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    I am not sure how my day will play out, nothing planned. I might do a bit of cleaning, I have put off washing the kitchen floor because of the weather.

    Gemini, your situation sounds lovely, enjoy yourselves and have a lovely lunch out.

    I will pop back later.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Good morning ladies ,
      Its dull and drizzly here but warm ,

      DS rang his Dad to wish him happy Fathers day we were shocked to be honest as he never does anything or sends cards etc ,
      Must be feeling guilty
      DD and GS coming over this morning , Then after lunch we are going to Martin & Clare's , first visit for such a long time really looking forward to it .

      Daisy I hate when our worktops have to be sanded and varnished everything is upside down for days , hope you get everything sorted today xx

      Gem enjoy your lunch hope the weather stays nice for you both

      Nanto be nice if GD does visit wont it , It's always nice to see them will they stay for tea ?

      Plant how are the GGC ? have you seen the oldest two this week , they will be growing fast now how old are they now ?

      Lizzie how are you feeling is the dreaded Cystitis behaving still ,
      Our Dear Tizzy who dies a few years ago used to get it dreadfully ,

      WG how did you sleep are you more relaxed now that weight and house move is off your shoulders , How is Hubby with his treatment ?

      Glamm just reading you didn't get your dress , sometimes I think you cant look properly when you with others you get too distracted , maybe when your on your own it will jump out at you

      My Fingers are sore today , I bought new curtains for the spare room , Ironed them yesterday and put them up and they were very long ,
      measured them and in stead of being 90 drop as they said on the pack they were in fact 96 long ,

      I didn't want to take them down again so I spent over a hour sitting on the floor of the bedroom , cutting ,hemming and altering them by hand ,
      Im not good with a needle now but with the help of my reading glasses I managed very well even if I do say so myself ,

      I know it would have been quicker taking them down and getting my sewing machine out but I struggled to get the pole back up so didn't want to do it again and B was watching football .
      Anyway they done but finger ends are sore pushing the needle through heavy material .

      Happy Fathers Day to those who have Fathers or DS's who are Fathers xxx

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Good morning, Oma, what are you like???? Sat on the floor hemming the curtains!!

        My cystitis seems to have cleared, I will see how long it lasts this time.

        We had a lot of rain during the night but looks ok now so I will go for a bike ride. At least the heatwave has gone!

        It is 38 years ago that my father died, seems like only yesterday!

        i hope you all have a nice Sunday .


          Good Morning everyone the weather is very changeable this morning we have had a wee bit of rain and now the sun is cracking the flags washing has been in and out twice already lets see how long it lasts this time.
          WG I do hope your fushia's last longer than mine did the pesky squirrels dug mine up that I put in the pots at the front of the garden the pots are near to the large tree which they use to play in during the day so no chance of them moving off somewhere else.
          Oma I'm sure you're right about a dress I may spend a day next week in Liverpool browsing about something may just jump out and surprise me,it's not as if I need a new one I have a few nice frocks but it's a special birthday for DD her possible future inlaws will be there so feel I must make an effort
          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


            Good afternoon. GD2 texted to say it will be after 4 when they come.Boyfriend working till 3ish.

            DS1 called on his way to work with a card and gift for his Dad.

            Garden duties have been carried out here. Hubby trimmed the hedge and i cut the grass.
            Then,in the shower for me. Then i packed some things in the freezer from yesterdays shopping
            We have had dinner,soon be tea break and cake time.

            I don't think the weather knows what to do. one minute its dull and cool,the next it brighter and warmer.
            At least it has stayed dry.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Had a wonderful time at M&C's we never stopped talking and the weather was lovely ,

              We have just returned home my head aches with all the laughter

              Been so long we realised how much we have missed them , fingers crossed we will do it again soon .
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oma, that will have done you all a lot of good

                We had a lovely day, and the sun came out early afternoon and is still out!
                We had lazy morning, a good pub Sunday roast followed by a look around Amble Harbour and the many craft stalls there, then we sat and had an ice cream. Back to where we are staying for a cuppa outside, then a walk on the beach.
                Much better weather than we expected today!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gem - it sounds lovely where you are, and the weather's being kind, too. Are you going to write all about it in a holiday thread - remember when we used to have those! It seems so long since any of us have been away, although I think Avo may have had a couple of short breaks in her motorhome, and the trip to Portugal which they had to cut short.

                  Oma - how is Cnow. I'm so glad you were able to get together at last. xx

                  We ended up with a busy day. DS2 and family plus Cooper called round about lunch-time with a card and present for OH. Then DS2 and DIL came down, also with card and present for OH. We had a lovely afternoon with them, and I'm now exhausted!

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    She is doing ok Daisy thanks for asking but they had to put her meds up again as her marker raised ,
                    They not sure why but she's feeling fine and back to working 4 days Just tires easily ,
                    Due more scans to see how the tumor is doing so fingers crossed for that xx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Oma,good to hear C is doing ok.
                      Sounds like you had a good visit with them.

                      A nice bright morning,but could be some drizzle later, according to the forecast.

                      Got my gynae check up at 10'oclock.
                      Should have been 2 weeks ago,but the hospital changed it to today.
                      No set plans after,just see how the day goes.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning ladies.

                        Nan2, you will be glad to get your check done with.
                        Everything crossed for C, Oma.
                        Daisy yes I will do a holiday thread afterwards. It will be a novelty to have one after all this time!

                        A dull start here, but it's not raining! I think the sun is forecast to appear again tomorrow
                        Not sure what today's plans are yet, just enjoying our morning cuppa at the moment.

                        Have a good day everyone.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good Monday morning everyone. Nanto - enjoy the sunshine with Pooh and Piglet while you have it - it's raining here and it's chilly and dark. So much for the longest day!

                          Nanto - I do hope your Gynae check up goes well. Not fun, but hopefully reassuring.

                          Gem - I hope the sun puts in its promises appearance, but at least if it's dry you can get out and enjoy the area. It will be lovely to have a holiday thread!

                          Oma - C is doing very well, although I'm sure every slight alternation in her meds affects her a bit. I do hope she's not overworking and getting enough rest. It's not an easy thing to live with. xxx

                          I think we need to go shopping today - yet to be discussed with OH. We're in need of a new teapot and teapot stand, plus I want to spend some birthday vouchers on a new bird bath for the front garden. It's too wet and cold to do anything outside, so a bit of retail therapy might be just the thing to cheer us up.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Good morning ladies ,
                            Its a horrible very wet morning , we have the lamps on its so dark ,

                            Nanto good luck bet you will be glad when its over , the things we women have to do

                            Gem I hope the rain stays away and you get out and about have you been on the beach yet ?

                            Daisy the Dr thinks its maybe being back at work and the stress of sitting in front of a computer all day , she has more scans in July
                            The Meds are strong and knock her for six so she may have to stop working again if its raising her levels too high ,
                            How is your DS ?

                            We have just finished covering the headboard its looking good just as I imagined just waiting for the vintage post cards i ordered to arrive then i can go to Ikea and get the right size box frames for the wall .

                            Having the Boiler serviced today then picking MIL up later to take her out for tea , that's if we don't get a phone call saying its too wet to go out .
                            She only has to get in and out of the car but she has a right hissy fit if the rain touches her hair

                            Enjoy your day ladies whatever your doing xxx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma - I can imagine the stress levels for C at work. She does need to put her health first, and it's not easy when you're working. Sending her hugs.

                              My DS is doing ok - he has another MRI on Friday and sees the consultant the following Tuesday. He's not very good at pacing himself and overdid it on Saturday. Yesterday he was very tired, but he and DIL came down here for Father's Day and we just sat and chatted. He looked pale and tired when he arrived but after a rest his colour came back and I think it did him good. But he's tolerating the meds well and his last blood and heart checks were very good.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                That sounds good Daisy but he does need to take it slowly , this is what I said to Clare only do the work you need too don't take on extra .
                                Our Martin is keeping a eye on her
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

