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    Afternoon/Evening all.
    We had a terrific thunderstorm in the night. Saved me watering the garden this morning.
    There are a lot of baby birds visiting my garden with their parents. A large clutch of starlings and robin twins.
    I’m trying to keep busy to keep my mind wandering too much.
    I zoom with the family a couple of times a week as well as daily phone calls though no- one usually has any exciting news as days are nearly all the same for everyone. I like to find out what each family are having for their evening meal!
    Enjoy the clapping tonight and the rest of your evening.


      Clover everyone is the same not much excitement is there . But regardless a nice chat cheers you up xx

      It's been very hot today . I had a Nana nap then did my ironing in the front bedroom it's cooler in there as Sun is always at the back .
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Clover - I was wondering if you'd had the storm. I saw it on a weather-watching FB group, right over Swansea. Still, I'm sure the gardens have benefitted from the rain. Ours are beginning to look a bit dry, but we might get a shower overnight tonight. Otherwise, it will be a long watering job tomorrow! You're certainly keeping busy, and I'm sure it helps, but don't get overtired - you need your rest as well.

        We've got baby sparrows this year, which I haven't seen here before. I watched one catch an insect on the wing this afternoon. It did an amazing acrobatic turn mid-air and the insect was gone! We've also got a young robin, who is a bit braver than is good for him. Eva doesn't bother with the little birds but when Cooper was here yesterday I kept a close eye on him, just in case.

        Oma - ironing on a hot day like today isn't easy.

        It is nice to have a chat, even if nobody's really got any news.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Morning ladies up with the larks it's wet at the moment but I is early will pop back later xx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Good morning. Raining, but will give the gardens a much needed drink.

            Off to in laws later.

            Fish and chips today for dinner.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              I have done all my housework hoovered through and sanitised all the handles .
              Had a very nice hot shower now waiting for Asda delivery and that's it . Can't get in garden it's raining so no idea what I will do today
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oma All housework done ! I’m still in bed
                It’s overcast at the moment and due to get windy later.
                Thank goodness we’ve been lucky with the weather these last few weeks being able to get out in the garden. It must be doubly difficult living in a flat and seeing the lovely weather outside especially with children.
                Weather permitting I’ll be getting on with the porch today. I also want to find a knitting pattern for a jumper or cardi. .as I’ve found a stash of wool I’d forgotten about. I’ve finished the previous cardigan apart from buttons as I have no suitable ones in my button tin and I usually get them from the market. I think it was Daisy who asked what colour the finished one is.It is made from a cotton yarn and is a sort of aubergine colour. The proposed one is a creamy colour.
                I must get going now.
                Have a good and safe day.


                  Good morning. Much cooler this morning, rain over night and very breezy. I’m glad I tackled my gardening jobs yesterday. I keep meaning to sort our my painting materials so I think today is the ideal day. After watching the life drawing programming I’m itching to have a go. I did a life drawing class a while ago and really enjoyed it.

                  Clover, well done on your DIY. Have you looked on Ravelry for a knitting pattern? There are so many patterns on there and it’s so nice to browse. That’s where I find most of my patterns. Enjoy your knitting, I find it so relaxing, keeps me sane!

                  P had a zoom meeting with his Mens went very well and they are going to do that instead of their proper meet ups. I was pleased for him, it bucked him up and he needed that. Isn’t technology wonderful!

                  Otherwise no plans for today, will just go with the flow. Have a good day everyone 🌞
                  Last edited by Enfys; 22-05-2020, 07:20 AM.
                  "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                    Good morning all.
                    I had a restless night , had a horrible dream . I could see my family, some no longer with me , in the distance and I wasn't able to get to them . I was slowly sinking into a deep fog . I would assume its because of the lockdown and the on going situation playing on my mind.

                    I see we have had some rain in the night and it feels a little cooler.

                    Oma, you have been busy early this morning, as I am typing this I am still in bed!

                    Daisy my DD has baby sparrows and starlings nesting near her house. The starlings come twice a day to feed for grubs etc in her lawn . Apparently they are very good at keeping the daddy long legs lava from hatching and there by stopping them ruin the lawn.
                    DS has baby blue tits in the bird houses he made .

                    Apart from Tesco arriving this morning I am not sure how I am going to fill the long day ahead

                    Keep yourselves safe ladies
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      Good morning dear ladies

                      Clover we have said many times that this is all more bearable with the almost constant good weather, and access to the outside. Happy Knitting!
                      Enfys, how nice that your OH had his man Shed Zoom meeting. All this would be much harder without today's technology.
                      Oh Mimi, what a horrible dream. I heard an expert talking on the telly the other day, about dreams and especially disturbing dreams, being far more common since all this started.
                      I wish we were having fish and chips Nan2. OH would rather wait until next week. I could order them just for me I know, but I will wait. Next Friday for sure!

                      Ladies who don't know how to fill the day - try your hand at a story!

                      A wet night and blustery morning here, but the sun is now peeping through.
                      OH has golf at 10, so I hope the rain stays away until they finish.
                      I have no plans. I will email my mum. I may even start a story for Story Corner!
                      Have a good day and stay safe,
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Quick good morning from me, with Eva trying to sit on my lap. I'll be back later.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          I don't think we have had any rain, the garden could certainly do with it, sun coming out now.

                          Clover you are clever tackling that porch repair. Cardigan colour sounds nice, I have been knitting a complicated cardigan pattern, gone wrong somewhere, put it away yesterday but will need to sort it out today. Good luck at finding a nice pattern for your white wool. I have tins of buttons that belonged to my Mil but can never find suitable buttons.

                          I must do some dusting today unless something interesting comes along.

                          That wasn't a nice dream Mimi.

                          Enfys, I am pleased that P had a Zoom meeting with his friends, he must miss it.

                          Daisy, we used to have starlings, haven't seen one for years. My OH used to call them the cloth cap brigade. We don't have a lot of birds calling as our garden is very open and we have a cat. I am thinking of not filling the bird bath because the cat lurks near it hoping for an unsuspecting bird, DD said he came in with one this week. He had a slow worm the other day, we managed to rescue that minus the tip of its tail.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Cloudy day in Cambridgeshire and quite windy. Got no internet again so have to connect to my phone. We have a system which is delivered by microwaves from an aerial in a tree in the next hamlet and often if it’s windy or it just feels like having a rest it goes pop and hey presto no Internet! It is very frustrating. Not sure what I’m going to do today yet........ had a nice socially distanced walk with a friend in the woods yesterday and it was cool in the shades of the trees. Mr Tesco is coming tomorrow how exciting!
                            Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                              Meetings with friends do us good Avo
                              It must be very frustrating with the patchy internet!

                              OH is at the golf course, I suppose I should get up now and put some washing on (with lots of pegs, due to the wind!)
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                What day !!!

                                Bring me sunshine in your smile.

