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    Morning Ladies

    You will miss everyone around .
    Is there someone else you can get to do your fence , shame the man is retiring though , it’s hard to find someone you trust isn’t it .

    Enjoy your visit , take it easy in the library how’s your back today ?

    looks like your on your own gardening today then πŸ™„

    Been to the Range this morning bought some new cushions . Manages to get the same furry ones I have on my sofa but smaller for the arm chairs , I will put them away till I get my new suite .
    We then went next door to Morrisons for a few things but that was my limit for today .

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Did a few jobs this morning while hubby was out.
      We went to Sis in law when hubby got home.
      Otherwise not much happening.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Plant I hope you can find a new handy person for those sort of jobs.
        I take it easy as much as I can at the library.Plenty of sitting down between jobs. I always sit now to sort the piles of returned books into alphabetical order before reshelving them. The librarian commented that I was walking faster and limping less today. That was quite encouraging. As she only sees me once a week she will notice a difference.
        β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Gem, that's good news that the Librarian noticed you're moving more easily.

          Nanto, does your Sister-in-law live nearby?

          Oma, you're good saving your new cushions until your new furniture arrives. I'd want to use them straight away! How are you feeling now?

          Plant, I wonder if your fence man would do that one last job for you to save you having to find someone else immediately. The other thought is has your village got a FaceBook group? If so ask for recommendations for a handyman and see what is suggested. It must seem so quiet without the family around.

          I've spend most of the day on the garden. I started off repotting a very pot-bound Agapanthus. I know they like their roots to be overcrowded, but I'm not sure this has survived the winter. I split it into two, so fingers crossed at least one half grows. Then I cut the lawn and trimmed the edges. After lunch OH and I moved some big pots - banana plants and hydrangeas - from their cosy corners where they've spent the winter. I've pruned the hydrangeas, but left the banana plants covered for now. We also moved some garden furniture round and Eva was pleased because she can now get at OH's oak bench where she likes to sunbathe! OH also did a lot of weeding. That area's ready for bark chippings to go on now. So a very productive day at Daisy Towers.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            I was tempted to use them now but I’m being good and have stored them along with my new fur throw ,
            Im having good days and bad , I can’t walk far without gasping for breath and pain or rush up the stairs
            But I’m coping as long as I don’t try todo too much and do things slowly I’m fine .
            Thank you for asking xx

            Just had very good news , my dearest friend D had a MRI scan some time ago and they found a tumour on her brain ,
            Today she had the results that it’s benign and near the surface so no need to do anything about it just monitor with yearly MRIs
            To say we are all relieved is a understatement we are thrilled ,
            Shes celebrating with a cup of tea and a chocolate eclair 🀣

            Although you may be walking a bit better don’t push your luck be careful,
            Hows your DD after her fall ?
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Good morning, the sun is shining.

              .Not much happening here today.
              I'm going to fill the slow cooker to make some beef stew for the freezer, we had the last lot yesterday.

              Jacket potatoes for dinner with cheese and beans.

              Daisy, sis in law lives about 10 minutes drive away. Sometimes a bit less, depending on traffic.

              Plant, hope you find another good handyman.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Morning Nanto
                Love the graphic 🀣
                we took beef out of the freezer last night now we don’t fancy it well I never do anyway so the dogs getting it for lunch .

                It’s not a great day but at least it’s not raining
                Next door tried to cut their lawn yesterday it was so wet it just made a mess so they gave up ,
                I need to tidy up some plants but haven’t got the energy yet and it’s cold , Im sure they can wait a little longer .

                Hope everyone is feeling ok , my BIL may get out of Hospital again today with luck .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good morning all.
                  Nan2, that graphic is not dissimilar to me after cooking

                  Productive day at Daisy Towers indeed Daisy! I hope you're not aching today.

                  Oh Oma thank goodness re your friend. Some good news for a change.

                  Don't worry, I'm not overdoing it, the pain soon sets in so I can't!
                  Aquafit this morning, then apart from coffee with my friends afterwards no plans during the day. I didn't unpack from the weekend away as I was busy all day yesterday so I will be doing that for one thing.
                  Tonight I am eating out with my friends/ex colleagues. An Italian restaurant not too far from a car park so I will make it!.

                  Happy Wednesday ladies.
                  β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Nanto, Love the graphic, wherever do you find them

                    Sun shining here, hope it lasts. I am not planning much apart from board games this afternoon. GD1, her OH and H are off to Ilfracombe today until Sunday. They are calling in because H left her Tigger in my car yesterday, she has one but they need a back up, she can’t sleep without Tigger. I am getting a warning light about a tyre pressure in one tyre, I have run flat tyres. I suppose I have hit one of the many pot holes, it is like a war zone around here. I will take the car to the local garage this morning, I expect it will be another new tyre.
                    I know my lovely handyman will not take on fixing my fence but there is a relative painting DD and Sil’s kitchen whilst they are away, he does most things so I will have a word with him but I know he is very busy.

                    Gemini, Enjoy your Aquafit, I presume it is good for your back. Italian meal out sounds good, do you need to sit on a cushion?

                    Daisy, you have some very exotic plants in your garden. The courtyard here is looking very pretty, I have planted loads of pansies, they are so colourful and last a long time for me if deadheaded.

                    They have just been to pick up Tigger and are on their way so I can now get a shower.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      It's shocking the state of roads just as well you have run flat tyres.
                      Are the pot holes in the unclaimed road by you ?
                      Hope the weather keeps nice for your GD and family .

                      I have managed to clean all my windows and mirrors, had to sit down a couple of times but I got them done without too much trouble , I felt such an achievement when i finished . Taking advantage of a good day 😁
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good Morning ladies,such a pleasant day here today the sun is shining and the wind has dropped.
                        I am off to Liverpool for the day it is the nearest M&S food hall for me and I want a meal deal for tomorrow my DGD comes for tea on Thursday so I thought a nice Oakham chicken would go down well for the three of us I buy the deal without the wine for Β£10 which is a good buy as its Β£7 just for a chicken on its own,plus Oliver has the leftovers for the next day which he enjoys.Liverpool is vibrant at the minute with run up to Eurovision visitors finding it difficult to get rooms at Hotels which can only be good for the City and the overspill has come over here to The Wirral.I love to go to Town on my own and browse about then sit with a coffee and people watch which is my favourite pass time.(how boring am I)

                        Jim next door is still in hospital his niece has popped by to tell me he will be going into a care home if he is discharged she is relieved this has now been sorted for him as she was really worried about the care he was getting from the Care Company not the actual care but that there was large time gaps when he was on his own whilst she was at work,I hope she manages to get somewhere near by so I can pop in and visit sometime.

                        Locally a massive campaign is running for the return of a little pomeranian who was taken after escaping from her front garden under a bush a lady picked her up and put her in her car
                        its getting urgent as poor thing needs meds for a poorly tummy every vet in the area has been informed but now people think maybe the lady may be from out of area I hope she is found.

                        My name must be top of the list for scam phone calls I had 2 yesterday saying there was fraudulent activity on my Visa Card I have the BT call protect but the sods still get through to my landline no. they are using a mobile and I only picked up because I was expecting a call from my DGS and couldn't recollect his number but hey0ho the call was quickly put on my banned list.

                        Not good news for my local area the lovely Bistro I go to at the bottom of my Road have announced that they are closing and taking on another business it's such a shock as they are so busy they are from Canada and do the most amazing sour dough bread & maple pastries & cinnamon buns.They are going into private catering at people's house's they have been running a service along side the Bistro and claim they can have a very profitable business I hope they do well,my DGD will miss her hot chocolate every Thursday with her daddy after school she has a special table and all the staff know her well.

                        Must dash off now and get sorted to go shopping in Town or I'll never get the bus.

                        Bye for now Glamma xx

                        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                          Good Wednesday morning, everyone. Today is another busy, busy day, so I'm just off ot give Eva a short walk before training class this afternoon. I'll pop back in later, but I have read everyone's posts.

                          We have sunshine - I won't need a coat to go out. Yipeeee!
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Good morning everyone, we must be getting the good weather, chilly in a morning but lovely and sunny after that.

                            I have just been to the shop in the village for a lock, somehow or other I managed to leave mine in the changing room and it vanished, along with the key, holder etc etc. I have tried a few but they wouldn't fit, I know the man really well, he let me look in his drawer, I have one that will fit for next to nothing as it was the last one of the range, so he told me.

                            I lost this posting so will carry on! I have just been to the circuit training, it went fine with my groin.

                            Daisy, you both did very well in the garden, if the weather is like it is here it is perfect for working in the garden. We have a community allotment, near here actually, one of the ladies from the circuit training, runs it and asked me to go for a look round on Friday evening, I can go anytime for veg, herbs etc.

                            I hope the aqua went well Gem. Oma, take it easy!

                            I am going to get some lunch now after my busy morning.


                              I had a message this afternoon from my local hospital to say they were expecting me for an X-ray so I had to change my plans to play board games and drive to the local hospital. Leg still all clear. I managed to get to Games and join in. My local garage cancelled the warning of my tyre but said it really needs to be changed so they are going to do that on Friday, I wait for it to be done. I am not going to use the narrow lane out of the village onto the main road until the road is repaired, someone has marked the bad holes but it is like a war zone.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Lovely sunny day here 😎

                                Plant , great that your leg is still clear and you made it to the games afternoon. You are wise to avoid the pothole road.

                                Aquafit was fine. Easier and less painful each week. This afternoon I spent ages filling in the complicated online form we have to fill in to see or speak to a Dr. I told them about the pain and mobility issues I have been having, and the self help ways I have managed it ( not bothering the NHS at all) I've still heard nothing from the hospital since bring referred in January so I said I need another cortisone injection, probably to both knees. I marked it urgent. The text response is a Dr says it is not urgent, and they will aim to get back to me in 4 weeks. Now you see why I manage my own symptoms as much as I can, because there is not much option! Anyway, my night out will take my mind off it.
                                β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

