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    Plant, sorry I didn't see you post when I posted. It sounds as though your Dd and DS want a 'fun' garden for their busy social lives. It will be fun helping them with the project, and I'm sure you will have lots of ideas.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      DS and Dil had an extension to their house which left them with a small garden. They had it slabbed with very attractive slabs
      , put up a pergola, left a soil bed in the middle. GS used the old shed for his cycle repair business but he now has premises. They are going to take the shed away and replace it with a very attractive small building for entertaining, my son is an amazing cook.

      Oma, what is a tikka bar?

      Daisy it is just the plants, Dil will not stop buying them.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        A Tiki bar is just a small bar with a sort of straw roof a Hawaiian thing something like the picture ,
        SIL wants to make it from wood but DD not keen 😁

        Had a full house this morning DD SIL and dog arrived , then shortly after GS arrived for his full English ,
        We did offer DD &SIL the same but they had been to Costas for breakfast before they came .

        They stayed a couple hours then walked the dog home , GS left about half hour later to go play golf
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        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Hallo everyone, I have had a busy day! I started in the new building doing the coffee and the reception, I say new when it happens to be one of the oldest buildings in the village, monument, all decorated etc inside, very spacious and took me all morning to get my head round all the doors.

          Then I have been to the doctor, the physio did a (quick) scan of my hands as I thought I had athritis, he said to get in touch with my doctor as it could be rheumatism. I have to have my blood taken in the morning then x rays on Thursday, I could have gone this afternoon but it is in Delft and I have had enough for today!

          DS1 and family returned home about 6pm last night so all is back to normal now. They had a very good holiday. It isn't bank holiday here today, I think it is on Friday though for the end of the war. I can't keep up with all the dates!


            Plant, i'm sure you will be able to advise with the gardening.

            My head thinks its Sunday due to hubby being at the car boot sale this morning.

            We've been pottering in the garden and it was quite cool in the wind.
            Hubby just unwrapping the Lady statue that we have. Thats what we call her anyway.
            Its supposed to be frost resistant, but we don't take the chance.
            The Lady is precious to us. I know it might sound daft,but i can't bear the the thought of anything happening to her.
            We bought it many years ago for Mam and Dad, they gave it back to us about 3 years ago.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Nanto, I can understand why the Lady is special to you, and you certainly wouldn't want her to risk frostbite. Do you have a special place in the garden for her?

              Lizzie, you certainly have been a busy bee. We've had a lovely sunny afternoon here - your DS1 and family would have loved it. Did they do everything they wanted to in London? I think you get much more prompt attention from doctors etc than we do. I hope everything is ok. x

              Oma, the tiki bar is great for summer parties in the garden. How long would it take your SIL to make one from wood? I always have the dilemma of letting OH make something (currently a rose arch) to just going and buying one. He has all the wood, but so far no time. But I know it will be sturdy and last for donkeys years. But I can't see it being smothered in flowers this summer!

              Plant, outdoor kitchens seem to be very popular these days, would that be the sort of thing your SIL would like?

              We've had a fairly lazy day. I did the bedding, and some of it is still out on the line! Eva has slept most of the day after her busy week-end with Bailey the BC.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Daisy, saw the plans today, yes it is an outdoor kitchen they are planning.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Daisy, DS1 did the museums, sightseeing, musical etc, walked miles! Things like the Millennium wheel were very expensive for the 3 of them so they chose other things to do.

                  Our health service can be very fast Daisy.

                  It has been lovely and sunny all day with just a shower around lunch time.


                    Daisy, the Lady lives on the patio.
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                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Believe it or not, we swept the patio before i took the photo.
                      The flowers were falling off the azalea.
                      On the left of the photo, is an old tub from a peggy tub, remember those.
                      Hubby has cleaned it since i took the photo.
                      The otter at the base of the Lady is what we bought Mam and Dad for theit 50th anniversary.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        We are back! We were home around 5 having done a bit of a Tesco shop on the way back.
                        We left Stratford just before 2, having enjoyed a pleasant morning walking and sitting watching the world, and the river go by. There are a lot of dogs there and we loved watching them several who took boat rides
                        We had such lovely weekend and were lucky with the weather and the journeys both ways. A slight bit of rain yesterday morning which cleared up, but otherwise fine. Much better than the forecast.

                        Lizzie, I'm sure we all envy you your health service.

                        I don't think it's silly Nan2, these things can mean a lot.

                        Daisy, to answer your question I do feel relaxed from my weekend away, but of course it wasn't without physical pain! Yesterday I told OH I felt guilty for making her drive all that way when we couldn't do very much because of me. I felt I should have booked somewhere closer to home. She told me not to be so silly, so I felt better and decided to stop thinking that way!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Welcome home Gem. Glad the weekend was enjoyed.

                          Looking a bit dull here. Not sure what the forecast is.

                          We're not sure if we are visiting sis in law or not. I took some beef stew out of the freezer yesterday, so it will be an easy dinner.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning Nan2, Mickey and ladies.

                            Dull here and it looks as if it rained overnight.
                            Library this morning.
                            This afternoon I am going to see my ex neighbour and friend T. From there I will pick up GS1 from school. School is nearby so I usually visit T on a Tuesday to fit in with school pick up.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good Tuesday morning, everyone. It's dry here and the sun is playing hide and seek behind the clouds.

                              Gem, both you and S love Stratford so I'm quite sure she didn't mind the drive. She must be worrying about you because you've had such a bad time lately and being in constant pain adds its own problems. You had a lovely week-end and saw good friends, and even the weather was reasonable. A busy day for you today, though. I hope you can do sitting down jobs at the library. How is DD1 after her fall?

                              Nanto, thank you for the photo of your Lady and her friends. I noticed the otter and thought how unusual he is and thinking he would go nicely with my goose. (I'll take a photo of him later). Once the petals start to fall there's no stopping them, is there, but it is very pretty.

                              Lizzie your DS1 and family did well. I always feel I do a lot of walking in London (not that I go very often these days!). What a pity about the Millennium Wheel, but it has got very commercialised since it was sold to (?) Disney. It's still a great ride though, especially on a clear day.

                              Plant, I'd love to see photos of the outdoor kitchen as it progresses. I like the idea of being able to cook outside, but I know OH wouldn't - a few sausages on the barbie is about as far as he goes - and we wouldn't use it enough to make it worthwhile.

                              Today was set aside for gardening - weeds out, new plants in - but the friend who is helping with the kit car just rang to say he could do a couple of hours this morning. Hey ho! I'd better go and make a start on my own.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Oh dear, the man/neighbour/friend in the road who does all my odd jobs has just phoned to say he is retiring, I was hoping he would replace a fence panel for me.
                                I am going to take some clothes to the Charity Shop that has just opened in the parade. Not much else going on, feels very strange with the family not around, hope the weather will be kind to them in Normandy. GD1, her OH and H are going to Illfracombe for 3 days so I shall miss them, it will be the first time H has played on sand on the beach.

                                Daisy, I don’t know when the outdoor kitchen will be built, looks good. It will hold two BBQ’s, one gas and one charcoal.

                                Gemini, remember to be very careful working in the library today, you don’t want a set back. By the way, have you received a package from me, I know you would have said if you had.

                                I need to pop in the shower, I will be back later.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

