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The Daily Drop-in

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    Morning ladies
    Nanto good luck with your check up , not the best appointments but a necessity isn’t it xx

    Daisy hope yours is quick are they testing or just see if your ok with them ?
    Sounds a good day you had but tiring, did the dogs behave 😁

    Glamm is on her way , seen herDD said on FB it took two hours to get through check in , crazy situation .

    Hope Gem is feeling better today xx

    We have another spot booked at the tip tomorrow and Friday so getting stuff out of loft today and B clearing the shed of rubbish , so exciting my life 🙄

    Elton John was at The Stadium of light football stadium in Sunderland last night about 8 mile away , we could faintly here the noise when the wind was in the right direction ,
    My great nephew had a taxi booked to pick him up from work at 10:30 last night he’s only 17 my niece had to book it a week ago to make sure he got one , it’s been madness people without tickets getting taxis down just to stand outside the stadium to listen , God if we could hear it this far off they may as well sat in their own gardens to listen .

    All the roads were blocked off to traffic even buses were diverted , police only letting taxis through to drop off ,
    apparently so I heard even the park and ride couldn’t cope with the volume of people .

    Have a good day ladies xx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      I hope the ladies with medical appts. Get the okay, alls well.

      Gemini, I do hope you and S are feeling better, no doubt you will feel a bit washed out.

      Oma, Is Elton John still performing? I quite like his voice. I am now listening to I’m Still Standing on Alexa.

      The Horses Trust put on a good show. I didn’t get too near the horses but I could feel one eye getting watery and my throat was sore. I watched the ferret racing and the dog show and tried to keep clear of the stables. There were 4 Chelsea Pensioners there too as the trust has a connection to the forces, they take the retired horses. GGD wouldn’t go to sleep in the pushchair and was so tired so we came home quite early.
      All the hedges were cut whilst I was out by two young men so we look quite tidy now.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Plant it’s his farewell tour before he retires,
        I bet GGD fell asleep in the car though ,
        I sometimes think they get over tired and don’t know what to do with themselves , that ends in tears most of the time doesn’t it xx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good morning ladies. I'm going to try my best to catch up today.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Morning Gem take your time get plenty of rest xxx
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Well not too bad a result at the hospital. He said it doesn't look too bad, maybe that means it doesn't look too good.
              Anyway, he didn't take any biopsies. Got to go back in 6 months. I'm not worried.

              Daisy,hope your appointment went well.

              Hubby gone with his brother to B&Q, Wickes and Screwfix. probably gone to any other places that there is.
              I could have gone with them,but i politely declined.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Hallo, Nanto, you right not to worry, no biopsies must be a good sign.

                I have had a busy day, gym, pool etc, then GD2 phoned, "when are you going to England nan as the school have changed the musical to Tuesday 28th!!!" So I have managed to change my sailings, got in touch with my brother and I am now arriving in Hull on the 29th June and leaving on the 4th July so got an extra night in there! Now I hope DS can pick me up on the Tuesday, otherwise I will leave my car there. I will have to look into that.


                  Nanto they can’t be too bothered if no biopsy and a 6 month appointment , you can relax till next one now .

                  Lizzie you were lucky to be able to change sailing days , Im sure GD is happy you could 😁

                  We have packed the car ready for the tip in the morning ,
                  We did have two trips booked one for tomorrow and one Friday ,
                  SIL rang today we having new wood flooring put in Dinning room , kitchen , utility and loo ,
                  We thought with him hurting his leg it would be a few weeks but the lad he employs is coming Thursday and Friday to do it and SIL will supervise ,

                  We have a huge cupboard in the Dinning room it holds all Bs kitchen gadgets etc and a side board with glass wear and spare dinner service etc in that will all have to be emptied and Stuff put upstairs in the spare room so they can move them ,

                  then kick boards under kitchen cupboards have to come out and the breakfast bar
                  So tomorrow will be a busy day .
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    My audiology check up was fine. She could tell from her records how many hours a day I've been wearing them (average over 11 hours/day) so I think things are ok. She said I might want to go for an adjustment in about 6 months, but if not, she'll see me in 12 months. I was back home just after 10, and blitzed the living room. I did a bit of weeding and dead-heading in the front garden as well. Much needed, and definitely looks better! Tomorrow it's knit and natter with GD1 if she's ok.

                    Lizzie it was lucky you were able to change your sailing dates, which might not have been so easy if you had been taking the car, but as a foot passenger I presume it's easier.

                    Nanto - thank goodness! That sounds like good news.

                    Oma - such excitement, going to the tip. I'm sure the new flooring will be beautiful, but it's a lot of upheaval. Don't overdo things.

                    Gem - I'm so pleased you are on the mend. Don't you overdo things, either. xx

                    Plant - what a lovely day out, but poor little Baby H, getting overtired. I hope she slept well at night.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      I have some Lucozade, on the advice of the pharmacist as I am still not eating. OH phoned as she was concerned that I am not recovering as quickly as she did. He doesn't want me to take Immodium but let it run its course. He says it sounds a nasty bug which can last 4 to 6 days. It can't come fast enough for me

                      Night ladies, I will talk to you tomorrow.

                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good morning, I am having my hair trimmed at 9am then may have a bike ride on from there.

                        I never thought about that Daisy with it being more difficult to change a booking with the car. When I booked I booked a semi-flex to be on the safe side, a good thing I did as it was very easy to change dates on-line. DS1 said " a good thing you did that mother"! GD2 was delighted as well, she said "now you won't miss the musical nan"!

                        Gem, I hope you are feeling better and eating soon, it will tire you out.

                        Oma, how on earth do you manage to do all that you do????? The thought of emptying a cupboard etc would put me off having the new floor in! I was 20 years younger when all this was done and I was in tears!

                        Enjoy your knitting with GD Daisy, my knitting is coming along nicely, I don't do it for too long though.


                          Good morning Lizzie , is another nice day here ,
                          giving myself two days to do the clearing out of the large cupboard and sideboard Lizzie ,
                          A excuse to get rid of stuff he doesn’t use too ,
                          GS came for his tea yesterday and offered to come after college tomorrow and help but I said we would be done by then ,
                          He would have came today but he’s out with his other grandparents for tea today ,
                          Since they moved away they don’t see him as often so I wouldn’t want him cancelling, He is their only G C so they miss him ,
                          We are lucky we live near and he sees us all the time .

                          Hope Gem is feeling better today ,
                          How is everyone else ?
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Woke up too early this morning, tried to get off again but my shoulder was painful from swimming and bowls. I have to be in this afternoon as Sil is going to the hospital and we are expecting someone to come and do some jobs he can’t do. I hope the hospital will find the break has healed, otherwise it might be an operation. I have to go to the Post Office with some return parcels this morning and collect some tops from Waitrose click and collect. So that is my day sorted.

                            Oma, I hope the cupboard clearing goes well, one or two of my cupboards could do with sorting.

                            Gemini, I do hope you are feeling better today, take things slowly.

                            Lizzie well done for making your booking for semi-flex, now you are able to see the musical.

                            Daisy, baby H seems to be changing her sleep pattern, she is waking at night, something she has hardly ever done and then normally has quite a long morning sleep. I expect you remember it is awkward when you want to go anywhere. I used to put my babies in their pram for their morning sleep then I could let the brake off to go shopping. Of course those were the days when we shopped in the village, before supermarkets. Now they are in and out of cars when they have dropped off to sleep.
                            Last edited by Plantaholic; 21-06-2022, 07:33 AM.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Good Tuesday morning, everyone.

                              We've got hazy sun and it feels warmer than the 13C my weather app insists it is! I've been up since 5 o'clock again - it's not like me, but I keep waking and feeling wide awake so I might as well get up as lie there not sleeping. I've started cleaning the windows downstairs. We've had so much dust from the patio work and then OH renovating some wooden garden furniture, plus sand from the Sahara, pollen when it rains and general muckiness. I've been storing gardening bits and pieces in the summerhouse, but now there is room in my little potting shed so I've moved things round, pinched out tomato shoots and filled the bird baths etc. Time now to 'get up'!! Hopefully seeing GD1 if she's ok.

                              Gem - you really have had a bad time with this bug. My mum used to swear by Lucozade for tummy upsets, so interesting that the pharmacist agrees. Unfortunately I think Immodium is a useful quick fix, if say you're on holiday, but doesn't give your system chance to fight the infection off itself. Do take care, and get as much rest as you can. I hope your appetite comes back soon. Sending hugs xxx

                              Lizzie - your GD2 really wants you to be at her concert, bless her. She must be so pleased you could change your sailing dates. What are you knitting? GD1 and I are still making scrunchies - I'm just about to start a multi-coloured one for GD2.

                              Oma - it's surprising what you find lurking in the back of cupboards, isn't it. Do you find yourself wondering why on earth you kept certain things? How kind of J to offer to help - it's the thought that counts.

                              I hope everyone else is ok. I'll pop back later.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Another beautiful morning.

                                Towels washed on the line. A few other bits and bats done.

                                Busy this morning,i'll be back later.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

