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    Gem, it must be hard leaving your mum if she's tearful, but thank goodness you can now give her a kiss and a cuddle to comfort her. Maybe part of it is the realisation that the awful days of lockdowns are (hopefully) over.

    Oma - I think you and B should wear crash helmets and flippers to bed tonight - just in case the gremlins are on the night shift again! Your poor friend must be suffering with her legs. I do hope the bandaging helps.

    Plant - how did the bowls go? Were you able to play outside?

    Enfys - did you get the rain this afternoon? I put the lights on about 3 o'clock it was so dark.

    Lizzie - I had to smile at your clock interfering with the 8 o'clock news! I suppose not many people have chiming clocks these days - but I'm glad you like ours (well, OH's really) Oma!

    As I've said elsewhere I've had a relaxing day doing nothing much. We've got an early start tomorrow as OH has a tip run booked and has to drive over to DS2's shop first to collect some stuff for them that they can't fit in their car. The trailer is very useful sometimes!

    Sleep well and peacefully, everyone. xx
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Gem hopefully your Mum is bit like when you leave a child at school and they cry till you leave then they ok ,
      It must break your heart though

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Sky looks a bit watery. Sun,heavy showers with thunder is our forecast.

        I'll be at in laws this morning, hubby will be calling in as well.

        Fish and chips for dinner,suits me with no cooking.

        Have a good day ladies.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good morning ladies.

          Nan2, fish chips are a double bonus. Good to eat plus no cooking

          GD and GS2 day today. This afternoon they are booked in for an acrylic pouring class with my friend. I took them last year, when they were the only children she had all summer, due to restrictions. This year she is able to have small groups of two or three.

          I hope everyone is well and has a good day. The forecast is not good here, I doubt we will be outdoors much.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good Friday morning everyone.

            It's quite breezy here and looks like sunshine and showers for us today. OH is off to do a tip run soon, mostly for DS2 and DIL, but some for us as well. I'll be glad when they restrict what now seem like silly rules there - only one person per vehicle, which means you can't take anything too heavy for you to lift on your own.

            Nanto - fish and chips will be lovely, especially after you've been helping your in laws this morning.

            Gem - enjoy your day with GD and GS2. I'd love to do an acrylic pouring class. I've watched various YouTube videos, but haven't been brave enough to try it yet and I know both GDs would enjoy it.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Morning ladies ,
              Its wet and dark here ,

              Nanto Fish & chip day is always a good day as Gem said a double bonus Hope in laws are well xx

              Gem isn't it nice to be able to take the children to these places again , Im sure they will have a lovely day will we get a picture of their efforts ?
              Would be good to see xx

              Had a bad night again less than 4 hours broken sleep so a bit slow this morning ,
              House work was a flick around with the duster and door handles cleaned apart from that oh and washing done and dried that's as far as I go today .

              Want to pop to Morrisons but im in no hurry just go when I have the energy

              Have a good day ladies I will pop back later see what your all up too xxx

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Try to take it easy today then Oma. I will get pics!
                Daisy, if only you were local you could take the girls to one of my friends classes, for adults too so the three of you could do it together

                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gem - that would be great. I haven't checked out if there are any similar classes around here - I must do that. We've got the girls for a sleepover next week, but we've also got Cooper for the whole week. The family are having doors and windows replaced plus one window being made bigger, so they can't leave Cooper in the house while they are at work. I think it might be a busy week!

                  Oma, you must be shattered. You've already done a day's work. Put your feet up and relax. xx
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Morning, I am having a late morning getting showered dressed etc, but, I have been very busy! Moved the spare beds etc and got cleaned behind them, got the washing in and now need to get dressed to hang it out, it is very windy so I hope it all dries.

                    Gem, that sounds good, is it done on glass? The friend with a static caravan in Limburg, was showing me something the other day that a lady on camping makes, a bottle decorated with lace etc etc, very well done but certainly not my thing.i am going to try and get some knitting done, will see how it goes with my finger.

                    Oma, try and get some sleep today, you must be shattered!

                    Nan, enjoy the fish and chips.

                    Daisy, it is strange that you can't go with 2 people to the tip, if things are heavy you need help, especially as we get older as I was thinking this morning, well yesterday really with the clock, it has put weight on over the years, or I have lost my strength, the same with moving the beds.


                      Lizzie - you have been a busy girl this morning.

                      The one person rule at the tip is ridiculous now, and the staff aren't allowed to help either! Last time OH was there and struggling with something heavy a voice behind him said did he want a hand! It was our neighbour. Neither of them knew the other would be there, but together they made short work of both lots of rubbish! OH tries to book an early morning slot so he can get the car/trailer close to the bin he's got most for.

                      Lots of older, less active people haven't been able to use the tip at all, and things have been made worse by the Council stopping garden waste collections because they haven't got enough drivers.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Sorry you had a bad night sleeping Oma, at least no gremlins. A take it easy day is recommended.

                        Gemini, I hope your mother cheered up after you left her. The art class sounds good, I am sure they will enjoy it.

                        Nanto, enjoy your fish and chips tonight, well deserved.

                        I didn’t play bowls, it started to rain and the forecast wasn’t good so they cancelled it. I had a banana cake and some allium bulbs to deliver to GS1 so it wasn’t a wasted journey.
                        DD is looking after GGS and GGD for two nights, that should be fun. It is GS2’s birthday today, I thought he was in his late 20’s, I discovered he is 34, where did that time go.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          The rules should be changed at the tip Daisy, they aren't allowed to help you here, something to do with regulations. We can go with 2 people though so that is handy if help is needed. The last few things I had DS1 took for me, as, he has my pass at the moment. Easy for me.


                            Oma try and relax today and catch up with a power nap,where you waking listening for things to go bump in the night

                            Where has this rain come from I want to know its coming down in sheets here none stop for a couple of hours even my cleared out gutters are overflowing at least the water butt will be filled up again,I was going to walk around and visit my friend but will have to wait or put on my wellies.

                            The classes sound amazing Gemini I would love to find somewhere near here where I could take Willow she loves craft work she is such a busy bee.

                            My lovely DGS who was 18 this week is calling down later to steam the wallpaper from my neighbours bathroom he is a good help and works hard to make pocket money whilst the college is on holiday it takes the financial strain off his mum .

                            Most of the housework done this morning spray mopped the lounge floor and hall way so all smelling nice and clean i have tried a new spray cleaner by Zoflora and it smells very nice I must say just got to clean the dreaded glass coffee table where Oliver has left his big paw marks during the night .

                            I'm off to do some ironing its bedding time again oh what a chore it is I just hate it doesn't do my back any good at all I may have a rethink and close the ironing basket until after the week-end no one will notice.

                            Bye for now ladies will be back soon.
                            Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                              I had a lovely almost two hour nap and feel so much better

                              Glamm we are supposed to have heavy rain and thunder at this very moment , its damp ' but bright so I dont think the thunder and lightning is coming .

                              Isn't it strange when our GC get to a age they helping people and making money ,
                              Our GS1 started work for the holidays on Wednesday , It doesn't seem possible this baby is now a man

                              Daisy we can still go two at a time to our tip but still only every other day depending on your car reg number , Odd one day even the next ,

                              Lizzie did your clothes dry ? to damp here to dry outside

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Oma, yes, everything dried in the wind, one heavy shower after lunch but it was all dry by then, it is dry now but blowing a gale.

                                A friend of mine crocheted this.
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