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    Enfys,hope the face time with family went well.

    Oma,pleased you have dry bottom now.

    Lizzie,i bet your neighbour was very pleased with the flowers.

    Gem, sorry to hear you are getting a bit down, nice to get flowers and gin from DD though.

    Had a surprise visit from niece,her husband and son. They live in Wigan.
    They were visiting Cannon Hall which is about 20 minutes drive from us.
    Niece rang and asked if they could visit. Of course we said yes.
    Made a pile of ham,cheese and tomato sandwiches and copious amounts of tea.
    I had plenty of cakes in. Some were for the freezer,but all got eaten.
    Was lovely to see them though.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Nan, you would enjoy having the visitors. Nice to be able to get to see friends and relatives again.


        I hope your DS and family are OK Enfys.
        I'm glad the soggy bot dried out Oma!
        Nan2, surprise visitors would have been nice. It sounds a good spread
        Lizzie you are a busy bee.
        Plant you feel sorry for the lad as it is the mum and grandma in you coming out, and you are a kind person!

        This morning we took some crockery to the charity shop, and tried to leave books at the recycling book bank but it was full. We called into Sainsbury's and Aldi, then home for lunch. We bought pork for roast tomorrow, inspired by Nan2!
        We went over to mum's house this afternoon. We had chat with the next door neighbours, the guy who cut the things down, as they were leaving in the car. They feel terrible about it all.
        We then called in on mum's neighbour a few doors down for a coffee and catch up. She is about 87, still very in touch and fit, and was preparing to go on a walking holiday tomorrow!
        She was appalled to hear about the buyer (her next door neighbour)
        We left her and called in next door to the man. I will update on that thread.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Its been a day for surprises. My sister in law rang,she's mum to the niece that visited earlier.
          Anyway we have put the world to rights amongst other things.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            We've had heavy rain for the past 2 hours,don't know where it all going.

            Don't think much will be happening today.

            Roast pork dinner today. Meat is in the slow cooker.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good morning ladies.

              Pork for us too Nan2. The rain has finally stopped here, for now at least and next week's forecast is much better.
              No plans today.

              Have a good Sunday everyone.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good morning, we have just had one heavy shower, the sun is out now but think it will be showers most of the day, better weather forecasted from Wednesday.

                I have just got my veg prepared for today, the veg man was picking his green beans when I went so they are fresh.

                I will see what the day brings.


                  Morning ladies
                  Its dull but dry here ,

                  Up early had a shower then took Storm for a long walk , my back is killing now .

                  Made him and myself some toast then made beds and sorted out ,

                  Going to meet friends for a cupper and chat at 10 but need to drop Storm of at home for a couple hours and clean and feed cats before we go .
                  Then after see friends go pick Storm up again and rest of day do nothing

                  B in shower now so he will clean shower room for me after his shower .

                  Wish we had bought some Pork now all this talk about it I could just eat some

                  Nanto you did have a nice day yesterday didn't you , so nice to see and chat to family

                  Have a good day ladies I will pop back and see what your all upto later xxx
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    All this talk of Pork, I have boiled gammon, will that count?

                    Lizzie, I envy you all your lovely fresh vegetables.

                    Busy day for you Oma, enjoy your time with your friend. Now, not too many snacks for Storm. Another soggy bottom for you then.

                    Another late start for me, I had a painful shoulder and neck in the night so lost some sleep. Had a lovely time yesterday with GGC, they are a delight to be with. DD and Sil took them to a model village near to us in the morning, I joined them for lunch, minestrone soup made by DD. GGD still has a long sleep in the day, loves her sleep. GGS is nicely cheeky, he kept getting up because his sister was singing. DD and Sil will be very tired when they are collected by their parents today.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Gammon will substitute nicely Plant.
                      That sounds a lovely day yesterday.
                      Take it easy with your back Oma.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Had a lovely meet up with friends but a nightmare getting there , so many roads closed and diverted traffic ,
                        Went around in circles at one point ,
                        They doing stuff to the highway and fly over bridges along the route ,
                        We also got stuck on Red at every traffic light

                        What should have taken 20 mins to the coast took 55 minutes .

                        Then the Cafe we usually go too has closed so a slight detour down the road to the National Glass Centre's Cafe

                        We sat outside it was so nice enjoyed a Bacon and Egg toasted Muffin and a hot drink each , Cheap too only £3.50 each

                        Coming home to pick Storm up and the heavens opened and it hasn't stopped.

                        Got the cats in as they were both sitting on the front door step waiting for us looking wet ,

                        Storm now fed and watered and asleep again .

                        Plant was it how you were laying or could it be because of Bowls ?
                        Sounds a good day with the children and lunch thrown in cant be bad can it
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Oma, I hate those road works and the red lights! At least you enjoyed your chat with friends. The muffin sounds tasty!
                          How is your back now? It is so windy here with dark clouds approaching.

                          Plant, we are lucky with fruit and vegetables in the area, DIL got a crate of tomatoes yesterday to make soup, some of it heading my way.


                            Back is fine at the minute thanks Lizzie , I have rested probably ache again when I take Storm for a walk again later , where I take him is all grass and its long so quite a tread .

                            Next time I am in Lidl I will try to remember to take a pic of our Boxes , they are rubbish compared to yours ,
                            Your lucky to have fresh veg growers near you they taste so different don't they .
                            Love the idea of the tomatoes for soup

                            Its raining on and off at the moment
                            GS1 is in Darby in a football tournament its coming down in sheets , DD sent a video its horrible .
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Plant, i'm sure the gammon counts.

                              Oma, that was a journey and a half.

                              Lizzie,tomato is my favourite soup.

                              Weather taday has been alternating heavy showers and sunshine. Quite warm when the sun shines.

                              gem, i heard it was going to be better weather next week.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Haven't forgotten you all! Have had a very difficult and trying few weeks, but will update you at some point in the not too distant future.

                                Our week in Aldeburgh was lovely, but only highlighted the problems which we have been trying to ignore, sadly.

                                Got a wash out earlier and have just noticed it's raining !!! Not rushing to get them in, the rain water will soften them!

                                We have roast chicken for dinner, must go and get the extras out of the freezer before I forget.

                                Hope everyone has a good rest of the day xx

                                p.s. Oma......we got caught in every road work/crash/ diversion when we went up to Scotland last month. It was a nightmare of a journey! We came home the west coast route rather than face the east one again!
                                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                                Theodore Roosevelt.

