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    Daisy, i stick to the same hairstyle. just have it trimmed every 6 weeks.

    We got to the pub today.Enjoyed the food and the company.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Hallo everyone, late for me today! I didn't feel well yesterday afternoon but felt better today. It has been a nice day again,I have been to my classes etc and to the library, GD2 wants a wrap over skirt making for their holidays, we saw a pattern when we were in the library a few weeks ago, I went to borrow the magazine only to find it it isn't a wrap over, so , off I go again, had a look through all the magazines and found the one I want. There is a material market in Den Haag on Sunday, I may go and see what there is.

      Oma, the young girl must feel relaxed at your house! You would be pleased MIL was in a good mood, what a price for cigarettes, I think they must be about that here by now.


        I'm glad that you are feeling better Lizzie, and that you got your pub lunch Nan2!
        And that MIL was not too moany Oma!
        A rest day today sounds just right for today Plant.

        I am in much less pain as long as I don't move!! Still very painful to move .
        I have had a nice lazy day.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Lizzie, pleased to hear you are feeling better today. I bet there are plenty of beautiful fabrics at the material market - heaven for dressmakers I should think.

          Gem, you definitely needed that quiet day to help with the sciatica. Can you rest again tomorrow?

          Nanto, you must have found a hairstyle you are happy with. I know a lot of people whose hair basically never changes and I think it must be lovely to be happy with a style.

          Oma, it's so much nicer when MIL is in a good mood like that. I really thought the cigarette price would have upset her.

          Plant, did you get any sewing done or did you relax completely? x

          I did housework this morning and cooked for midday as OH is out tonight. I didn't seem to get much done this afternoon though, apart from taking Eva out for a good walk.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Good morning,sun is shining.

            Lizzie,glad you are feeling better.

            Oma, pleased MIL wasn't too grumpy.

            Not a lot to do taday. Cleaning the bathroom when hubby has been showered.
            He will be out for a couple of hours this morning.

            I took a beef stew out of the freezer yesterday,will have it with pancakes.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good morning to all.

              Sun shining here as well Nan2. I hope we all get a better day weatherwise today.

              Tesco delivery due at lunch time, and GD and GS2 to collect from school. Just the walk to GS's school to do. I have read that slow short steps are best with sciatica. It's tempting to go faster as it hurts and you want it done with! If I feel I cant I will stay in the car and send GD, as she is 13 and the school know her.

              I will make chicken casserole this morning. One for tonight, one for the freezer. Last night we had home made lamb burgers, one of my favourites, made by OH

              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Morning ladies,
                Sun out here too ,

                I think slow small steps are the best way but maybe let GD go pick him up she's a very sensible girl and as you say the school knows her.

                Be nice to have a few hours to yourself , put your feet up and relax

                Im the same as Nanto had the same hairdresser for years and the same hairstyle,
                In fact I don't have to do much but blow the hairdryer around my head as it just falls in the way I want it without fuss.

                As it happens I have haircut at 10 this morning apart from that not much planned just go with the flow .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good Morning Ladies, I have caught up on the news over the past few days we have all been busy to say the least.

                  Gemini I feel your pain with the sciatica mine is present in the background all the time I have an appointment with my Dr. on 22nd of this month to see what pain killers he can suggest but I don't hold out much hope for relief I just walk very slowly when out and about.

                  GD's 21st meal was a great success every one enjoyed themselves and the people at the restaurant where so nice and friendly food was delicious and plentiful DD ordered 4 mixed plates of marinated meats and salads they also put lots of turkish dips on the table with sourdough bread so we had a feast to share.

                  To day my DD is having new baby for the day she is collecting him at 10.30 and bringing him here for me to see so his mummy can have a full day to herself which is a godsend for a new mum isn't it ?

                  Yesterday DS1 collected DGD from school and every Thursday they come her for tea until he gets his own place.We had a conversation about her birthday in May she will be 5 already !! she has so many toys and clothes so we discussed adopting a Donkey from the Donkey Sanctuary after explaining to her she will get a certificate with her name and the donkey's name she asked where it will live in my garden ?? and can she take it for a walk when she comes to visit bless her .

                  No improvement on Jim he has taken to his bed and sadly had a fall last week his carers only stay a few minutes when they call they are only youngsters and give him the minimum of their time there is nothing I can do really as they won't give me a key to check on him I'm sorry to say its just a matter of time really so sad .

                  Liverpool is just so excited about the Eurovision Song Contest the whole city is booked solid for guests staying in Hotels it should be so good for the local economy and such a lot of the visitors are staying over here on The Wirral which will be good for this area as well some people are renting out rooms for enormous amounts may be I should erect a tent in my garden lol.

                  I'll catch up soon enjoy the rest of the day lovely people xx
                  Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                    Not feeling great today, started to develop a cold yesterday and don’t feel great. I have just done a Covid test which was negative, will do another one later just in case but it does feel like a sneezy cold. I am supposed to be going to a Guiders fun day tomorrow, taking a handicapped friend. I will have to find someone else to take her.

                    Glam, so sorry to hear about Jim, it sounds as if he has given up on life. GD’s meal sounds great, it is lovely to get the family together.

                    Gemini, I hope the painful sciatica is getting less painful with rest, keep it up.

                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Good Friday morning everyone. It's just stopped raining here. When I went to pick Cooper up earlier it was torrential in places and just drizzly in other parts. Very patchy.

                      Plant, I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling great, but hopefully it is just a sneezy cold. Keep warm and rest - you've been quite the busy bee just lately.

                      Glam, it's lovely to catch up. Your GD's 21st birthday meal sounds wonderful - I like restaurants where you can having lots of sharing dishes. Is GDG enjoying being at school? I bet she loves Thursday teas with you. It's really difficult to choose presents for children who already have lots of toys etc. The Adopt a Donkey is a sweet idea though, even though it won't live in your garden. Is the sanctuary close enough to visit? She would be delighted to meet 'her' donkey. Has Jim got any relatives who might let you have a key? It seems so unkind when you are next door. Poor man seems to be in a bad way.

                      Hehe - a tent in your garden for the Eurovision Song Contest would be perfect for someone! It's a bit like people in London who rent out their driveways. When DS1 has had to go to hospitals in London my DIL books a nearby space with JustPark - easier and cheaper than an NCP. There are quite a few parking apps for most big cities. The event will be a great boost to Liverpool trade, and no doubt surrounding towns as well as The Wirral.

                      Oma, how lovely to have an easy reliable hair style!

                      Nanto, did you get all your jobs done while OH was out?

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Sun has been lovely and warm. When hubby got home,we sat in the garden with a coffee.
                        Washed the bathroom towels and they have dried lovely outside.

                        I did get jobs done Daisy.
                        Then, DS2 and partner popped in. They had been out for brunch.

                        Plant,hope you feel better soon.

                        Glamm, sorry to hear about Jim. Enjoy cuddles with the baby.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Poor Jim it does sound like its only a matter of time bless him.
                          I bet if you pitched a tent in the garden someone would rent it
                          Good for all those businesses though.

                          Sorry to hear your not well , pity your going to miss the fun day but best to stay home and rest xxx

                          I had my hair cut then we decided to go to Dalton park shopping centre ,
                          It was so warm walking around the shops , didn't find anything in the clothes shops I liked,

                          Went into The Sketchers shop and bought a pair of sandals tried them on they felt ok ,
                          Got home and tried them again but found when I walked in them the strap over the ankle dug in so have to take them back sadly.

                          B was happy he bought lots of chocolate from the Lindt shop
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Nanto, it was warm enough around lunch time to sit out in the garden, but we have still got all the furniture packed away. Glad you got your jobs done - and the washing dried.

                            Oma, what a pity about the sandals. Do you just need another size or are they totally the wrong fit? I hope B treated himself to a Lindt bunny!

                            We've had a busy day - I cooked for midday as we're going out in a few minutes, and I spent a lot of time playing with the dogs. Then I went to take Cooper home and the little so-and-so wouldn't get in the car! It took us almost an hour to get him to get in. It's happened before but he's never been quite this stubborn. He wouldn't get in with Eva in the car, wouldn't get into OH's and eventually OH hit just the right tone of voice and he jumped in as meekly as a baby!

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              I HAVE COVID. It fees like a fluey cold, bones aching.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Aww, bless you Plant. I'm so sorry. Please take care of yourself. I hope it doesn't get any worse xxx

                                Lovely sunny mild day here.
                                I underestimated how much driving aggregates the sciatic nerve I drive an automatic so had it been the left side it would have been fine. I was in so much pain. I have to drive the same distance tomorrow to see my mum and take her mother's day gifts. I am going to try a hot water bottle to see if that relaxes the muscle a bit as I drive.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

