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    Good morning everyone. I'm just catching up on here! I went and collected Cooper first thing, then had breakfast, did a bit of tidying up and am now on the second load of washing. With being without the dryer last week I left most things, especially towels etc.

    It's a little bit brighter now, although raining again first thing, and it's still far too cold for June.

    Glamm - your poor DS. I hope his ankle heals up quickly. It's a good job he's got such a kind and thoughtful mum. I don't suppose your neighbour Jim shops for clothes very often, so the shirts will come in handy for him. Garden centres are such a temptation. My OH has never been interested until this year, and he actually chose plants yesterday. I think he thinks they will flower for ever, but they're very pretty at the moment. Willow's little garden sounds wonderful.

    Oma - as always your MIL makes me smile. Fancy people letting her put too much on her plate for her to eat it all! Still, I bet she tucked in and enjoyed the outing.

    Lizzie - I think the supermarket shelves were empty because it was Monday morning, and Sainsburys has always had a logistics problem either with delivery to the shop, or getting stuff onto the shelves. There were notices up saying they were sorry but they are experiencing 'high demand'!!!

    I'm not sure about other supermarkets in the UK, but Morrisons have a very good 'reduced' system for perishables, especially meat and fish, for goods on their use by date or very close to it. I often used to get fantastic bargains which I'd stick in the freezer for Eva. I know someone who goes round Lidls/Aldis (not sure which) buying up heavily reduced fruit and vegetables and gives them away.

    Gem - I hope you're enjoying your day on the beach today, and the weather is good.

    Nanto - what a lovely cheerful graphic. I can almost hear that bird singing its head off.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Glamm, how sweet of you to make the meals for your GS! He will appreciate it I am sure. Your neighbour will appreciate the shirts. I love the idea of the bee on your shed door, I do like those metal garden ornaments, I have butterflies, the girls used to hang them for me, I haven't put them up as yet but GD2 should be sleeping here on Friday so she may do it. When she used to come twice a week she was the one that picked the pins up from my sewing corner, I do it myself with a magnet but she was here the other day with her father and managed to find some pins plus a few other things so she brought them to me to show me what she had found.

      I hope your eyes are sorted soon, my eldest brother is having problems with his eyes at the moment, I hope after his second operation that he can see more.

      Oma, that is what I think, I am on my own and the freeze compartment in the fridge is plenty big enough for what I need it for.


        My Lilly's are finally flowering ,
        I have Yellow Red and Orange and the Yellow ones are opening lovely ,
        I love them in the Garden but not indoors ,
        Trouble is they don' t last long do they .
        Things seemed to be taking their time this year ,
        My Strawberries and Gooseberry bush are doing good too although I'm not sure if I will get a crop from the gooseberry bush this year or when they crop to be honest ,

        Daisy I often look out for Mince and Chicken for Storm and Freeze it and Sprats or Tuna although he is fussy with Tuna he will only eat it with Mayo on

        Lizzie I keep a magnet in my sewing box for the same thing some times you don't see them laying around do you

        Glamm i'm sure Willow will love a Bee of her own and a Bird table , she will feel grown up
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        This gallery has 3 photos.
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Oma, your lilies reminded me of a neighbour we had when I was a child. He came from Northern Ireland and he had orange lilies in his garden which always bloomed on the 12th of July! Don't know how he manged it , not one day early or late. Maybe he planted them out in the dead of night!

          We've got a couple of ladybirds (metal ones) they were on the shed, but are on top of the woodshed at the moment! Had to buy one for SiL as he admired them!!

          OH lost his pills this morning. We're having to do his BP for a week, so I said to him not to take his pills before we'd done it, and I left a note beside them to remind. No pills anywhere. Can only assume he's taken them or they'll turn up under a paper or somewhere. I wanted to see if his BP was affected by them. Will try again tomorrow. Needless to say, now we're not moving, I can't find lots of things. They've either been disposed off or they're in one of the boxes I'd already packed. Who knows?

          Hope all hospital/medical appointments have gone well and that everyone is OK. Take care xx
          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
          Theodore Roosevelt.


            I don't think we have Too Good To Go here Lizzie.
            The lilies are very pretty Oma.
            Glamma, I'm sure Jim will appreciate those shirts. I hope you get a break once your eyes are sorted. We are here for the week, leaving on Saturday (very early!)
            WG, I have to take my BP for week once we get home, for my annual review. I must remember!

            We have come back for lunch and toilet, and OH to watch a bit of tennis.
            Wall to wall sunshine today so this is the day for the beach. We took our beach chairs down (it's a 2 minute walk from our door) and spent a lovely morning there. We had a paddle and the sea was COLD! Lovely quiet beaches here. We will be back down there soon. The forecast isn't so good the rest of the week, but we'll keep our fingers crossed!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Afternoon all.
              How is everyone

              Last week we had a new ceiling put up in the bathroom. I have to say that all the mess was cleared up really well. We are now waiting for the electrician to install an extractor fan and a painter to paint the ceiling. At the moment its a sort of brownish colour ( looks like a ceiling of an old pub from years ago when smoking was considered normal indoors)

              Most of last week was spent indoors hiding away from the pollen . Today has been a better day hayfever wise. I had my hair cut this morning. I found a lovely hairdresser just a few minutes walk from where we live, its in a little back street . It looks tiny from the outside but when I stepped inside I was amazed how big it actually is. Chatting to the owner I discovered that she knows my boss and his wife from where I used to work. Apparently they are regular customers of hers. Itsa small world.

              I don't really like lillies , the heavy perfume gives me a terrible migraine.

              By the way I was actually tempted to put the heating ever yesterday evening. In the end I decided on wearing my winter pj's and cosy socks. Who would have thought it was the summer solstice!

              Stay safe everyone

              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Mimi I am exactly the same a instant Migraine that's why I wont have them in the house ,

                It will be all worthwhile when the ceiling is painted and looking all smart

                Gem a lovely day for the beach

                WG sounds like OH has taken his tablets unless they turn up in a odd place
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Hi everyone, so sorry I haven’t reported in as usual, I have been shopping with GD1 and baby H. I overslept so I was in a rush. Bit warmer today, but I have been in shops all day. GD couldn’t find anything but I bought some T-shirt’s for her partner, soon to be husband, for his birthday and some clothes for H. . On the estate where they live, they have allocated numbered parking places and some visitors spaces. When we got back there was a car in her space so we had to unload in the road, baby, pushchair, car seat etc etc. And then I had to find a parking space. Looking in the car there was a yellow jacket, community police written on it and a police lady’s hat. I left them a very terse note.

                  Gemini, pleased you are finding some good weather, a day on the beach sounds lovely.

                  Oma, garden looks very cosy and I love the planters and flowers. Your Mil is a scream, she wanted her moneys worth even if she couldn’t manage to eat it all.

                  Lizzie, I have a two drawer freezer in the fridge and a three basket one in the garage. I freeze fruit from the garden, often Waitrose have 3 meals for £10. I cook dishes and freeze some. I make soup and freeze some and not forgetting the ice for my G&T.

                  WG, I hope you find the pills.

                  Daisy, sorry you didn’t find the kettle you wanted and no tea pot stand. You did have a good shop though, I have a bird bath, the birds love it and the cat drinks it.

                  Glamm, I hope your GS’s ankle helps quickly, I would have done the same, can’t have your DS starve. I am sure your neighbour will be very pleased with his shirts.

                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Weather been better today.
                    I have a fridge freezer in the kitchen.Freezer has 4 drawers.
                    Also have a chest freezer in the outhouse.
                    Unlike Lizzie, 95% of the veg we eat is frozen veg.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Nanto, I expect we are very spoilt in this area for fresh veg and fruit.


                        Sun is shining.

                        Washing out on the line.

                        Dinner today will be a full english.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Morning Nanto / ladies .
                          Dinner sounds lovely Nanto , its a long time since we had a full English

                          Dull and Grey here but no rain so far ,
                          I hosed the drive and paths down yesterday watch it will rain later and i could have saved a job

                          Nothing on today we have the Dog and I haven't had a great deal of sleep so will just potter and snooze after lunch ,
                          Have a good day ladies I will pop back see how you all are xx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning all.

                            Mmmm, full English for dinner Nan2, lovely.
                            Plant no wonder you and GD were annoyed about the parking, Good for you putting a note on the car.
                            It's sunny here Oma (but not according to the forecast) so maybe it will come to you.

                            There is a nature sanctuary (I don't think that is the right term but it will do!) just down the road which we plan to look at today.
                            Eating in tonight as we have basa fillets to use up.

                            Happy Wednesday everyone.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Lovely start to the day, sunshine and lovely blue sky. I only plan to clean the bathrooms today. DD has my DDC there today so I will see them later.

                              Gemini, I have only been to Northumberland once, it is a lovely county. GD, her husband, as he will be then, are heading up there in about 10 days time although I think they are nearer to the lakes. This was supposed to be their honeymoon. The beaches sound lovely and clean. Will they get busier when the schools break up I wonder. Oma will know the answer to that.

                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Plant the coast line is very popular in the holidays , we do have some lovely beaches all along the north coast line

                                Gem its sunny and warm now hope it stays like this tomorrow
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

