it being market and a lovely warm day.

            The doctor has just phoned, my blood is fine, they can see arthritis, especially on the right hand, but they don't think it is rheumatism. To be sure I have to go to the rheumatologist. I must say, the lady is a new doctor in our practise, I was really pleased at how fast she has handled it all, been taken serious as well.

            It is a long weekend here for some, the end of the war being celebrated, it was very busy in the shopping centre in Zoetermeer, I went to Holland and Barrett for vitamin E cream, I can't use all creams, especially if they are perfumed, this one is fine. There is a "food square" there, a great butcher and even better, a baker, what a selection bread that they have!!

            Plant, a shame about the chalet for your GD and family, I hope they still manage to enjoy their stay.

            I am going to watch the shanty choir at 5pm, friends are in it, then at 7pm I am going to join the communal allotment along with my neighbour!

            I see I have missed a few posts! It is still dry here but thunder and rain forecast.

            Last edited by Lizzie48; 05-05-2023, 09:54 AM.


              Enjoy your evening Lizzie it sounds good ,
              I have Arthritic fingers I get injections in them when needed , not pleasant but they help with the pain .
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                I have had injections in my toes Oma, didn't help much though!


                  I am such a misery these days, I have now hurt my upper arm, presumably the gardening. Managed to drive to the garage to get the new tyre fitted and then petrol followed by a coffee plus paracetamols in a parade close to the charity shop.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Plant if you are a misery most of us are! Aches and pains are no fun and get us down. I hope your arm feels better soon.

                    Lizzie, enjoy your evening!

                    Oma I'm sure you do still miss you dad. 13 years since we lost my dad and I miss him and think of him often. So sad to lose your dad at that age Oma

                    My ex won his local election!!! By a big margin. I'm very pleased for him, but knowing him well I know he is very well meaning and promises a lot more than he actually gives. But then don't all politicians??

                    Now OH is back from golf the sun is shining brightly. It was wet out there and she lost on the last hole.
                    We are going to a garden centre now and to pick up some fruit, and crumpets for GS2 who loves them for breakfast
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      As Gem said if your a misery then your in a club with a lot of us ,
                      Did you maybe lift something the wrong way or twist it . Rest it as best you can but it’s not easy when you have to drive somewhere like Gem and her back still had to do stuff but painful xx

                      Poor S losing out on the last hole , you win some you lose some .
                      Well done your ex , I hope he can carry through any promises.

                      Funny you should mention crumpets I was saying this morning I should have bought some ,
                      I don’t fancy them very often but I had a hankering for them today , I might pop out in the morning for some .

                      Ive had them in my knees fingers and shoulders and always worked but they did nothing for B or my DD , well Bs did for a couple of weeks then it wore off ,
                      Strange how they work for one and not the other isn’t it .
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Oma, it is strange how it helps some people and not others, I have the same with dry needling, I had it in my shoulder and it really helped, the same with my groin, speaking to others that say it never helped at all. I did have one nasty injection in my knee years ago, I was ready for a knee replacement, my fysio said they would never know how it would heal with having the lipedema so at the orthopaedic clinic I had an injection, the needle was similar to a knitting needle, they said it would hurt and it certainly did. I wasn't allowed to walk or drive for a few days, I always say it really did help.

                        We have had one slight thunder storm this afternoon, the sun is out again now.

                        Crumpets, GC love them, I saw that they had brought some back with them from the UK.

                        Plant, take it easy with the shoulder.


                          Talking of crumpets,we had some last night.
                          Put them on my shopping list for tomorrow.
                          I like to keep some in the freezer.

                          Plant,hope the arm feels better soon.

                          Lizzie,enjoy your evening.

                          Gem, well done to your ex.
                          What a shame OH lost at the last hole.

                          Everything in the living room has been polished and hoovered.
                          Also washed everything down in the kitchen.
                          All upstairs was done yesterday,so if we are out tomorrow,there will be nothing to bother about.

                          We are having a thunderstorm at the moment. Sun is shining,just keep having the odd spot of rain.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Storm trying to see the baby birds , their nest is his fur
                            You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                            This gallery has 1 photos.
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Sun is shining, but I think its rained during the night.

                              We are out today. Farm shop, garden centre and we will eat there, then to Asda.

                              Oma, what kind of birds are in the nest.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning all

                                The big day has arrived and I really hope that the weather is good for everyone who is lining the streets to see the Royal spectacle and all the street parties that are taking place.
                                Is anyone celebrating or watching it on TV.
                                I shall watch it later on in the morning but I'm not doing anything special.

                                We met up with OH's sister and brother in law Thursday at our local pub and myself and sister in law managed to have our photo taken with! King Charles ( albeit a life-size cardboard cut out)

                                Gem how can a dr say your pain isn't urgent, he isn't feeling it ! You have to wonder if the drs actually have any training in how long term pain can mentally as well as physically effects their patients.
                                Sadly as in most things now , it's all about saving money and less about patients care which is ridiculous really when I would have thought that the longer something is left untreated the more it's going to cost to put right
                                Gem hopefully you are having a much better day today.

                                I haven't been here for ages so a quick update .

                                SIL and two youngest GS's came to see us on Monday ( DD was puppy sitting and when he travels better so hopefully we will see her soon)
                                We have done a lot in the garden and we've been able to sit outside on the odd warm(ish) sunny day.
                                Unfortunately a hedgehog OH rescued has died so OH has buried him .
                                Rang dentist to inquire when my next checkup will be after my appointment last January its usually every 9 months but I have been told that they've received an NHS directive that checkups are now to be offered every 2 years
                                I have to ring back 4 months before I'm due to be seen. By then either I will have forgotten or all my teeth will have fallen out
                                The NHS is getting worse. I think we ,the public, are slowly being pushed into private health care .

                                On a cheerier note I have asked BIL if he could wallpaper our sitting room and he has agreed to do it.
                                Now OH thinks it's just going to be a few rolls of wallpaper that needs to be purchased, has that man learnt nothing in our last 50 years together?
                                There will be new curtains with matching scatter cushions to purchase, new lampshades, etc the list goes on .
                                We will put off the decorating until after our trip away in June

                                Have an enjoyable day ladies
                                Bring me sunshine in your smile.

