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    Just been down to my elderly neighbours ,
    She came home yesterday and before they did they went out for lunch with their DS and DIL ,

    She has been ill since so much so that her husband called 111 and they sent a Ambulance ,
    I saw it pull up so ran down , she has severe Food Poisoning ,

    They checked her over and gave her a jab and some solution and said it should pass by tomorrow ,
    She can only have dry toast and water but she isn't interested at the moment . She looks dreadful poor woman , what with this and a broken arm

    If she gets any worse to ring back .
    While I was there 2 of her DS's came with their wives so I came away she was in good hand's

    No one else got food poisoning only her and she was the only one who is Vegetarian she thinks it was the rice she had .

    Lizzie what a clever lady its lovely
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oma, how awful, I hope your neighbor is soon feeling better, poor lady.

      yes, the friend crochets so good.


        Lizzie that's clever and cute.
        I hope your poor neighbour feels better soon Oma. I'm glad you managed a nap.
        Yes leave that ironing Glamma!

        A very nice day with the GC and they enjoyed the art workshop and i enjoyed being with them.
        Bad news re the sale of my mum's house. Details over on YEO
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Oh dear, your poor neighbour Oma. Hope she feels better soon.
          Sometimes its just one thing after another. Rice is noted for being good at causing food poisoning.

          Lizzie, your friend is very talented.

          We have had heavy rain off and on,but didn't have the thunder they forecast.
          Sun is shining now.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            We've had much better weather today than I expected. It's been quite windy, but we took Eva to the paddock and although it was blowing hard up there it was warm enough for just a t-shirt, no jacket. Eva had a wonderful time.

            We came back and our neighbour said our joint drains are blocked - again! This has happened several times recently so OH suggested getting the Water Board in. They came and found tree roots blocking the pipe. They've got to come back and put a sleeve in to stop it happening again.

            Before dinner I was trying to finish my Sainsbury's order when the website crashed! It's still down so I've no idea how much of my order has gone through and the cut off point is 11pm tonight, so I hope I can check before then.

            Nanto - I don't think the weather itself knows what it's doing at the moment, let alone the forecasters. I'm glad you escaped the thunder.

            Gem - glad you had a lovely day with the GCs today and they enjoyed their paint pouring. The rest of the day was pretty c**p though. xxx

            Oma - your poor neighbour. She really doesn't need anything else to go wrong for her at the moment. I hope she's starting to feel ok now. Your tip rules sound much more sensible than ours. Good luck to GS1 with his summer job. I'm sure they will be very pleased with him.

            Glamm - your 18 year old GS sounds a lovely lad, doing what he can to help his mum's finances. Has he got one more year at College? That spray cleaner sounds great - is it for use on its own or in a steam mop?

            Lizzie - it's hard to believe that is crocheted! It's so clever - what a talented and skilful friend.

            Plant - happy birthday to your GS2. I hope he's having a lovely day, but it just shows how time flies if you thought he was 20-something, not 34!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              I've been up since 5,done a few jobs,had breakfast and been showered.

              Daisy,hope the drain problems are sorted permantely now.

              Just supermarket shopping today.

              Sun is shining,but the wind seems to have got up. Might get a bit of rain.

              Must go and get a pork joint out of the freezer while i think on.
              Thats for tomorrow.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning everyone.
                Bright and early start for you Nan2!
                Daisy, OH had that tree roots in drain problem in a previous property. I hope you managed to get the Sainsbury's order finalised.
                Yesterday wasn't totally rubbish. DD2 brought some beautiful flowers and a couple of cans of gin and tonic with bitter Seville orange too

                No plans today, but we will probably go to mum's house as it is going back on the market

                Enjoy your Saturday.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Good morning ladies ,
                  Its dull but quite warm today so far
                  B is going to give the shed a coat of paint while its fine but not hot .

                  Gem now you have slept on it have you decided what your going to do about that man and your Mums garden ?
                  The flowers and Gin were a bonus though

                  Daisy it must be a nightmare with your internet trouble is your location isnt it
                  Drains and tree roots are a big problem , in our last house we had a tree taken down at the back of our property as the roots were lifting the path and the fence ,
                  It was outside our property so had to fight with the forestry to get it removed ,

                  We have very large trees again behind our property but the roots don't seem to be a problem here just the height and shade they cast .

                  Went down my neighbours this morning it is his Birthday so took his card down , he said she had a ok night and was still asleep so fingers crossed she is on the mend .

                  Just the usual day for us till tea time , We have Storm overnight as GS1 has a Tournament in Derby tomorrow so they traveling down tonight after he finishes work .

                  My 16yr old Great Nephew has his first Jab today , they quick at starting the programme .
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good Saturday morning everyone.

                    It's wet and miserable here and the forecast says it will rain most of the day. I'm glad we got some gardening done yesterday, but wish I'd given the lawn another cut. We were woken up at 7.30 this morning by the dog food being delivered! Eva was delighted, I'm still trying to wake up! Her freezer needs defrosting so I've emptied that and put bowls of hot water in. It's one of those jobs I've been putting off.

                    Oma - the internet problem is mainly due to aluminium wiring - not even copper! It helped a bit when we got fibre cabling to the cabinet but from the cabinet to our houses is aluminium done when the houses were built in the 1960s. We're about the furthest from the cabinet as well, which makes it worse. We're waiting for fibre cabling to the houses but it seems to take for ever.

                    I hope J enjoys the tournament tomorrow. I'm sure Storm will have a lovely little holiday with you.

                    Gem - Selling houses is like snakes and ladders, isn't it! I hope you find another buyer quickly, and I hope that awful man gets his comeuppance.

                    The tree causing drain problems is on the road, and the Council's responsibility. When we had our front garden done about 6 years ago the chap told me the roots were going into our neighbour's drains, and I passed the information on to the letting agents but nothing was done, and the new owners have had the drive done, but the landscapers didn't realise the roots had gone into the drains. Hopefully it's now sorted.

                    Nanto - enjoy your shopping. Is that pork joint for a proper Sunday roast tomorrow? If so, my OH says can he pop round.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      I just feel very sad, down and worried about it all to be honest Daisy and Oma.
                      OH has messaged a policewoman friend of ours for her unofficial advice.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Horrible situation Gem.

                        Yesterdays meeting with WI went very well, we were outside so I went prepared with brolly, raincoat etc but the sun came out and it was lovely. A bit blowy but that was ok. My friend gave a short talk about her beekeeping which went very well, nice to see everyone and catch up, did me so much good to,get out and about. I must make more of an effort to get out more, it’s so easy to just stay home.

                        Just getting ready to FaceTime DS and hear what the situation is like for them. They are in Adelaide whichI believe is ok, but things still grim in Sydney. Otherwise no real plans, will go with the flow.

                        Weather here just how I like it, cool, cloudy and fresh, love it! Can’t be doing with heat any more, so will enjoy the day. Can’t do any gardening, the green bin is full to the brim and we’ve just been Informed that no more collections until after 20th!! might just Potter.

                        Have a good day everyone ⛅️

                        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                          I am just going to report in, running so late. I had an Oma night and then slept until 9.30.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Just been out to dead head the flowers mainly my Verbena , the rain during the night has flattened them and lots of purple flowers on the grass ,
                            I was tempted to just hack them down but they still have lots of flower buds still to come ,

                            My back was killing me so I dragged a garden chair over to sit on and just lean forward as I went along the row ,

                            Sat down without thinking straight into a puddle in the seat of the chair

                            My backside and my long line blouse got soaked ,
                            Well I carried on till I was finished no point changing I was as wet as I could get

                            All the plants are looking a bit water logged except the Bottom boarder where its mainly hardy rockery plants that like shade ,

                            One good thing my hanging Tomato basket just keeps giving , I have had at least 3lb of tomatoes so far and still dozens on

                            Now I have a dry bottom
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Back again, now showered and dressed. We had rain in the night but now the sun is shining. We inherited several fir trees in the front garden but had to have them removed as they were lifting up the drive. No plans for today, DD and Sil have GGS1 and GGD1 for two nights, they are not next door so I am wondering if they have taken them to their house to look after in the day as all their favourite toys are there.

                              Enfys, I hope the face time with family went well, perhaps it will not be long before they can visit again. My OH kept bees for some years Enfys, fascinating creatures.

                              Oma, Storm will keep you busy today, not too many treats now. Good luck to GS1hope the tournament goes well. Your poor neighbour, she could have done without food poisoning. Pleased to hear your bottom is now dry.

                              Glamm, well done to your GS, st that age they need some spending money.

                              Took GD to Waitrose to meet up with her OH yesterday afternoon they were going to pick up GD2 who was with her other GM. Whilst I was just inside the door of Waitrose, the security man stopped a shoplifter, he was only a young lad, I was concerned the boy might have got hurt as the security man was huge, he tried to corner the boy but he slipped through but the security man caught up with him in the car park. He brought back a bottle of drink and a packet of something. I am not sure what the law is but I was afraid the boy might have got hurt in the skirmish. why do I feel sorry for the lad?

                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Gem, it is really annoying, the cheek of it all!! At least you got the flowers and gins from DD2!

                                Oma, I went on the bike for veg etc and managed to get caught in a shower, not bad really, I got some flowers for the neighbour under here, I took them and she was pleased as she loves flowers, she is very weak though, I hope she improves, she is 85 years old. Then I took a Lidl box to my DS1 and family, my DIL couldn't believe there was so much in it, she said they can eat all week from it, we even shared the cauliflower as it was huge. I then carried on to a supermarket as GD1 has started her job today, just 3 hours she is allowed, behind the fresh bread counter, I was so proud (of all things) to see her stood there doing her work!!! Oma, you have a lot of tomatoes, they must be in the sun.

                                Plant, I think I would feel sorry for the young lad as well, even if he is in the wrong.

                                Enfys, you would enjoy the company at the WI. The talk about beekeeping would be interesting.

                                Daisy, how long will you have to wait for the fibre cabling?

                                Nan, enjoy the joint tomorrow.

