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    I do feel sorry for your OH Daisy, he must dread going when he knows it will be sore afterwards. My auntie never has that. I don't know if she is lucky or your poor OH unlucky.

    Oma, best to get the ECG done and try to get to the bottom of your breathlessness .

    Interesting shoe storage Lizzie. I have never seen anything like that.

    I kept to my plan to not do too much at the library, and left early.
    I had a nice surprise not long after I got home. One of our friends who came last night called in with 2 beautiful bunches of tulips. She said she had realised how much pain I was in the night before and how it was getting me down and brought them to cheer me up! I was touched and it did cheer me up.
    The pain has been a lot less today. It's still there and I'm needing to take painkillers and use a hot water bottle, but that intense pain which was getting me down and making walking almost impossible seems to have gone.

    I am going to be very careful over the next few days.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Doesn't look like bad morning.

      Gem, glad you were in less pain. Long may it last.

      SIS in law and hubby coming for dinner,so it won't be a quiet day.

      I've got to decent sized chicken and veg pies, so i'll do the pastry soon.
      It will be my first time doing gluten free pastry.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Morning Nanto
        lovely graphic that bee looks drunk 😀

        fingers crossed it’s going , you will get up one morning and realise your pain free🥰

        Done a dark wash and dried as it’s wet here so no chance of hanging it out ,
        I then Emptied the fridge and gave it a good wash out and organised it , Im now waiting for dog to arrive so having a cup of tea in peace
        Have a good day ladies I will pop in later xx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good morning everyone.

          Nan2 I'm sure they will appreciate the efforts you are going to to give them a good gluten free meal.

          Have a good Dog Day Oma!

          I am going to Aquafit this morning. I am going to stand under the shower there first to get some heat on the muscle to relax it, and will take it easy and miss out any moves which cause me pain.
          W, our cat and house sitter friend is coming over for lunch today. She loves my favourite salmon so that is what we will have, with new potatoes and veg. I have defrosted the remainder of the apple crumble muffins which I made so we can have one of those each for pudding.

          I just got a message from DD1 asking me if I can go round to check if she has left her hair straighteners on! She's gone to work by bus so it's not easy to pop back. It's not far from the leisure centre so I will go there first and unplug if needs be!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Morning ladies,
            Gem, my friend in the UK was so impressed with the shoe storage she has ordered them from Amazon! The friend next door is going to the shop this morning to get some. The strange thing was in the shop, the young girl told me that I was the first customer that had bought them. I wonder why? Maybe no one expect to find them in that shop, no idea.

            Gem, I have done that before today, on my bike to Delft or wherever and decided I had left the iron or something else on, I never had but luckily my neighbour always checked for me, like you are doing to day for your DD! I hope that you can enjoy the aqua.

            Nanto, good luck with the pastry.

            I went to a meeting last night from the housing cooperation, it was interesting in parts.

            It is so quiet in here, the ventilation motor could take 8 weeks or longer for it to be replaced, it must be on the same boat as my fridge door. The one in the shower still works, luckily.

            I want to get some shopping done later for my young guests arriving on Friday!


              Apart from sorting out washing to be done I don’t have any plans this morning, board games this afternoon. I hope this weather improves for my holiday next week.

              Gemini, I hope your Aqua goes well, it should be good for your pain.

              Oma, have a nice day with Storm, what treat have you got for him?
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                He has Duck today Plant left overs from our tea last night with lots of nice duck fat we kept to pour over his veg 😀
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good Wednesday morning everyone. It's cold and wet here.

                  Nanto - I hope the GF pastry works out ok. I've never had any success with it, and buy it ready-made. Are you using Xantham Gum?

                  Plant, I hope the weather improves for you as well. Everywhere is so much nicer when it's dry and warm.

                  Oma, I'm glad you haven't got to wait long for your appointment, and in the meantime, perhaps the inhalers will make a difference. I had wondered if the breathlessness was a side effect of the temor tablets, so at least that is one worry less. xx

                  Gem, I think people vary a lot with these eye injections. I've talked to 3 or 4 other friends who are having the same and they say it knocks them out for up to 3 days. But I know there are others who have no after effects from them - I'm glad your Auntie is one, because it is horrible. OH's eye is still very red and angry looking this morning but not throbbing and not so scratchy. Thank goodness you're in less pain today, and hopefully the aquafit class will help as well. How kind of your friend to cheer you up with lovely tulips. What colour are they?

                  Lizzie, I love that shoe storage. We shove our shoes in the drawer under our bed - half each - and they are always jumbled up. I'll have a look on Amazon for them. That seems a long time to wait for the replacement ventilation motor. But at least you can sleep in peace now. x

                  We had a little drama this morning - one of our neighbour's dogs went missing out on a nearby moor. She's an elderly dog, border terrier, and I was worried in case she had gone rabbiting - but I was just about to take Eva out there to help look for her when someone found her safe but wet and bedraggled in the nearby car park! Eva will just get a quick walk round the block now!

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Plant, crossing fingers for better weather for you next week.

                    Daisy it must have been scary when the dog went missing like that. Thank goodness she was found .
                    The tulips were a crimson bunch and a pale pink one. We display tulips in a glass bowl like a goldfish bowl and they look beautiful today.

                    DD's hair straighteners were switched off so nothing to do there. Aquafit was a bit less painful than last week but some moves were still very painful and some I had to miss out.
                    Our cat sitter friend enjoyed her lunch and a catch up, and a cuddle with the cat! She and we have a elderly and frail cat so it's a matter of time who has to say goodbye first .

                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Daisy, so pleased the dog was found safe.
                      I think the gluten free pastry turned out ok. It seemed very crumbly to me.
                      Maybe i was doing it wrong, but it didn't seem to come together like ordinary pastry, if you know what i mean.
                      I didn't use Xantham Gum, sis in law said its more for use in cakes.
                      Anyway, all the large pie got eaten. SIS brought a gluten free golden syrup sponge she had made.

                      Plant, i hope you have good weather next week as well.

                      Gem, glad the hair straighners were switched off.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Nanto, this is exactly the same problem I have with GF pastry. I've found Xantham Gum does help to make it less crumbly, but I've never managed to get consistent results. It sounds as though you did well with yours. Funnily enough, I don't use it for cakes.

                        Gem, yes, I was worried for the missing dog. She's 13 and it's bleak out on the local moor. It was such a wet cold day as well. It's good progress that aquafit was less painful. How lovely your tulips must look. I'm sure Henry enjoyed the cuddle as much as your friend did.

                        It's been cold, wet and totally miserable here all day, but at least training went well. Eva had a lovely time and came home happy but tired.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Brightening up here.Don't know what the forecast is.

                          We are expecting a quieter day here.

                          Dinner is french fries,sirloin steak and mushy peas.

                          Have a good day ladies.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning Nan2, Tweety and everyone else.

                            It rained all night long so its very soggy underfoot. I think it will be a wet golf course for OH.

                            No plans today. OH will be back at the golf club tonight for the annual committee meal.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Not looking very cheerful outside, I planned to go to the tip with my paper and card today but I don’t have much get up and go. Tomorrow will be for packing and I like to leave the place clean and tidy. I have to go out to get something to have for dinner and some milk.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Good Morning everyone.
                                What a dull miserable week we have had here on Merseyside its been grey all week.
                                Its not been a very nice week really my lovely neighbour next door rang yesterday in such a state as she had just had a telephone call to say her sister had had a heart attack and died at 2pm poor soul was only 62 so no age at all so I spent a few hours with her until her family arrived and the sad news that Paul O'Grady had died made for a horrible day.

                                Even though the day was not very nice I was delighted to see DD and new baby at lunchtime yesterday DD was babysitting for the day the baby is now 6 weeks and responding to voices and giving little smiles he is still only tiny compared to my other DGCs at 6lb.4oz now such a tiny little thing to change nappies cute little chicken legs he is so cuddly and is taking his feeds so well.
                                DD was delighted that her special shoes for Ladies Day at Aintree had arrived she does go for the more off the wall style she just has to pick up her fascinator and she is all done I have a ticket to go but unsure if I can manage the day with my back pain they want to pick me up at 7am to get to their house in L'Pool and I won't be back until 8/9ish just far to long a time for me .
                                I made a massive mistake with my Drs appointment I was convinced it was 22/3 and it turned out to be 22/2 I was so sure the chap who did my bloods said 22/3 I had to make so many apologies to the receptionist she has now booked me in for 12/4 and I have it in bold pen on my wall calendar I will have to grovel again when I see the Dr.
                                My eldest son is off on holiday for a week tomorrow he certainly needs a break after the goings on these past few months when he comes back he will be chasing his application for his own place with the HA I am with as he needs a place of his own where he can have my DGD to stay over with him its just not feasible with him having a room at his sisters place even though he is comfortable there he needs his own space and a room for little one to stay.
                                Enjoy the rest of the day I am off to Aldi for some bits and bobs as DGD is here for tea tonight after school so need to buy some treats for her and maybe some chocolate for me xxx

                                Talk soon lovely ladies x

                                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

