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    Morning Nanto / Ladies

    Busy day for us .

    Dog walker coming for Storm about 8.30 ,
    We will go to DDs see to cats and fish and birds fill the feeders.

    Then 11 our Hairdresser coming to cut my friends hair,
    Then B has liver Dr at Hospital at 2.30

    Tomorrow should be quieter.

    After it absolutely bounced down last night , Storm wouldn’t go out for a wee , then 10 to 4 this morning he stuck his nose in Bs face frightening the life out of him , he needed to go out 🙄
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Sunny at the moment, I am meeting Dil for lunch later. DD and Sil are not free of childminding, they have their No1 GD today, they should be free after that. Sat.they are looking after a puppy for a week, it is being trained for the blind. They are on the register to do holiday cover.

      Oma, I am sure that dog is human, it must have shocked B to have something licking his face unless that is something you are in the habit of doing.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good morning ladies.

        Nan2 it's good job your graphic mentioned Monday. I thought it was Sunday!!

        Busy day for you Oma. I can imagine how shocked B felt!

        Enjoy your lunch Plant.

        No plans today, we will see what the day brings.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Storm puts his nose on your nose so a wet nose that time of the morning is a shock especially when you forget you have a dog 🤣🤣

          He went with the dog walker with no trouble , jumped in the back of the van as if he had always done it .
          I told her any problems to ring and we will pick him up from wherever she walks him , but I think he will be ok .

          Went to see to cats , opened the front door to find a trail of vomit 🤢
          Naughty buzz had managed to get into the tin of fish food flakes ,
          We knew it was him and not Talulah as he had fish flakes on his head 🙄

          Didnt stop him eating his dreamiest and food though .
          Talulah just sat and watched him with disgust 😁
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Cat vomit, what a lovely welcome Oma!!!!

            I know what you mean about forgetting you have a dog and being surprised to be woken.
            We used to have the same with GS1 when he was little. He would walk into our room in the middle of the night, stand right by the bed and stare. OH sleeps nearest the door so she was terrified on several occasion to open her eyes to see small boy right in front of her! If it is your own child (or dog) you get used to is, but not when they are only there occasionally.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Hallo everyone, I had to laugh at the quilty cat being covered in fish flakes!!!

              I had an early visit from GD1 this morning, she was supposed to be working in the greenhouse cutting peppers, but, no-one was there! She was lucky I was home as I am usually at the gym at that time.

              I went to do coffee and one of the men brought cakes in for his birthday, I didn't want to seem ungrateful so I ate one, sooooooo sweet, I won't bother again!!

              I have been on the bike to the hospital. It isn't rheumatism in my hands, at least she doesn't think so, it is athritis, the same as in my feet, I thought as much, I have an appointment in a fortnights time with a specialist nurse. I came home through the town, so busy with tourists!

              DS1 and GD2 came on their bikes yesterday afternoon so the crate etc has been fitted. They go away on Thursday, Croatia for a fortnight.


                Oma, the vision of the cat with fish flakes made me chuckle.

                i got the washing dry and 5 minutes after i brought it in,it started raining.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Hello everyone. I’ve read all your posts today and as so often, they gave me some chuckles, although I bet Oma and Mr Oma weren’t laughing over the early morning nose encounter or the “present “ from Buzz.

                  We haven’t had the best day. Lots of rain, and very low cloud. We’d had a problem with levelling the caravan on Saturday and part of the mechanism had broken. Mobile repairer came out this morning and we’ve had to have a complete new leg. At least we’re not now worrying about the van collapsing while one of us was in the bathroom!

                  We’re going to the pub for dinner tonight though. It’s within walking distance through the woods but we’ll probably go in the car just to stay dry! 😁
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Keep dry Daisy, you don't want your meal spoiled by you being dripping wet

                    I've never been to Croatia Lizzie but everyone I know who has been loved it.

                    It's flipping wet here now! A few short little showers throughout the day, then a downpour around 5 .

                    We went to B&Q and Dunelm this morning.
                    OH has gone round to a friend's to help seal a bath.
                    Her reward is a lamb curry!
                    I am happy at home with salmon
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Weather the same here too , just been to take Storm for a little walk , only out 20 minutes and we got soaked .
                      At least your all safe and sound now and not listing like a sinking ship 🤣🤣

                      B loves lamb curry it turns my stomach , I adore curry but not beef or lamb.
                      I would rather have Salmon too.
                      Did you buy anything nice in Dunelm ?

                      Never stopped today . First dog walker came as I said Then Dorothy &James came , then Hairdresser arrived.
                      Dorothy had her hair cut and so did I in between chatting and cups of tea , it was after 2.30 when everyone went
                      B had to be at Hospital at 3
                      He just got back and a friend dropped in , by time they went and we managed to eat it was time to take Storm out .

                      He's just had A fish mix of Salmon Cod and smoked haddock .
                      B Made a fish pie last week and there was loads of fish left so we froze it , Storm has thoroughly enjoyed it 😀
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        You all have the rain and we have the heat!!!

                        Gem, I have been to Croatia many years ago when it was Yugoslavia , quite a few times actually.

                        Daisy, I hope that the rain stops for the rest of your holiday.


                          Croatia was the first place we went abroad,but it was Yugoslavia then.

                          Daisy, at least you know the caravan is safe now.
                          Hope you don't get too much rain.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Had rain overnight.

                            Hubby meeting his pal in town this morning.
                            I'm going with him, but will not be going with them. I want to go to the butchers and stock up and want to go to Wilkos.
                            Hubby is not bad when we go shopping together, but sometimes it's nice to have an hour on my own.
                            We'll meet up later and go for coffee.

                            Chicken stew and dumplings for dinner.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning everyone.

                              I forgot Croatia was previously Yugoslavia! I remember my in-laws going there in the 80's.

                              Nan2 I know what you mean .I enjoy shopping trips with my OH but appreciate alone shopping time too!

                              Lizzie, its still hot despite the rain! Not as hot as it is where you are though.

                              Oma, from Dunelm we bought a frame for my Elton John poster (wrong size, I'm an idiot) 2 Pyrex bowls and an under bed storage box for under the cot! Fascinating stuff eh? I have a drawer for nappies and baby stuff. This box will free up that drawer!

                              Library this morning, GS1 from school. The youth club was a big success last week so I will taking him to that again after his tea.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Went to meet Dil for lunch yesterday, she had, or so she thought, booked a table at a Turkish restaurant on line but when we got there, being a Monday, it was not open. Fortunately we had other places to choose, nice spending time with her in her own. I came back and watched some tennis and promptly fell asleep and I didn’t wake up this morning until after 9am.
                                This afternoon is ex Guiders meeting.

                                Nanto, my OH was not good at standing around when we shopped together. When we were together in a supermarket he used to wander off with the trolley usually to the wine department. Enjoy your shop.

                                Daisy, sorry to here about your siting problem and having to replace a foot on the caravan. The Malvern site was a favourite one of ours and the worst one we encountered was Sandringham. It was then a sandy uneven site with lots of trees. Have fun

                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

