Oma, P has no appointments scheduled with doctor. As there is nothing more they can do it’s up to us to contact them should we need to. It’s just a waiting game ☹️. We declined to know how long, no point, that’s why we are just taking it one day at a time.
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Awww, sending love Enfys. You're right that some people are behaving like nothing's wrong. I really can't understand why. What about Cummings? In my opinion the PM should have dragged him over the coals for it. I'm by no means the 'Virus police', but it puts my trust in them into question. We're all getting a bit fed up with the restrictions now but it must be so much harder for you Enfys & P.
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
Thank you Nana. As for the Cummings debacle, I am absolutely disgusted by it all. Politics aside, I think it has given the wrong message to everyone who has abided by the rules, no matter how hard it has been. One rule for them and one for us, it seems. I have lost faith in our sorry excuse for a government."Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Enfys - I know some days are harder than others, and it must be upsetting when you see what your neighbours are up to. I hope P's energy picks up again - it's so hard on you both and I think you're doing a great job of keeping him motivated as well as coping with your own worries and emotions. Sending big hugs."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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I've always avoided politics either here or elsewhere but as we've all commented at times we are in an unprecedented situation, and to be honest, I don't think we ever know the half of what goes on behind closed doors.
I just wish the warring political factions would just for once, join together and work for the best outcome to the worst crisis this country's suffered since World War II ended. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the Cummings situation are I've got no idea, but I think Boris Johnson has got more pressing things to deal with than something which has happened and can't be changed. There's no 'perfect' anything."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning all .
Thanks you admin for my email I received a few days ago. It is lovely.
Enfys sending you and P lots of love
. Don't waste your time getting upset about your neighbours and their lack in any functioning brain cells . Idiots , the lot of them . There is a young mother across the road from us who is having a big birthday party in her garden next week . She has ordered a bouncy castle ( didn't think it was possible hire one with the ongoing situation) and has invited her family and friends around. Unbelievable!
Daisy I avoid politics also . We all have our opinions but that doesn't make us right does it . Over the years I have made some good and some bad decisions when it came to voting for mps.
I do get annoyed at some celebrities who rant on about politics with the misleading ideas that just because they are in the spotlight they suddenly become very knowledgeable about the complexity of running the country, some of them couldn't even run a bath .
Its supposed to be a very warm day today. I don't have any thing planned. If truth be told I am running out of ideas what to do apart from the usual housework. This staying in malarkey is getting to me now..... and just take a look at my hair
I have progressed from a bad hair day to bad hair permanentlyBring me sunshine in your smile.
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Morning everyone.
Just caught up with yesterday’s chat.
Enfys I’m sending you love and ((( hugs )) at this difficult time for you.
Neighbours on both sides have their sons visiting a few times a week and neither neighbour is on their own. One side is careful and they stay in the garden but the other side is like he’s living there. Here in Wales we are still in tight lockdown so this makes me doubly mad when I am on my own and my son is within half an hour ‘s drive away but is sticking to the rules (as of course he should)
I must get a move on . Next door’s ivy is invading my garden so I need to hack it back after checking there are no birds nesting.Also I must do more porch painting now the wind has dropped but before the sun gets on it.
Enjoy your Groundhog Day.
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Good morning everyone. It's a bank holiday, for what it's worth!
I totally agree Daisy, none of us knows half of what goes on and many are too happy to point a finger.
Lovely day here too Nan2. The wind and clouds all gone, wall to wall sunshine
Mimi, I agree, you would have thought bouncy castle hire was a no-no right nowLove your funky hair btw
Good luck with the ivy battle Clover!
No plans here, so I will update later on what we actually do.
Have a nice day ladies.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning everyone. So here we are - Spring Bank Holiday Monday. Incredibly the sun's still shining against all the rules. Normally it pours with rain on Bank Holidays, or at least it did before lockdown.
Nanto - hello to you and your cheery little friend.
Mimi - you can always bring a smile to my face. Your hair is lovely - don't change a thing. xx I agree about celebrity pundits. With social media, everyone's suddenly an expert. Do they realise an 'ex' is a has-been and a spert is a drip under pressure.
Clover - It must be hard for your son not being able to visit you still. It's easy for us in England to forget that Wales is still in total lockdown. I think they're still repelling English 'invaders' in the north. My SIL up there dreads the campsites re-opening. Good luck with the ivy challenge - but don't overdo it, it's going to get pretty warm later. I hope the porch painting goes well - have you nearly finished it?
Enfys - I hope today is a better day. Lots of hugs. xx
Gem - you posted while I was typing. Glad you've got the sunshine back. Have a nice relaxing day. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Morning ladies.
my opinion on the Government is they have so far done as best they could with something they had no idea how to deal with , but this breaking lockdown rules and being backed has done them no favour what so ever .
That's as much as I would say on the subject as I'm no arm chair politician .🙄
Sun is out I have been out and swept all the leaves and gunk from the drive and wiped down the front door and window ledge ,
Having a drink before we tackle the leaves in the back garden .
My Neighbours came in from shopping while I was out there , they said that early on a morning the queues are very small and Sainsbury's were empty , we had a nice distance chat haven't spoken to them for weeks apart from wave on a Thursday night .
Mimi Bouncy castleis it legal to hire them out at the moment ? Idiots some people
It's really hard for people not seeing family then you get some who just don't care , my sister said on Saturday 3 houses along their street had a get together party , with BBQ each in their own gardens but jumping the fences passing food around and as the night went on and they got drunker they all ended up in one garden .
A Nurse who works on Covid ward who lives a few doors away phoned the police , my sister said as soon as police arrived they moved pretty sharpish and she heard they have been issued fines .
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Just caught up with today's posts, Mimi where did you get that pic. of me?
I must say that our neighbours seem to be behaving themselves. No wonder that nurse called the police and pleased they were fined.
Enfys, it must be difficult keeping P motivated at times. Always thinking of you and send hugs.
I agree Oma, the Government is having to deal with a situation that they have no experience of in the past. I do think they have some very good scientific advisers who talk a lot of sense.
I did a lot of watering yesterday late afternoon, today I must water the courtyard pots. Lovely and sunny again, wind has dropped. Late getting up and am not in a hurry to get dressed.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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