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The Daily Drop-in

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    Been grey and miserable here today. Had a walk round the village when I got my paper other than that it's been doing various bits and pieces round the house.
    Doggo came for the day yesterday as DD had friends visiting who
    have a dog that can't be left alone! He didn't settle though and he's starting to show his age. He's moulting and chose to lie on the bit of the sofa not covered by his blanket!! Had to get the Hoover out today.
    I enjoyed the concert last night but didn't know who half of the performers were!
    Started to watch the pageant but got fed up with it!
    New hearing aids tomorrow so I'll be able to hear everything that's being said, hopefully😆
    Have a good evening ladies xx
    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
    Theodore Roosevelt.


      WG, its been grey and miserable here as well, and cold.
      Hope the new hearing aids are ok tomorrow.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        WG we said the same who were most of the acts ?
        Lunch was ok not great but it was nice to be with family and have a laugh .
        Its raining now ,
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Originally posted by Plantaholic View Post
          Daisy, I thought opening with Queen was amazing. Didn’t know a lot of the performers.
          Plant - I missed the opening part! Would like to have seen Queen!

          Pleased to see Glitter-Graphics is up and running again, Nanto.

          It wasn't too bad here this morning, but we had all just gathered in the street for our extra mini street party when the heavens opened. We very quickly swept everything off the tables and and into our dining room. It was a bit noisy, but great to have a get together. But I'm shattered now.

          We had unexpected visitors this morning. OH answered the phone to a very bad mobile line and didn't hear the name of the caller, who said they were nearby and would drop in to see us. So it was a lovely surprise a few minutes later to open the door to a niece and her OH - she is the sister of the niece I'm doing the hare picture for. It was just about warm enough to sit outside with a coffee, and it was great to see them. A lovely surprise.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Daisy, lovely to have surprise visitors.

            Looks like another rubbish day regarding the weather.

            Doing a roast pork dinner today. Meat is in the slow cooker.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good morning, dry here at the moment but showers forecast later on. I went in the car to DS1 as it was pouring down, he admired my rain coat, I told him I have had it a few years, I bought it when I used to pick the girls up from school as I can't hold an umbrella for any length of time.

              It was a good meal, DIL1 is a good cook and takes her time with it all, she had made a meat loaf with GD2 and it was delicious.

              The material market I was going to has been cancelled, I don't think there are enough customers nowadays to make it all worth their while, so, I will be going to the market in Delft on Thursday morning.

              I have been to the gym, very busy! It will be with it being a bank holiday and the gym was closed yesterday. One of the women that is often there asked me how much weight I had lost! She said I look so much better for it, not everyone says that! I do feel better for it though, now to keep it off.

              Daisy, you would enjoy the surprise visitors and your tea party with the neighbours, I can imagine it being busy for you though.


                Morning ladies,

                lizzie glad you enjoyed your meal , always nice when someone else cooks 😁

                Nanto love the hedgehogs 😁 dull but dry for now but it did rain heavy last night .

                Daisy surprise visitors are always best especially if you haven’t seen them for a while ,
                Shame about the rain but doesn’t seem to have spoilt your party 😁

                B just gone to fill car up and check air pressure in tyres we leaving about 11ish ,
                just put towels in the wash after shower I can get them washed and dried before we go rather than have wet towels in basket , I could hang them in the boiler cupboard but rather have them washed and clean ,

                Hope everyone is ok xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Oma, enjoy your well deserved break!xxxx


                    Next door was very busy yesterday, GS1 and his daughter (mum was at the theatre with GGS), GS2 and his partner (they were returning my car) GD1, her OH and baby H. I went in and played with GGD1, she is such a sweetie. Off today with GD1 and H to an indoor play place. Miserable looking morning here, the weather is so changeable.

                    Lizzie, nice to be told you are looking good after the effort of dieting.

                    All the village activities went well and the weather was fine for them all. Locals have reported on facebook that they would like to keep up the event, scaled down, next year. There used to be a carnival.

                    Lovely to have surprise visitors Daisy, shame it rained on your street party.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Good Monday morning, and welcome back to whatever routines you've avoided during the long Jubilee Bank Holiday week-end.

                      It rained heavily yesterday afternoon and night, but the sun is doing its best today!

                      Oma - enjoy your break. Safe journey.

                      Plant - it was certainly a busy day in the Plant family yesterday - but I'm sure you enjoyed it, especially playing with baby H. Enjoy the indoor play place today.

                      Lizzie - it was kind of the lady who commented on how well you look. I think sometimes the people who make adverse comments about weight loss are really just saying they wish they had/could do the same. Your car had a rare outing yesterday, didn't it. I do admire the way you use your bike so much. Hopefully you'll be able to find fabric you like at the Delft market.

                      Nanto - a roast pork dinner sounds perfect for the weather you're having. x

                      WeeGranny - I hope your new hearing aids are better. It took a couple of days to get used to my new ones, but I hardly ever have to adjust them and tend to forget I'm wearing them. They're like chalk and cheese compared to the other ones. So I hop you find the same. x

                      I've got to get on now with organising all sorts of things for DS1's 50th birthday party in 3 weeks' time. I've got lists of my lists!!

                      Have a good week everyone. xx

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good morning all.

                        Cute graphic Nan2 glad to have them back! That reminds me of our two regular garden hedgehogs, except they are not friends!

                        Oma, have a lovely well deserved break!

                        Daisy, you had a lovely day despite the unseasonable weather

                        I'm glad you had a lovely meal Lizzie.

                        We watched the Platinum Jubilee concert last night, recorded from the previous night. We enjoyed it very much, with the added bonus of being able to whizz through anything we didn't like so much

                        Reflexology for me this morning, then we are going over to my auntie's this afternoon to take her out for tea and cake.
                        I need to phone DD3 to arrange going swimming (What's App chat is making us more confused) So I will do that before my treatment.

                        Happy Monday everyone.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          If you see this Oma, have a lovely trip.

                          Theres been a bit of an improvement in the weather. its a bit brighter. Even had a glimmer of sun for a few seconds.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            It brightened up a lot here too Nan2.

                            We had a lovely afternoon with my amazing auntie. We went out for tea and cake and a drive over the moors afterwards, then another cuppa at hers.
                            A lovely time 😊
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Morning ladies a nice morning here
                              so far having a nice time ,
                              DD is 49 today so we have just face timed her and sang Happy Birthday 🥳

                              will pop back later xxx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Beautiful sunshine this morning for a change.

                                Oma, i 'm sure DD loved hearing your dulcit tones first thing this morning.

                                Hubby is out this morning,plenty of inside jobs i want to do.
                                After dinner,we will be in the garden for a couple of hours.
                                I want to cut the grass and hubby wants to tidy something at the back of the garage.

                                Jacket potatoes for dinner with tuna/mayo/grated cheese and coleslaw.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

