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    Good morning Nan2 and Daisy, and all who come by later!
    I hope you get all the shopping you need Nan2, and you have good evening with your niece, Daisy.

    Dull and cool here but not raining.
    We are visiting my mum this afternoon. This morning we want to go over to her house to check all is OK and empty the garage of the remaining things, mainly books and crockery.

    Have a good Saturday everyone.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning, wet and windy here. Enjoy your meal Daisy. Gem, is your mums house sold? I am running on slow so must go and get myself dressed.


        Lizzie, I will update on Mum's house thread.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Morning ladies , Everyone busy this morning

          I have washed all my paintworks downstairs and done a general clean through , The kitchen takes the longest with all the cupboard doors ,
          I was going to do bedrooms but my back has been playing up for a few days so don't want to push my luck,
          I will do them tomorrow , nothing spoiling .

          Bedding in tumble dryer ,

          SIL & GS1 were coming over this morning to strip the roof off the shed and renew it but its came in very black and its forecast rain so if it doesn't pass they will leave it till tomorrow .

          My Niece who donated Bone marrow came home last night she was shattered but feeling ok ,
          she just wanted to curl up in bed with their little girl who isn't quite 2 yet and sleep

          Lizzie any news on your BIL's friend ?

          Daisy is this the first time you have seen your niece since lockdown ?

          Gem is S going with you to see Mum or one of your girls ? hope she's in fine form xx

          Nanto enjoy your shopping trip , how are your in laws ?

          Plant did you get some plants for GS ?

          Enfys how's the hip today any better ?

          WG did you eventually get the grass cut once the batterie was charged ?

          Have a good day ladies whatever the weather xxxx

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma, rest your back.
            OH is going with me to see mum again today.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Oma, I haven't heard anything today. Try and rest and don't overdo the work! Your weather seems the same as we have at the moment.


                Daisy, my heating clicked in last evening too. I am not keen on going to the small local shops now, not much distancing.

                Lizzie, how awful for that poor gentleman’s family.

                Oma, I don’t have anything hanging behind my bed, I think I will keep it that way.

                I didn’t wake up until 9.30 today, no plans so I am taking things slowly. The weather seems quiet, no wind or rain.

                Nanto, have a nice trip to the town, what is your nearest town?

                The garden centre was well stocked with the sort of plants my GS was looking for, I treated him to a Peiris and he bought another slightly different one, plus another two plants. He wanted a Hebe but they didn’t have one. We got a good discount with my card. He likes more architectural plants whereas I favour more flowering plants. I have just ordered him a Mahonia. I love it that three of my GC are interested in gardening, their parents are not gardeners.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Sorry I got out of step with the posts, didn’t see the above posts until now.

                  Oma, it doesn’t seem long since you washed your cupboards, mind that back. Hope your niece is feeling stronger today, what a brave young lady.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Oma, take it easy, think of your back. Feeling much better but I’m not going mad, gentle walking and not rushing around. DD came in for coffee, she has just gone so now it’s time to plan my lunch.

                    You asked about my knitting Oma, I’m getting on with DDs blanket and ive always got a pair of socks on my needles. They are nice and easy and make a good gift for either DD or DGD if I decide not to keep them. I have new wool and a pattern for a lightweight crochet wrap thingy so I might start that today, I need to concentrate on the stitches. It would be nice for the autumn.

                    I also need to make a cake for our WI coffee morning so must do that over the weekend. I’ll make it and freeze it the. I can get it out the day before and decorate it. I’m going to make a banana cake and they freeze well.

                    Have a good day everyone. 🌞

                    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                      I have just heard that my BIL's friend has died, he is devastated!! He was just starting to accept the fact that my sister had died, this man helped him a lot through that as well so now he has to go through it all again.


                        That’s so sad Lizzie. Such a terrible accident, poor man. I feel for your BIL, a terrible time for him. My condolences.
                        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                          Oh how very sad Lizzie
                          Your poor BIL will be devastated.

                          I have written elsewhere about going to my mums house this morning so I won't repeat myself here. I am still fuming

                          OH and I had a nice visit with mum this afternoon however, and told her we can take her to the seaside soon Hopefully the week after next.
                          On the way home we managed to find space in one of the book deposit boxes in a supermarket car park to leave some of mum and dad's books.

                          And the sun finally came out!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Oh Lizzie how sad , Did his DD arrive in time ?
                            Your BIL must be so upset xx

                            Gem your Mum will look forward to a day at the coast
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              I haven't heard if the mans daughter had arrived, so sad, he worked with BIL for 45 years.


                                Lizzie,that is sad news. Your BIL must be so upset.

                                Plant,we just went to our local town today.

                                On the way home,we passed an accident. A Land Rover car was on its side.
                                Looked like it had only just happened. Didn't see any one hurt. There was no ambulance,just police there.
                                It happened at the top of the street where DS1 lives, so he will probably be told what happened.

                                Oma,in laws are fine,thank you for asking.

                                Gem, pleased you had a nice visit with your Mum. I'm sure she will love a day at the seaside.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

