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    Lovely to hear for you WG, and I'm sorry things have been hard xx
    You know we are here to listen when you want/have time.

    Today has been one of sunshine and rain too. I bet the cats were glad to see you Oma.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Hello everyone. I think the clock has been going double fast today! First chance I've had to get on here, and I'm struggling to catch up with everyone, so please forgive me. I'm not ignoring you. xx

      Gem - I can imagine how down you must feel about your mum's house. I remember how awful it was when the sale of my cousin's house kept dragging on and on. You really do need that sale to go through as soon as possible. It makes you feel quite bitter about people's ethics and morals, to do what he did and then pull out. Sending you a very big hug. xxx

      Oma - I've got one of those seat-cum-kneelers for the garden. I got it some years ago, thinking the kneeler would be good when it was wet at the allotment, but now I find the seat handy too, and it's easy to move around. We can't have you getting a wet bum like that! How is your neighbour today? What an awful journey to the coast, but the cafe sounds like a good find for next time. Poor cats sitting out in the rain.

      Enfys - I'm so glad your WI is back up and running, even i f it was outdoors. You're right, it's good to get out and see people again, and even more so for you when you've had such a sad time. I hope things are OK in Adelaide for your DS. I read somewhere that only about 3% of the population in Australia have been vaccinated.

      Plant - I'm sure your GGCs are keeping your DD busy, wherever they are. They sound absolutely delightful. I would feel sorry for that lad as well. You never know what brings them to the point of getting into trouble like that, and he might even be known to them, but I still feel sad.

      Lizzie - we won't be getting the cabling just yet. About a year seems the best estimate. I bet those flowers made your 85-year old neighbour's day. They are so good for cheering you up. I love the sound of all your fresh vegetables.

      Nanto - it's showery here, and none to warm either.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        WeeGranny, I've been wondering how you and your OH are. I'm sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time. As Gem says, we're always here if you want a shoulder to cry on, or have a good rant. How is your OH's treatment going? Having a bad journey going up to Scotland must have been hard - it's a long way anyway, especially if you were the only driver. Sending hugs. xx
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          As I said earlier, I'm chasing my tail today - every time I try to get on with some job or other something else happens!

          I went with GD2 and her mum to get her school uniform this morning. We had to go to a shop in Southbourne and neither of us knew where it was. But we got there ok. It was huge! The girl was telling me they supply uniform to 35 different schools as far away as Romsey (over an hour's drive away). We got most of what was on the school list, but no trousers. The smallest size they do in GD's school colours would have fitted two of her, with room to spare! She's quite happy to wear a skirt at the moment, but in the middle winter it will be different. DIL is going to contact the school to see if they've got any suggestions - they were far too large everywhere to be altered. Hopefully the manufacturer might do a smaller size, or sell her some fabric so the other granny can make them. GD2 was delighted with the items we did get - it brings it all a step closer for her.

          I went back to their house for a cup of tea and a chat with DS and GD2. The GDs are coming tomorrow for a sleepover so we talked about what we'd do. We're also having Cooper for the whole week because they are having their windows and doors replaced and Cooper would be delighted to offer his 'help'!!

          I got back home to find we've got a new doorbell. Doorbells have been an ongoing problem - other people seem to manage their ok, but ours never seem to work. There have been a lot of attempted break-ins and thefts around her just lately, so we decided to get a Ring thing where you have a camera built in and it connects to your phone. Our lovely neighbour was helping OH with installing it, and it's now connected up to OH's new phone as well as ringing in the living room. I'll connect it to my phone as well when I get a few minutes (or hours!)

          OH has now gone out to see a friend's son in law about another bench for his workshop and I've got to get organised for the girls tomorrow morning.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Lovely to hear from you WG, sorry things were a bit difficult in Aldeburgh.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Wg hope you get a good nights sleep and things don't seem as bad in the morning and you find the strength to carry on ,xxx

              Daisy a posh doorbell , our Martin has one they can see who is at the door when they are out and can speak to the person through it .
              Clever stuff these days ,

              Sometimes you can buy uniforms from the school so maybe you can get her trousers from them .

              You will be tired by time Cooper goes home next week

              GS1's team went out in the Semi finals lost 1-0 so on way home now . Its his last game playing for Newcastle he transfers to Morpeth now .

              Plant I haven't seen my neighbour today she has had visitors all day , she has 6 boys and a DD plus 17 GC so always someone around

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Daisy, you have been having a busy time again.
                A busy week with you having the girls and Cooper.

                WeeGranny,sorry to hear your trip to Aldeburgh wasn't as good as it could have been.
                Chin up and carry on.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning ladies a bit changeable this morning ,
                  Been up very early and washed all paint works down and did rest of housework , did a light wash and got that dried then B washed all the floors ,
                  Couldn't do it last night as Storm didn't go home till 9pm

                  Going to Pop to Lidl for fresh baked bread then B&M

                  Must remember to put my glasses on when i log in ,
                  This morning I read Daisy's thread for Activities in school holidays as , Alcohol in school holidays

                  Will pop in later see what everyone is up too xx

                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good Morning ladies, So nice to see WG I hope things are easier for you and OH. I have caught up on the latest news as I had a lazy day yesterday and never even opened my laptop.

                    Today I am having my second eye injection I am going to the hospital by bus today last time I took a taxi both ways as I didn't know how I would feel after the procedure but it was fine,it costs £15 each way by taxi so I will use my bus pass this time.

                    Oma I feel your pain with the painful back after my xrays the other week my Dr rang and told me 4 x disc's had collapsed at the base of my spine and causing the sciatica down my left leg she is going to book me in for more physio and for a MRI scan asap but it could be a while.I have been using those heat pads that stick over your knickers (as you can't put them direct onto your skin) to relieve the pain and do get some relief for a few hours I have been using them mainly when I go to bed.

                    No pork this week, for Sunday lunch I opted for lamb shanks for my neighbour Jim and I followed by homemade rice pudding with strawberry jam.

                    I'm off now to get ready for my trip to the hospital the appointment takes about 2/3 hrs from the first drops being given to the actual procedure so a lot of waiting around but it's so worth it the staff are so nice and help the time pass easily.
                    Catch up later
                    glamma x

                    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                      Good morning Oma and everyone else.
                      I had to laugh at your misreading of that post title Oma
                      I wonder if the shop can order in trousers in your GD's size Daisy?

                      The sun is shining here, and the forecast for the week ahead looks good. Fingers crossed it remains so for Friday, the day we are taking my mum to the coast.
                      My friend M is coming for coffee this morning.
                      OH is playing golf this afternoon. I will try the book bank again in the hope it will have been emptied. I will also write a letter to the man who pulled out of the house sale (and wrecked the front garden) and deliver that by hand.

                      Happy Monday everyone.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        I hope all goes well Glamma. I hope you get on the right bus home though, those drops make your vision blurry don't they?! It is lot to pay for taxi if you can avoid it.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good morning. Nanto reporting in.

                          Its a lot better weather this morning.Got a few jobs done, and a load of washing out on the line.

                          Glamma,hope all goes well at the hospital.

                          Oma, Alcohol in school holidays, that would please some of the kids.

                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            It’s 12 months today that we lost P. I can’t believe it. DD managed to get the day off and GD is here too so we might go out for lunch but at least I can be with them today. Where has that time gone.
                            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                              Sending love today Enfys. I hope you can find comfort being with your family and share soem happy memories of your dear husband xxx

                              'Firsts' are hard. Plant, Aggie, Lizzie Glamma and Clover will understand how you are feeling.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Lovely to have your family with you today Enfys. Sending comfort and hugs.

                                Daisy after our forced lockdown was lifted you have become a very busy lady, remember to make time for yourself.

                                Glamm, I hope all goes well for you at the hospital, certainly use your bus pass, that was an expensive taxi ride.

                                Gemini, I hope you get some action from the gentleman to remove those clippings. If your mums house was around here a builder would snap it up.

                                No sun here atm, indoor bowls this afternoon. GGC were collected yesterday afternoon but GD2 and her partner have arrived for a few days, they wanted to get out of their flat because their flat mates were at a festival and they thought they would remove themselves before they came back in case their friends were in contact with COVID. They work from home so that is no problem. GGC had a lovely time playing with GD2 in the garden before they went home. Open house next door.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

