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Good morning ladies, on another lovely sunny day. It seems strange to think of some children going back to school today - it feels as though it ought to be a Bank Holiday again.
Nanto - I'm sure market traders will be very pleased to be getting down to business again.
I'm not the greatest fan of a roast dinner, but for me they're even less appealing on a hot day - I'd rather have a plateful of lettuce!Mimi - I hope you enjoyed your roast feast though.
Plant - perhaps the break from knitting was what your back and neck needed. Badgers can be quite destructive! Eva surprised one in our garden one night a few months ago. She chased it round the garden and up to the side gate. OH was there, but couldn't see what she was after until the side light came on. She cornered it then stopped and the badger scrabbled to make a hole in the gate and disappeared through it. There were huge scratch marks where it had clawed the hole, but the hole itself was quite tiny. It hasn't come back! Let me know if you want to borrow Eva!
WeeGranny - I hope your OH enjoys his first taste of freedom today. Take care and stay safe. xx
As I mentioned elsewhere, we're going to DS2's (legally!!!) for a barbecue at lunch-time. We won't stay long, but it will be fantastic to see him, DIL and GDs - plus Cooper, of course.
I hope everyone else has a good day as well. Take care. xxx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning , happy Monday and Happy June, everyone
I hope your appointment goes well Nan2, you will be wanting to get it over with.
I'm not sure what other schools are doing Daisy, but GD's opens tomorrow. I think today is for the staff to put in place all the safety measures etc. GS2 will go to preschool there on Wednesday.
Have a lovely lunch. I don't know who will be happier, you or GDs
I think a drive may be a good plan for your OH on his first day of release WG!
DD1 asked if GS1 could come over for few hours in the garden today. A change for him (and lovely for me to see him of course) and it gives DD some much needed concentrated work time. She has an important deadline tomorrow. SIL will drop him off. For some reason all 3 of my GC seem to have immense bladder strength, so he won't need the loo I'm sure. Although the 'rules' say you can use a loo if you need to now.
Unless he stays all day, which I don't think he will, I will go over to my mum's at some point to plant up the geraniums.
Have a good day everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning ladies
another lovely day
Gem I think the guideline is they may use your loo as long as everything is cleaned down after and a separate towel is out.
I have done a load of towels and the whites this morning and made some plain scones for family coming tonight to have with cream and Jam
I usually only make fruit or cheese ones , I was going to make lemonade scones but you need cream in the mix and I don't have enough so plain it was .
We may go for a drive tomorrow as we are allowed out but not to shops that's still a no go for guarded people , to be honest even if we could I wouldn't before we see if in the next two weeks we get another wave after everyone goes out .
How are we all and OHs of course ?
Hope all the aches and pains are easing for everyone , don't know about you but I feel more now not doing much I seem to be better pottering around than sitting doing nothing
Have a lovely day ladies xxx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
I hope those visiting families today or will be just going for a drive, have a lovely day and stay safe.
Haven't heard if we had another vi sit from the badger, not having a dog here now there is nothing to scare them off, thanks for the offer Daisy.
I am a little worried now that I might run out of the yarn for the cardigan I am knitting as I ordered it through Pinterest and it came from the USA. I have sent a message so fingers crossed.
I am trying to summon up enough energy to change the bedding this morning. this lovely weather makes me feel that I am on holiday.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Plant, I agree about the holiday feeling!
Bedding is a chore. My auntie gets her cleaner to do hers .
Oma whenever the time comes when you two can meet up in an open space let me know. We will find somewhere ( and just blow kisses!)
I think less activity is making aches and pains worse.
I had a bath this morning and really stretched out and I could move a lot easier afterwards.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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OH hasn't gone anywhere today!! I offered to take him out but he didn't want to !
Our branch of Emmaus has their van at the end of the drive for contributions to their shop( when it opens again), so i took a load of stuff up there. The van was full! They're planning on having an open air market in the grounds in the not too distant future. Had a little drive round to see what was happening in the wider world.
I met our very elderly neighbour and her live in carer at the end of the drive when I got back so stopped and had a nice chat with them. The carer is South African and hes been here since February unable to get back to SA and for her replacement to get here. She thinks flights will resume in July. As we're in a courtyard you can't really see people going past, so they go down and people watch!
I lay on the swing with my book and a coffee when I got in. I suppose I should think about dinner, but I'm not in the mood for cooking or eating, so I don't know what will be on the menu!
Have a good evening ladies x
Oma/Gem/Daisy....hope your meet-ups have gone well!Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Well we have had a lovely evening DD SIL & GS1 turned up about 5.30 and have just left
They sat at garden table we had patio doors wide open and sat at dining room table .
I must admit I'm worn out we not used to having company and talking so much , I used disposable plates and cutlery so no washing up and just put a bin bag outside so everything went in that , then GS put the bag in the bin for me on his way out .
Storm lay in the sitting room where it was cooler lovely to have him in the house again
Gem yes as soon as we can we will be meeting you and S 😁Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Oma, I bet that was so lovely, and yes tiring too 😊
July is a long time for the carer to wait WG
Our friends great niece is due to fly back to New Zealand next Sunday.
It was nice to have GS1 here and spend more time with him than on our walk last week. Having spent so much time with just his parents I could tell he was feeling a bit anxious to be parted from them as the day went on. He was here in the garden for almost 5 hours and I think it was too long for him. I think he needs time away from home though, or going back to school will be hard for him.
It was our What's App quiz with friends tonight. We almost forgot 😮“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Nanto - I saw the clip about the markets opening up on the news tonight. It didn't look dangerously busy, and the stall holders seemed glad to be working again.
Plant - I hope the badger doesn't come back.
WeeGranny - Perhaps your OH will feel more like going out tomorrow. Has he got used to staying in? What a pity for your neighbour's carer - I'm sure she will be glad when she can eventually get home. Isn't it nice even going for a drive! I think the hot weather can make you feel not hungry. I never feel like putting the oven on for anything when it's hot.
I agree - I feel as though I'm on holiday every day! I could get used to it.I wondered why there was so little traffic on the Forest when we went out, totally forgetting it was a normal working Monday for many people!
Gem - I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. Don't over do things.
Oma - it must have been fantastic to see your DD,SIL and GS1 this afternoon. I bet there aren't any of those scones left!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Gem - our posts crossed. I bet GS1 has got used to being with just his parents, but he will soon relax again, and he'll be so busy when he gets back to school he'll forget any anxieties in the excitement. Glad you didn't totally forget your WhatsApp Quiz!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning. Sunny and warm,but the weather is set to change late afternoon today and tomorrow.
Off to in laws later,hubby will be coming round to mend dads buggy,i'm not sure whats wrong with it.
I posted yesterday about my hospital visit,but must not have clicked post reply.
Consultant said everything is absolutey fine,so that was a relief.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Good morning dear ladies.
Wonderful news Nan2, such a relief as you say!
The lovely Mediterranean weather is set to change, I agree.
DD3 is coming today. We had planned to go somewhere for a picnic. We didn't know where to go, so I suggested we just lunch in our garden. We have sunbeds, chairs, parasols for shade and no risk of crowdsAs DD only has a tiny yard, I think she was secretly happy to just come to our garden.
I will probably go over to Mum's to plant the geraniums and check for post this morning. If not, tomorrow is totally free, so I will go then.
Have a good day everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Nanto that is good news, one less worry, hope the in-laws are fine.
Good idea to meet your DD3 in your garden Gemini, have a nice chat and enjoy your lunch.
I was going to do some cleaning today but if the weather is going to change, I will leave it until tomorrow and do something outside instead.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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