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    Gem, hope you don't get toothache before the dentist can help you.

    Daisy, yes, you certainly need your thumbs! Also for the space bar!

    Oma, you certainly do spoil that dog. Mine often helped himself to things, including a fresh herring! I had a neighbour, she had been ill and said she would just love a herring or 2 from the market, off I went and got her 2, they were well wrapped, in greaseproof paper, in foil then in a plastic bag, I got home and sorted my own shopping away, I left the herring on the table whilst I went to the toilet, I returned to see him licking his lips!!!! I had to go back and buy some more for the neighbour.

    I hope your GS soon recovers, just shows you how quickly, and simply, things can happen.

    I told you a while ago about my daughters friend having her breast removed and them reconstructing one from her own fat, that all went well, she still has a lot of pain but is coping, she went back to the hospital for a check up, her breast had been sent to the UK to be examined and they found a 5 cm tumour in it! They are hoping that it was just in the breast itself and not in the surrounding tissue or lymph nodes. She most certainly will have to have chemo but first all the scans etc to see what they can do. I just hope all goes well for her.


      No way am i going to get caught up here.

      Spent most of the day writing cards for mam.Took her 20 minutes to decide which card to send to who.
      I wouldn't mind, but there was only 2 designs.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        A lot of patience needed Nanto. You are such a good Dil.

        Oma, GS is certainly in pain, I wonder what he strained in his back. We will wait to hear how comfortable your new mattress is. Rib eye steak for the dog, wow!

        Went to Waitrose late morning, I think there were more staff on the shop floor than shoppers, they kept getting in the way. GD's last day today, I do hope they get some news of their flat soon, they need to get settled in before the baby arrives.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Plant - I'm sure GD1 will wake up tomorrow feeling very relieved that she hasn't got to go to work. I hope she gets plenty of rest and relaxation - it will probably 20 years or so before it will happen again.

          Oma - poor GS1. It's bad enough when we get all these aches and pains, but for a very fit, very active young man like him it must be so frustrating. Hopefully he will recover quickly. Rib eye steak for Storm - for goodness sake don't let Eva get a whiff of it!!! Now - no bouncing up and down on your lovely new mattress! Sleep well. xx

          Nanto - I hope you get a better night as well, and all the other sleep-deprived grannies. xx

          Gem - I hope you had a lovely afternoon with GS2 and GD today. Fingers crossed that tooth behaves itself until you see the dentist.

          Lizzie - I had to laugh at the story of your dog and the herrings. I do hope your daughter's friend is ok. It must have been a shock to find such a large tumour.

          I've used lots of Volterol gel on my thumbs today and that's eased them a bit. Typing is ok, it's the pincer type movement that's painful, and holding anything small. Tying the laces on my trainers is a slow job as well! I managed to get another 15 cards written today, so I'm getting there.

          OH has spent about 5 hours cleaning the caravan. It's been quite a nice day with a bit of sunshine, and well above freezing so a good time to get it done. I think he'll sleep well tonight!

          I haven't phoned to see how my friend M is today. I know she wanted peace and quiet and I'm quite sure C has been kept busy answering the phone all day. I'll ring tomorrow.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            I'll catch up tomorrow!
            Since the restrictions came in DD2 uses the pick up of the GC on Fridays for us to spend some socially distanced chat time in the dining room. By the time we've chatted and the children are gathered up its going on for 7.30. Then we cook, eat and watch telly.
            I'm yawning away here so off to bed.
            Night night everyone. Talk tomorrow xx
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Fog came in yesterday afternoon and still here now.

              I slept a bit better last night.

              Hope all the grannies with aches and pains feel better soon.

              Going to the farm shop,then on to the garden centre and then go to Asda.
              The garde centre cafe are doing takeaways,so will probably get a jacket potato, better than cooking.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.

                Nan2, a takeaway is better than nothing. I hope your area is out of Tier 3 soon. Card writing with your mam sounds very familiar to me with my mum. Sometimes they don't make our lives easy!!
                Daisy, I'm glad Volterol helps a bit with your thumbs. I can never decide whether it makes any difference to my knees or not!
                Lizzie, I hope things go OK for that lady. Presumably they would have done sentinel node sampling at the time of the op so will know if there is any spread? This is routine here (removing and checking the nodes nearest the breast where cancer would move to first)
                I hope your GD can get settled in before the baby arrives Plant. Fingers crossed for them.
                Poor GS Oma. I hope he is in less pain today.

                Two friends are dropping cards over this afternoon and staying for coffee and catch up. The weather is not nice!
                Perhaps we will sit inside the conservatory near the door, and they can sit on the patio with parasol up and blankets! You feel so unhospitable not inviting people inside

                No other plans today, go with the flow day.

                Keep safe and warm ladies.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Good morning, one and all. It's dry here with a watery sun, but I think rain is forecast for later, so we'd better take Eva out before it starts!

                  Nanto - what a beautiful message to greet the new day. Thank you. As you say a take away is better than cooking and a jacket potato is perfect for this wintery weather. I'm glad you slept a bit better.

                  Gem - I think Volterol helps but I sometimes forget to use it regularly, then it's not so effective! The knee that was hurting a few weeks ago has flared up again so applying it to my knee means I do my thumbs as well! Enjoy time with your friends this afternoon. I know it's not strictly allowed, but is it feasible to sit either side of your conservatory with the door and any windows open?

                  No firm plans for us, apart from taking Eva out - she didn't go yesterday as she seems quite tired after her day with Cooper.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    GS1's birthday today, I think we are going to see him later. I made some mince pies and jam tarts yesterday, some went next door and there is a container with some in waiting for his family.

                    I hope the people in pain are getting some relief, Oma, how is that GS of yours?

                    Daisy, I remember the times OH and I cleaned the outside of the caravan, I always did the inside. A huge camper van was stolen from a drive just around the corner from us this week. Very sad as the gentleman had not long lost his wife. How do they get away with it?

                    No other plans, today, no rugby to watch either.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Daisy, to be honest we wondered the same, especially of it is raining this afternoon. They could sit on the sofa inside the conservatory with door and windows open and we could sit in the dining room, at the other side of the conservatory with the patio doors which separates the two, open. In fact if we did this, we would be further apart than at separate tables in a cafe, which would be allowed!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good morning ladies ,
                        Nanto I love the Graphic so cheerful
                        A jacket potato sounds idea for this type of day and nice not to have to cook yourself ,

                        Gem seeing friends outside is better than not seeing them at all ,
                        I am so missing SIL's parents since they moved away they not on our doorstep now so no popping in , They did do a drive by visit with B's Birthday card the other week but it was short and sweet , we spending Christmas day with them so that will make up for it we all isolating as such to make sure it happens .

                        Daisy it cant have been easy writing your cards out I hope you rested your hands after , have you tried putting them in a bowl of hot water for ease ?

                        Plant its time for GD to stop work now isnt it she must be tired now .

                        Well the mattress is lovely although still a little stiff being new , but its so much cooler ideal for me i hate a hot bed .
                        SIL took our other one when he came to pick Storm up last night
                        GS is very achy this morning said it wasn't easy sleeping every time he turned over it hurt .

                        B off to his Mams to finish her jobs so I gave the downstairs a good clean ,
                        cleaned the snott and lick marks off the glass table and ironed the stuff I washed yesterday .

                        I can actually move my arm a little this morning the pain isnt as intense so im hopeful the injection is making some improvement
                        I wont push my luck though .

                        Its a grey miserable day , i was going to go in the garden and cut back the herbs but its so wet I changed my mind they can wait .

                        Lizzie how are you today have you spoke to your BIL anymore ?

                        Mimi I hope the cat didn't have you up again, or should I say down on the floor again
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Gem - it would be silly to sit in the rain!!

                          Plant - I always clean the inside of the caravan. I give it a thorough clean when we get back from a trip and then another before we use it again. But cleaning outside is harder - it's the roof that's the real problem. OH uses a mop on a long pole, but it's still hard work, especially with the tree being so close. How distressing for your neighbour to have his camper van stolen when he's already feeling very low. Our little caravan is quite old, and a thief would have to be desperate to steal it!!

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Oma - I'm sure the new mattress will be perfect once you've worn it in. I'm so glad your shoulder is less painful, but for goodness sake don't do too much and set it back again.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              My computer is on a go slow so I will wish you all well and pop back later.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Plant, I often read about the campers being stolen, why on earth do they do it!

                                Oma, pleased the pain in your shoulder is easing, I hope it stays that way. I spoke to my BIL yesterday, the cremation is on January 8th, he would like me to go but understands that it isn't safe. He said the boys and families are being really good, the neighbours as well. The eldest son lives up past you and will be travelling down again this week so help sort things out.

