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    WG, that little shop must be very handy for you. I am so pleased you are meeting friendly people asking you to join in activities. I passed your house today, I was going from Aqua to my DS’s, my GS4 fitted a child’s car seat in my car for me and fitted a new battery to my Dyson. They live in Naphill. Give me a ring t fix p a lunch, I don’t have your number.

    Your week is being filled Grauntie, enjoy your time with the other golf widows.

    Daisy I hope your GD1 was well enough to enjoy your visit. I hope there will be more good days to come.

    Oma, I hope your Mil was happy with her food. I love poppies in the garden, I am reduced to one, must get some more. That sounded like a nasty injury to B’s finger, good job you had the necessary First Aid items to deal with it. did you kiss it better.

    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      GM, certainly been a busy time for you.

      Daisy,our car is an automatic and hubby loves it.
      He also likes all the toys it has as well.

      Gem, not sure if Carte Dior is still on offer at Farmfoods. I didn't look as we have plenty in.
      Both freezers are packed to the gills,so wouldn't have been any room for any.

      Oma, your hubby in the wars again. Hope it heals quickly.

      So glad i got my jobs done early.
      SIL and her hubby came this afternoon. We stayed inside though,it was too warm outside.
      Soon after they left,DS1 and GD1 and her hubby came. Shortly after GD2 came.
      We have enjoyed every minute of the socialising.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Good evening ladies.

        Oh Oma, poor B!

        Grauntie, you sound too busy to have found time to relax whilst OH is away!

        WG, you are a busy lady too I can see it would be strange to come back to an empty house, it must take some getting used to xx

        Nan2, I am going for a massage on Tuesday and the lady lives close to Farmfoods so I will have a look. You are wise to have stayed inside!

        I'm glad the key was found in the end Lizzie!

        Did you enjoy aqua Plant?

        Daisy, how was GD today?

        Mum was a bit miserable but not as much so as last time. I took her an almond Magnum in a coolbag and she really enjoyed that.

        OH isn't feeling well. She thinks it is too much sun. She could be right as we sat in the garden all morning and not always in the shade, then she was out on the golf course all afternoon. She has gone to bed and I have opened all windows everywhere and am encouraging her to drink water. She is asleep now. If she is no better in the morning I will get her to take a covid test.
        We saw a hedgehog in the garden at 5 O clock. We rang the hedgehog lady and took him over to her. I drove as OH wasn't feeling well.

        I hope everyone, human and animal feel better tomorrow!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          WeeGranny - it's all happening at your house - and garden. I wonder what's lurking behind the bushes you're having cut back. The folk club sounds fun and a good way of meeting people. I've got a hearing aid check on Monday as well. I've found out today that my phone will tell me how much charge is left in the batteries - not rechargeable though. I'm sure GS was delighted with the goodies you got for dinner. I hope your SIL's MRI scan went ok, although I don't suppose he will get the results for a week or so.

          Lizzie - it's worrying when keys go missing, isn't it. So glad you found your friend's. It must have been lovely gliding along on your e-bikes.

          Grauntie - did you enjoy having the GCs round for a meal? How old are they now? I'm sure you and your fellow golf widows will have a great time tomorrow. Don't worry about not getting things done - they will keep till another day. Have you been eating olives for breakfast, dinner and tea?

          Oma - how funny B having the same car! A neighbour of ours has also had one and loved it. Ours is already about 6 years old, but looks very smart and not a high mileage. OH has spent most of today studying the owner's manual! He'll never remember what all the bells and whistles are for though. About 3 or 4 days ago OH came in from his shed with exactly the same injury. as B. I think he will definitely loose the little flap of skin, but like you, I didn't think there was any need to go to A&E. We'll have to bang their heads together to get them to be more careful!

          Gem - your poor OH. I hope it was just a bit too much heat and she feels ok in the morning. Well done on making sure the hedgehog was looked after. I'm glad your mum was a little happier this time. Does the heat affect her?

          Plant - I bet you were glad you didn't play bowls in the heat this afternoon.

          OH's car is diesel. I think there are cars coming on to the mark that you could tow with, but way out of our price range, and not something we fancy really.

          Nanto - sometimes staying indoors is the sensible thing to do.

          In the end I didn't go to see GD1. She really wasn't well first thing and we waited for a while to see if she felt better after breakfast and a shower, but unusually for her, she wasn't very hungry and didn't feel like doing anything. By then it was too late to join the lunch group, so I defrosted the fridge-freezer I've been intending to do for a couple of weeks, and did some washing. After lunch I felt really tired - I'd been up and busy since 6 am, and dozed out in the garden for an hour or so. But I've made up for it tonight - deadheading roses, watering and pottering in the garden.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Good morning everyone, I am having a lazy day today, the allergy is bothering me, sore throat, head etc, it is the first time it has got to me really this season, I have different tablets so I hope they help.

            WG, I am the same as you with my hearing aids, I realise now how deaf I was in my left ear! It may be just the one I need but have the 2 months to get used to them, cycling with my friend yesterday she was talking and I wondered why she was shouting? I could actually hear her better.

            Gem, I hope it is just the sun with S and not covid.

            Oma, I hope B's finger heals quickly, a couple of years ago I chopped my hand with a butchers knife? I have never seen so much blood, it was 4-30 and I know the surgery closes at 5pm so I wrapped a clean tea towel round my hand, got on my bike and went to the surgery, what I didn't know was the last 30 minutes on a Friday they have a meeting, they did open the door when they saw the deep red tea towel, I had 3 doctors to help me, it needed 8 stitches and I returned home and prepared the dinner I was cooking as DS2 and DIL were coming. If I hadn't have gone to the surgery I would have had to have been taken to the doctor's post and that is at the hospital. I have never used the "axe" again though.

            Daisy, my DIL had a Skoda long ago and she loved it.

            I want to take a card to the practise I go to for treatment, she started 25 years ago today.


              Hi ladies Good Morning to everyone,I am having problems getting on the past few days I keep getting logged out and messages popping up saying server not responding lets hope this message gets through I just don't understand the problem.
              Everyone is so busy looking at the posts Oma I hope B is over his finger accident poor man its so painful when you trap a finger I feel his pain.
              Gems I do hope OH is feeling brighter today and its not Covid.
              I've got the case all sorted now limit is 22kgs and when weighed it was 19kgs so just made it with everything in just got to put hair styler in on Sunday I cant go anywhere without it.
              I am off now as message is appearing again will catch up when I get home on 27th x
              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                Feels very warm already.

                Not sure what we are doing today.

                Fish and chips for dinner. DS1 and both GD's are coming for dinner.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Glamm, enjoy your holiday.xxxx


                    Good morning to everyone.

                    Have a fantastic holiday Glamma.

                    Lizzie thank goodness there were still doctors around when you cut your hand so badly. I hope the new antihistamines help.

                    Daisy, I'm sorry you missed seeing both GD and your friends for lunch. I hope today is a better day for GD

                    ​​​​​​​We had a terrible night here. OH so hot, was sick and had diarrhea several times throughout the night. I slept in the spare room and kept both doors open so I could hear her if she needed me. I didn't get much sleep. She is a lot cooler this morning but feels far from well.
                    Hopefully she will sleep it off today and feel much better.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Gemini, oh dear, poor S, I presume she has a sickness bug. I hope she improves today.

                      Nanto, how lovely to have fairies at the bottom of your garden. Enjoy your fish and chips. I have fish for tonight’s meal, mine is stuffed Sea Bass courtesy of Mr Waitrose.

                      Glamm, Have a lovely holiday.

                      Daisy, I am so sorry your GD was too poorly for her to enjoy a visit.

                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Plant, we are not really sure, but it certainly could be. She did a covid test which was negative.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning ladies

                          Gem it sounds a bit like heat stroke S has , keep a eye on her and make her drink lots to rehydrate her poor woman ,
                          Do you feel ok ? If it’s a sickness bug you may get it too xx

                          Daisy poor GD it’s one step forward two back isn’t it , such a worry xx

                          Lizzie that must have been some cut you got , bet you won’t use that knife again ,
                          My sister is suffering hay fever bad this year ,

                          Glamm enjoy your holiday xx

                          Plant enjoy your sea bass it sounds very tasty ,

                          Well we didn’t have a peaceful night last night
                          Phone rang at 10pm it was DD she was in A&E with SIL , he had been playing 5 a side with friends and injured his leg ,

                          DD was at boot camp came home to find him laying on the sofa unable to walk ,
                          Two friends had brought him home and carried him in

                          GS had to come pick B up to take him to the sports ground to pick SILs van up and take it home then GS brought B home

                          It was a 6 hour waiting time but triage nurse thought it was his Achilles heel that was damaged and they must apparently see that within a 3 hour time limit .

                          Luckily it wasn’t but he has torn ligaments and muscles in his lower leg ,
                          So that’s him on crutches for weeks now ,

                          They got home about 1 am but listen to this ,
                          He needs to wear a Tubigrip stocking bandage for 6 weeks but DD has to go out and buy one today as the hospital don’t provide them now 😱

                          They could provide Crutches but not a bandage ? Doesn’t make sense does it , what is our NHS coming too ..

                          we finally got to bed about 2 am , rang this morning he didn’t sleep he is in so much pain ,
                          Keep telling him he is at 49 to old to play football 🙄
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning everyone.

                            I'm just off to see GD1 - she's feeling a little bit better this morning. I'll read everyone's posts later - it's been one of those mornings. xx
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Good afternoon. Thank you for the lovely e-card and all your best wishes for my birthday on Tuesday. I had a very nice day and lunch out with Dd and GS, and some lovely gifts. Lunch out again with my friend yesterday so it’s been a good week.

                              Very hot here today, I don’t like the heat so have been puttering indoors in the cool. I shall go into the garden later when it’s cooler. Can’t handle the heat now I’m older.

                              Gem, I hope S feels better soon, keep up the liquids, heat stroke…if that’s what it horrible.

                              Have a good day everyone, stay cool.
                              Last edited by Enfys; 17-06-2022, 04:51 PM.
                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                                Oh dear, poorly and injured people.
                                Gem, hope OH is feeling better soon.

                                Oma, hope SIL makes a speedy recovery.

                                Its been another full on day here.
                                We went to Asda this morning,because i am out tomorrow.
                                Visitors came for dinner.
                                Then brother in law came and wanted me to write and print off a CV for him.

                                Been very warm, but we have kept out of the sun.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

