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    Morning Nanto
    This month has flown by hasn't it .
    We have MILs this morning , take her meals and she rang last night with a list of things we have to go to Sainsburys for,
    She was moaning so we expect the same today.
    GS arrived OK in Amsterdam flight was on time , he comes back Saturday .
    I will pop back later see how everyone is doing x
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Good morning, I hope GD has good weather in Amsterdam then we will have the same! Rain is forecast all day tomorrow though.

      I have replaced the shower hose, the parcel was delivered at 10pm, I then decided to fit it, I saw this morning that it was leaking a little so I got my tools out and it is fine now.

      Nanto, I have just cleaned the fridge.

      I will see what I do today, no plans really.


        Good morning everyone.

        August does seem to have passed quickly Nan2!

        I hope there is minimal MIL moaning today Oma!

        Lizzie you are 'handy', like my OH Saves a lot of money when you are.

        Baby E today but only until 3. He is normally here until well after 6. He has an ophthalmic appointment this afternoon which SIL is taking him to. He has beautiful eyes, but one sometimes looks inwards, its not noticeable most of the time. They picked it up at his one year check. We knew about it and wondered if it would be mentioned. Hence the appointment. Getting him to keep an eye ;patch on for more than a few seconds is almost impossible heaven knows how we will keep an eye patch on if he needs one
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Good Thursday morning, everyone.

          We've got horrible drizzly rain this morning, but we did see the Super Blue Moon last night!

          Gem, I remember one of my sons being tested for a 'lazy' eye but they said it was probably because his eyes are wide spaced and would be ok as he grew. They were right. GD2 also was diagnosed with a lazy eye, and she needs glasses because she's long-sighted. I don't think she got the glasses until she was about 3, though, and was quite happy with the patch which she wore for 2 hours a day. The patches came in all sorts of designs and she chose which one she wanted each day. But your GS3 is a bit younger though, and I can imagine it would be hard to get him to keep a patch on. Hopefully they will say he doesn't need it. x

          Lizzie, your DIY skills must save you a lot of money and a lot of hassle getting things mended. Enjoy your day whatever you do.

          Oma, good to hear your GS arrived safely. I'm sure he and his GF won't mind the rain. Good luck with MIL today. It sounds as though she wasn't a very happy bunny last night.

          Nanto, this month has flown by. Cleaning the fridge and freezers is on my To Do list today. They need doing before a huge dog food order arrives on Saturday.

          Other than defrosting and cleaning fridge/freezers I need to do some washing, but I'll leave it if the rain doesn't stop soon.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            GEMINI, Eye patch on a little one seems impossible to me Gemini.

            Lizzie, you certainly are a very handy lady, nothing fazes you.

            Oma, you sound as if you are in for a moaning visit to your Mil or perhaps she will have cheered up by the time you get there. I must have missed the post about your GS going to Amsterdam, hope they have a good time

            GD1 has just face timed me so apparently I am off to the Library with her and H. Have to get showered and dressed first. Will pop back later
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Plant, so it's a busy day for you today.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Plant I agree, on a 13 month old who you cant reason with or explain to! As Daisy says, we will wait and see what is recommended.
                Have fun at the library!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Just popped in to next door and I am pleased to say DD and Sil were not dressed and lounging on their settees. It is a child free zone today.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Grandparents need rest times Plant
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Well it was a moaning and groaning visit as we imagined so we stayed a hour put her bin out made the bed and came away.
                      we as in B myself Martin and Clare and Fin of course have booked lunch out with her on Saturday ,all we got this morning was , I might not make it, I might be unwell, I will let you know on Saturday.
                      it’s booked for 12 . Told her to please herself but we will still go she was a bit put out about that ,
                      I think she thought if she wasn’t going we wouldn’t .

                      Keeping a hat on them at that age is hard enough but a eye patch will be almost impossible unless they put platers over it that he can’t get off , then that’s going to make him very upset poor baby .

                      That GD of yours keeps you busy doesn’t she 😁
                      nice that DD & SIL can take the time to get dressed and have a lounge zaround for a change .

                      DD was saying last night the freezer in the garage she keeps the dog food in needs a good clean out ,
                      Shame about the rain , we have lovely sunshine today .

                      Its handy when you can sort things yourself ,
                      Our shower head was the same it turned out the little black washer inside had perished slightly so wasn’t sealing it , luckily B has a box with lots of different sized washes so a quick fit .

                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Oma, this was the tube? that had split, it must be all of 13 years old though.


                          It's just about stopped raining, and is a bit warmer, but that might because we lit the wood burning stove, it was so damp and chilly! DS2 and family lit theirs as well and planned a movie afternoon with duvets.

                          I defrosted and cleaned one fridge freezer but was too cold to do any more. I put the washing to dry indoors - no point in hanging it out and it will be dry enough to iron by tomorrow.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Oma, sorry to hear Mil was in a moaning mood, I wonder if she will change her mind about the lunch?

                            Miserable day here Daisy, dark and dreary, I think the weather is better for the weekend.

                            GD, H and I went to the Library to change her books, she was already tired having woken at 2am, she does this but just chats to herself. The automatic library doors fascinate her and she cried when she had to leave. We decided to skip lunch out, get some sandwiches from M&S and get her home as she was tired and tearful.

                            Nanto, I have fish too today but a fish pie from M&S, I will cook some veg to go with it.

                            Lizzie, you are such a talented lady and must save a lot of money making clothes and DIY.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Excellent news - baby GS3 doesn't need any treatment for his eye They say he isn't cross eyed and it should all right itself in around a year
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Plant, I have always been interested in DIY, when I was about 16 years old we had a youth club in the village, most of the girls went to the sewing classes, I thought that with my sister being a tailoress it would be handier to join the joinery class!!
                                Only on moving here I didn't have my sister with me to do the sewing so I had to learn it myself.

                                My first DH wasn't a handy man at all so I had to learn to do what I could, then I was on my own for 15+ years with 2 young boys and carried on learning.

