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Good morning Nanto and all who follow. We've had some rain overnight, but no thunderstorms as forecast. It's a bit cooler too.
Have a good day everyone. I'll pop back later, but need to get my skates on this morning.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning everyone.
Wet here as well Nan 2.
How much are you having cut off Daisy?
I wonder how Grauntie is?
I have posted in another thread that the wanderer has returned! We could hear him purring most of the night!
OH off to an away golf match today.
I have a nail appointment this morning. After that I have a little shopping to do, and I will take down any remaining posters about Henry.
Sorting out what to take on holiday and getting the spare room ready are on today's list.
Happy Thursday everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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I've been wondering about Grauntie as well, Gem. I hope she is feeling better and recovering.
Henry must be so pleased to be home!
I'm going to have about 3 inches cut off my hair. It will still be very long but more manageable - hopefully.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning ladies ,
Gem I hope you slept well knowing Henry was safe and warm
Daisy it will feel strange going to hairdressers after all this time .
Nanto the rain missed us although it was forecast ,to be honest a little rain would have done the garden good .
Funny I was thinking of Grauntie just last night , her and Aggie ,
Plant when are you due your Jab for your bones ? I remember you had your bloods to check it was ok to go ahead but cant remember if you said when .
WG did you sleep well too after your long day Yesterday how is hubby ?
Glamm how was your day out in Liverpool , did you buy anything
I was up during night so I did my housework downstairs ,
My back and hip were playing up and I couldn't get settled , took some pain killers and it settled down .
Went to Morrisons and Aldi this morning and walking round has set it off again ,
I have some sanding to do in the spare room as I filled holes in where I took a mirror and Picture down and Curtain tie backs ,
Ready to touch up with paint ,
B has just said he will do that so I will be resting the rest of the day
Im not fat just 6ft too small
It's just started raining here, and my DIL1 sent me a photo of the mud puddles in their garden (they're having a new patio put in). I wonder if we'll get the promised thunder tonight! Last night we got everything ready for Eva - Rescue Remedy and thunder shirts, all curtains drawn, windows and doors closed and waited, and waited - for nothing.
It was great to see my friend, P this morning. It's the first time we've been able to meet up since her husband passed away during the last lockdown. She's doing very well but is a bit daunted by having to sort the house out because she wants to move to somewhere smaller. It's not easy, is it.
Then I had my hair cut - about 3 or 4 inches off it - and I'm really pleased with it. I think I've found my new hairdresser!
I've just finished the Sainsbury's order for tomorrow and am ready to put my feet up for a bit now.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Daisy, we haven't had any thunderstorms either.
Pleased you enjoyed your meet up with your friend.
It turned chilly here this afternoon,and its a bit dark.
DS1 has asked me to thank you all for the birthday wishes yesterday.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Nanto - I hope your DS1 enjoyed his birthday! It's turned colder here as well - and it's been raining all evening.
Oma - I hope did rest today and are in less pain now. Sleep well tonight.
Gem - what colour did you have your nails done? How did S's golf go today? It sounds as though you're all organised for your little break.It's surprising how much there is to do before you go away - especially with having your cat sitter.
Plant - are there any further decision about the wedding?
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning ladies.
Dull but dry here too at the moment Nan2.
A deepish turquoise for my nails this time Daisy. The last ones were too subtle for toes. White with pastel sparkles. Pretty but better for fingers I think.
We are having our haircut this morning. I am meeting DD2 for lunch before we both visit mum. Then DD will do some more work and I will collect the children from school and bring them back here.
Friends are having gathering tonight which we are invited to. I would rather be getting on with packing but have to at least show my face!
Have a good Friday everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning ladies ,
Dull but stuffy,
Gem you will enjoy yourself when you get there im sure
Nanto hope In laws are well ,
We off to out of town place .
I want some heavy fabric to re cover the headboard in my spare room , all the fabric shops local have closed down so its a drive out to get it ,
Hobbycraft is near but they are so expensive and don't do heavy fabrics anyway .
I will call in Sainsburys on way back need a few things and I fancy salad today , I have Likes of Cucumber , Tomatoes etc but no salad leaves ,
Will pop back later xx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Good Friday morning (even though I thought it was Saturday!)
It's pouring with rain here and we need the lights on! So much for our plans to do gardening today! Unfortunately, Plan B is "housework"
I'll be back in a bit - the bins need sorting out and I want to clean the fridges out first.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
It was so hot and muggy playing bowls outside yesterday, at last I am managing to play on the outside greens, my partner and I won by one point, Yay we beat the men. No more news about the wedding, might hear today from GD what they have arranged. I am off later to do a grocery shop, hope it will have stopped raining. Oma, the jab for my bones is next Friday if my vit. D levels are okay.
Oma, sorry to hear you are having back and leg pains, rest woman. Are you now going to decorate the spare room? I think I can hear slight rumblings.
Busy day for you Gemini, hope your mother is well. Lovely to meet up with friends, have a lovely day.
Daisy, very pleased Eva did not have to endure a thunderstorm. It is lovely to meet up with friends again.
Grauntie is playing Word, I sent her a message yesterday asking her how she was.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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good morning everyone, it has cooled down, a little, 30+ yesterday and the last few days, rain during the night and storms forecast for this afternoon, DS2 asked if I was going for lunch but I told them I would go when it is more my kind of weather.
I have medicine for my cystitis, yet again, the lab did an extra test and hope they discovered what is causing it all.
I have a Garmin GPS for cycling, it was far too hot for it last week and it cleared itself of all the info! According to DS2, there is a warning on their site, the same for phones etc. I have got most of it downloaded, just a few more things to sort out.
Plant, you do well playing bowls if it is as warm as it was here.
Gem, you have a busy day, I hope you both have a good holiday.
Daisy, you must have the rain that is forecast here later today.
Oma, I hope you find the fabric you need, we have a shop in the village, I find it expensive though.