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    Good morning, the sun is out, rain forecast later this afternoon, we missed the heavy storm yesterday, I heard thunder in the distance with very little rain.

    I went to the allotment and came home with fresh rhubarb, it is set out really well, I have read about it over the years but never really thought much of it, I am going to help on a Friday evening.


      Good morning Lizzie, Nan2, Mimi and everyone else, and Happy Coronation Day!

      Storm looks so cute Oma.

      Mimi every 2 years for dental check ups is ridiculous. I must praise my NHS dentist practice as I was able to be seen throughout pandemic and we are reminded 6 monthly about check ups. Happy decorating when the time comes

      GS2 is coming for the weekend. His parents and sister are off to St Albans to a friend's 50th. He will be here later this morning. No plans with him, we will see how the weather is and what he fancies doing. We have sausages, crumpets and Cadbury's Flake cornettos, all of which he loves, so he wont starve
      GS is quite keen on crafts, so I will see if he wants the craft box out to do anything coronation related today.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Morning ladies

        we are lucky with our Dentist we still get 6 monthly checks but of course that’s more money in their pocket isn’t it ,
        Men don’t realise the extras when you re decorate do they😁

        enjoy your weekend with GS weather isn’t too bad here dry but cool hopefully you have the same x

        Fresh cut Rhubarb is lovely isn’t it .

        i think it’s little Tits in the nesting box I’m not sure the tweeting is making Storm desperate to see them 😁

        Did what housework I could this morning ,
        B went for his spring COVID jab ,
        Beds stripped and in washer , now sitting with a cupper and watching the telly.

        Didnt have a good nights sleep our house alarm went off twice for no reason .
        Takes ages to get back to sleep after .
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good Coronation Day, everyone. I don't know if it's raining on the Coronation Parade, but it's chucking it down here. The sort of rain that looks as though it's set in for the day, although I hope not.

          Nanto, I hope the sun stays with you, but it would be nice to have a little bit of it - we were hoping to plant some things in the garden today.

          Mimi, thank you for your lovely King graphic! It would have been nice to put something Coronation-themed on our GRU banner but the software doesn't seem to like graphics up there! I saw your photo with the King on FB - you do mix in high circles, young lady. I'd forgotten about the problems of travelling with a young puppy, but they soon get used to it (hopefully!). Every two years for dental check ups is awful! Lots of problems can develop in that time. I had to smile that your OH thinks redecorating means putting some new wallpaper up. Little does he know - he's in for a shock.

          Gem, have a lovely week-end with GS2. I'm sure you will keep him very happily occupied even if you don't go out.

          Lizzie, the only decision with lovely fresh rhubarb is crumble or pie - or dipping it in sugar and eating it raw! Did you do that as I child?

          Oma, poor Storm, he probably wants to give the little chicks a cuddle. I wonder what happened to make your alarm go off. Definitely have a rest now, though. There might be something unusual on the tv!!

          Plant, when do GD1 and family get home? It was such a pity the chalet wasn't what they'd hoped, but even so it's nice to have a change of scenery.

          The weather has put a stop to our plans for the garden today, but at least all the things in pots are getting well-watered. Our dog food delivery is due this morning, so I'll have to go and sort out the chest freezer, and need to portion some food up for Eva. I might do the ironing while watching some of the Coronation. There again - I might not. I have good intentions, though.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Daisy, we did dip rhubarb in sugar as children, in fact, dare I admit it, we did the same with cooking apples!!! I stew the rhubarb then put it in my quark or yogurt. The sun is still shining here, I have got my washing dried and put away.

            Mimi, I think 2 years for a dental check is a very long time! I go this week in fact, every 6 months I get the message that I need to go.

            Oma, Storm will wonder what is making all the noise in the bird box!

            Gem, enjoy your weekend with GS2.


              Such a sweet picture of Storm looking at the birds in the nest. I filled up the feeder for the dried worms, the Robins love them and the feeder is already nearly empty, they were feeding babies.

              Love stewed rhubarb, but we have never been able to grow it.

              Watched the Coronation with Dil, we didn’t have heavy rain. Such a spectical, really enjoyed it.

              I hurt my already poorly arm gardening yesterday so typing this isn’t good. GD1 face timed, they were a bit happier with the chalet, home tomorrow. DD and OH back on Monday late.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Afternoon ladies ,
                Plant rest your arm today if it’s no better by Monday it may be worth having a word with the Chemist or Drs nurse for some advice xx

                We watched the Coronation and enjoyed it but I must say that it was very long winded and some things could have been cut ,
                But I suppose it’s tradition isn’t it ,
                Pleased it went off without any major incident or drama ,
                It must have been a nightmare for security though.

                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  I recorded the coronation as we were going out today.
                  Watched it earlier this evening,but i did fast forward quite a bit of it.

                  Daisy,we had a day os sun and showers.

                  Plant,our rhubarb is romping away, must get some pulled.
                  I'll make pies and crumbles for the freezer.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    We enjoyed the coronation. It's a pity about the weather though. It was much better here!

                    GD didn't go with her parents to St Alban's ( I'll make a separate thread at some point) She wanted to stay here. I took her over to her friends mid afternoon and she was invited to stay for tea, they are bringing her home at 9.30.
                    We have stayed in and GS has been happy and occupied.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      It looks as though we've had the worst of the weather. It didn't let up until about tea time. I took Eva out about 5.30 and everywhere was boggy and miserable. It also felt very cold.

                      We watched most of the Coronation. I tidied out the chest freezer to get the dog food delivery in, but apart from that haven't done much.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good morning. Had overnight rain, but its stopped now.

                        Nothing planned for us today.

                        Took a lamb fillet out of the freezer yesterday, so that's going in the slow cooker.
                        Roast potatoes and veg with gravy.

                        Have a good day ladies.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Morning all, fingers crossed we have all seen the last of the rain

                          Did someone mention rhubarb? We had so much growing in our garden, it would double in size literally over night.
                          We had rhubarb tart, rhubarb crumble, rhubarb fool, in fact every which way we could think of until we were sick of the stuff. I even used to freeze it
                          Now we have a much smaller garden there is no room for growing fruit and veg and when I look at the ridiculous price rhubarb is in the shops for just a few sticks I think back to when it was growing in our garden.

                          Hopefully it will be a dry day so that I can finish planting out some sweetpeas and geraniums
                          Not sure what we will have for lunch today, yesterday we had bacon baguette whilst watching the coronation.

                          I have just ordered some new trainers for our few days away in June for our 50th wedding anniversary.
                          Apparently I have flat feet, which I wasn't aware of but after a visit to the podiatrist she explained that I needed shoes or trainers with a built-in arch support, or I could buy a support to slip into my shoes
                          As I have to now wear 'sensible ' footwear because of arthritis which comes at a price, add to the arch support requirement it adds £££s to the total amount. To be honest comfort now takes priority over cost and I think that footwear is much more glamorous than years ago. ( The trainers I have ordered are purple!)
                          I acknowledge that I am never going to be wearing anything with heels or narrow fitting shoes anymore but that doesn't matter.

                          Have a good day everyone

                          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                            Good morning dear ladies.

                            Nan2, lunch sounds just up my street.

                            Mimi it was obviously rhubarb heaven in your last garden! We do have a plant which provides us with fruit each year, but not enough to give any away or have excess like you had.
                            I also have to wear 'sensible footwear' due to knee arthritis and back trouble. As you say there are so many stylish ones around now, Sketchers are my main source.

                            Daisy I hope your weather is less miserable today. May already and it really doesn't seem like a few weeks from mid summer!

                            Dull here this morning but the forecast tells me rain is unlikely. Not sure what we will do today. OH and GD are still in bed. I'm not sure what time DD and SIL will be back but I imagine it will be mid afternoon at the earliest.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good Sunday morning everyone. It's dull and cold here, not the weather to tempt me out into the garden at the moment. It's our street party today, but we have opted out! It's very organised but doesn't appeal somehow. I must be getting a grumpy old woman! So no special plans yet.

                              I've never been able to grow rhubarb in the garden or even when we had the allotment. But it just shows, Mimi, if you give a plant the right conditions it will thrive.

                              Shoes are a problem, aren't they! You want them to look nice for whatever the occasion is, but you know they need to be comfortable as well. The fashion for wearing trainers with dresses has come at the right time for us! After having plantar fasciitis a few years ago I discovered Asics trainers. They are expensive but last for ages and give really good arch support. Gem - they do a range called Kayano which are reckoned to be good for painful knees. I like Sketchers too, but they don't give enough support so I only wear them for times when I know I'll be sitting most of the time. Someone told me it's because the memory foam can settle into a bad shape for whatever problem you have.

                              Nanto, I could just fancy that lamb fillet with roasties and veg today.

                              Gem, I hope your DD and SIL had a good time.

                              Enjoy whatever the day brings, everyone.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Daisy I will look those trainers up!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

