Hello - I am here, but just off to drop card etc at M's before taking Cooper back home. I'll hopefully have chance to sit down and read through all your posts later on with a cup of tea or a glass of wine (depending on the time!)
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Oma - we want to clean the caravan because of the debris from the horse chestnut tree - it's a horrible slimy mess and will be harder to do in the spring if we leave it - plus it looks a mess! what a sweet little girl. That must have taken some writing at her age, and I bet her daddy is very proud of her.
Gem - my thumb comes and goes, so to speak! I've got De Quervain's tenosynovitis in both thumbs - it's a bit like repetitive strain injury, and the tendons round the base of the thumb swell up and cause pressure on the nerves. The local surgery won't treat it - they just say rest, elevate, ice and compression! Haha! I'm sure it's nowhere near as painful as lots of our grannies' really serious aches and pains, but it makes it hard to hold a pen. And my writing's not great anyway! Painting's ok, but I don't hold a brush like a pen, and don't do much fine detail - it's more like sloshing paint about.
Mimi - ouch! Poor you. I hope your back gets better quickly. For goodness sake give the housework a rest - as well as your back.
Lizzie - I'm sure it did you good to get out for a while today. What a stunning view of the skyline, with the birds posing in exactly the right position. It's lovely.
Gem - your auntie is an amazing lady and it sounds typical of her that she was concerned about you and OH making the journey when you can only stand outside. It's good to hear she's staying safe.
Plant - it's nice to have a slow start! I've really felt it this week having to get up early for one reason or another. Tomorrow's not so bad, but the plumber is coming at 10 am to have a look at why two of our radiators aren't working.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Good morning everyone ,
Im up and sorted , they delivering my Premier inn Hypnos Mattress between 7-8 so needed to get our other one moved to the spare room , SIL will pick that up later today ,
Memory foam mattress's are not easy to move they have no grip handles , I cant use my arm so B had to pull it along the landing and I shoved with my hip
Sad about Barbara Windsor dying isnt it ,
Anyway I will pop back later see what we are all doing today xx
Daisy, I love the photo, love the skyline of Rotterdam, I didn't take the photo though. I copied if from the local site.
Oma, I just heard about Barbara Windsor. Sad. My mattress is so heavy , difficult to turn it myself, which annoys me! I do it when necessary but very heavy. The same with a lot of things, if they are too heavy I place them on a fleece blanket and pull it along, that slides really good.
Oma - you need to be careful but I know when you've got to move heavy stuff we tend to just get on with it and suffer later! I agree trying to move a king size mattress is near impossible, but Lizzie's suggestion sounds good, especially on hard floors.
I don't think you're supposed to turn our Emma mattress over - just top to bottom. I'll have to check!
Nanto - I'm sorry you had another sleepless night - you seem to be having a lot just lately and you must be feeling in need of some respite. xx
Yes, sad to hear about Barbara Windsor - she worked hard to raise awareness about Altzheimers and also the breast cancer story line in East Enders many years ago.
We've got the plumber coming to look at two dodgy radiators this morning, plus it's bins day, so I'd better get a move on.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Morning all
Snap Nan2 I also had a sleepless night !
Tesco delivery arriving this morning but OH will have to pick up the liners that the baskets are lined with today and put everything on the kitchen work tops as I dare not bend as back is still giving me jip.
In the night the cat demanded that her food bowl be topped up and as I didn't want to wake OH I had to result in going on my hands and knees with the cat biscuits can in hand so that I could fill her bowl , I didn't dare bend to do it . All was going well until it occurred to me that I actually have to get back up onto my feel. I had to crawl along the hard cold kitchen floor to a chair where I was able to drag myself back onto my feet. What a performance!
Feeling really weepy again today, I have never cried so much than I have this year.
Sad news about Barbara Windsor. I loved her in Eastenders, the fights between Peggy and Pat were legendary.... "Get out of my pub"! RiP Barbara
Your thumb condition does sound painful Daisy. What a (literal) pain! I hope the plumbers can get the radiators working.
Oma, well done getting the mattress down both of you. You will be SO comfy on your new Hypnos one!
I'm sorry about that sleepless night Nan2. I hope you can take it easy today.
This morning OH is going to the funeral of that golf friend who died. She is not amongst the 30 invited who are allowed inside, but she and a couple of others wanted to pay their respects as the coffin goes into church. It will be a long Catholic mass so they will then go home. The golf club have provided a link where the streamed service can be seen. A popular and well liked lady
School pick up for GD and GS2 today. I will drop off a letter and a couple of things for my mum on the way.
Take care everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Mimi - Oh dear, the things we do for our pets! As a fellow back sufferer I totally sympathise. You have to become very inventive to find ways of doing really ordinary things, like feeding the cat - but not in the dead of night.
I'm very sorry you're feeling so low. I know things have been hard for you this year, and Covid on top doesn't help at all. Go with your feelings - if you feel weepy let yourself be sad. Sometimes we really should leave our big girl pants tucked away in a drawer. Sending you virtual hugs. xxx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Gem - I'm sure S's friend's family will appreciate the golf club ladies being there, even if they can't attend the full funeral. When OH had a similar situation a couple of months ago he and 7 fellow friends from the same organisation formed a little guard of honour at the entrance to the crematorium, and the family rang afterwards to say how much they appreciated the gesture. I think it means a lot to the bereaved to know that people have taken the trouble to be there.
My thumb pain is minor compared with what so many people are suffering with, but it does make some tasks hard! I couldn't undo the child-proof cap on a bottle of bleach this morning. Silly things but I hate keep having to ask OH to do little things like that!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Mimi, what dreadful pain you are in, housework is a dangerous occupation. I hope 2021 will be a better year for you.
My mattress hasn't been turned completely over for a long time, it is too heavy for one. I can twist it around, I must get my strong GS's to do it for me.
I hope the non sleepers can get a good nights sleep tonight.
I m allergic to horses, rabbits and guinea pigs, will that stop me from having this vaccine I wonder.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
I lost a filling yesterday, and this morning they have fitted me in for an appointment on December 22nd. To check it and maybe temporarily fix it. I'm not in any pain so am quite impressed with getting seen before Christmas.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Gem your lucky to get a appointment so soon , I hope its root filled so you don't get any pain xx
What a nice thing for S and friends to do , i know how we felt when the boxing club turned out for my brother xx
Mimi you forget once your down you have to get up and i bet it hurt pulling yourself up on the chair , ouch , the things we do for our grandchildren and pets how are you feeling now ?
Daisy I imagine that stops you doing a lot of things , you don't realise how much you use your thumbs for till you cant use them ,
Do you have medication or cream that helps ? it must be so painful xx
Has the plumber been ?
Plant yes get the GS's to turn the mattress its far to heavy for you , anyway that's what big strapping GS's are for to help Grannies
Busy morning they arrived with Mattress at 7.30 took them minutes to take upstairs , it would have taken us ages but as the young man said they doing this all day ,
It came double wrapped so no chance of anyone touching it ,
We had to take the wrappings off ourselves but at least it was on the bed that was the main thing .
Then the dog arrived hungry as usual so a few treats and he was happy ,
I then got the clean bedding out and B made the bed up while I put washing on ,
Lunch time we had a sandwich and Storm had Rib eye Steak to be fair it was a steak I had bought for B but he didn't fancy it and it had to be used so rather than throw it out I diced it for storm , that dog is so spoilt
Just had a call from DD GS sent home from school he pulled a muscle in his back and the pain was shooting around his ribs and he couldn't breath ,
She rang 111 they got a Dr to call back , he spoke to GS asked lots of questions etc said he has to rest for a week or so give it time to heal and to take pain killers so no Football for him .
All he did was turn quickly to speak to someone behind him and said he felt it go and couldn't move , so easily done isnt it ,
Mimi I will send him down yours two invalids together