My kidney and shoulder pains have restarted over the weekend rang surgery and dr. wanted me to go and have face to face consultation. Went in he found blood and protein in my urine. Had blood taken, got antibiotics and have to wait for results to find out what is wrong. š© looks like Iām back to square one!
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Avo - I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling poorly again. Thank goodness the doctor saw you and hopefully the antibiotics will do their stuff. Take care of yourself.
Lizzie - yes, potholes are a major problem here. I know someone who was stopped by the police for her erratic driving (long before Coronavirus). They breathalysed her but, as she explained, she was just avoiding massive potholes.
Mimi - I think a lot of us will feel unsafe going out - although the over-70s are still told to stay at home. So that solves any indecision I might have.It beggars belief that someone would spit into another person's face deliberately. Some people are beyond the pale.
Oma - I agree about shopping online. I'd much rather see what I'm buying but on the whole what has been delivered is fine.
Plant - I do hope your SIL's mother settles down well in the nursing home. I'm sure she will be pleased to be out of hospital and into a more home-like environment.
Gem - how lovely that the care home prints off emails for your mum. I'm sure she feels you are doing everything you can and enjoys hearing from you. What a pity if the Golf Club is open but S can't play.
I have taken advice, and done no dusting, hoovering, or other form of housework, apart from disinfecting door handles and the door bell. Eva has been well and truly cuddled! This morning a young man, riding a very smart-looking motor bike delivered a prescription for me, and then later in the morning a neighbour rang the bell to deliver two bags of flour - one SR and one white bread flour! It isn't even my birthday.
It's still very windy here but the sun has been quite warm.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Had unexpected visitors today , my Niece the one who sat with her Dad as he passed away turned up with photos of him and a copy of the service on Wednesday .
It was so good to see her and see she is coping with it all but I so wanted to hug her and keep her close to me . She has a lovely husband who I know is taking good care of her but I still feel I want to protect her . Had a few tears when she left .Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Oma - I'm sure your niece would have loved a hug, just as much as you would. I'm glad she's got a good OH to comfort her. Sending hugs to you - you must be feeling very sad. xxx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Morning Nanto Dinner sounds lovely apart from the Tuna
Hope in-laws are ok xx
Another dull day with nothing to do apart from look through some photos to put in a triple Frame for my hall wall
It's getting good photo of the two youngest almost every photo they pulling faces have eyes shut or GS2 is making a rude gesture
Good news in a way Niece had a email from funeral directors they now allowing 16 at funeral so they can all take their partners for support .
Hope everyone is well today
Gem give S a kiss from me hope she has a lovely Birthday xxIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning, Nanto - the graphic made me smile.I hope your in laws are ok.
Good morning to everyone else as well. It's a bright sunny morning here and less cold and less windy.
No particular plans for us today, although it would be nice to take Eva to the paddock around lunch-time. I've been a busy little bee already - fetched the milk in and put the glass recycling box outside. I wash the milk bottles with lots of washing up liquid, rinse all the bubbles off and then spray them with anti-bac spray then dry them on kitchen roll. It seems to take ages, but I don't want to be worrying about handling them in the kitchen! We're on left-overs now until the Sainsbury's order arrives tomorrow night - plenty of chicken and we've got salad ingredients and vegetables, so we won' go hungry!
Avo - I hope you've had a comfortable night and are feeling a bit better. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning ladies.
Sunny but breezy here.
Oma, it must have been so nice to see your niece, but all so sad too ((HUGS))
I'm glad to hear that partners are allowed. At our friend's mum's funeral last week it was still only 10.
Daisy, I hope you and Eva get to the paddock.
Today is my OH's birthday (she is a year older than me for a whole month!) She has opened all her cards and presents in bed, and is now answering messages!
Amongst her presents were a new jigsaw, Sudoku book, whiskey, chocolate, Haribo..... so her lockdown will go more smoothly
She requested a roast dinner so it is roast pork with all the trimmings tonight, followed by rhubarb crumble and custard, with our own rhubarb.
What we do today depends on what OH wants to do. I must flick a duster around though!
Have a good day all and keep well.āA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.ā ā Unknown
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Oma, that must have been lovely to see your neice, so pleased they are allowed their partners to support them at the funeral.
Nanto, loved the graphic, quite a change from your usual ones. Enjoy your meal.
Gemini, I hope S has a lovely day, dinner sounds good. A day of spoiling her I think.
I have no plans as usual, need to put a duster around bedroom and sitting room. I am expecting a fish delivery from a Grimsby based company this morning. I hope it is okay, I saw their ad. on facebook. It is a company called Ish. I will let you know what it is like. Just read an article on Sum1 facebook page, makes me want to stay at home.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Gem - the new face masks aren't part of S's birthday present, are they!I hope she has a lovely day and I'm sure dinner will be delicious. xx
Oma - It must help the sadness a little for your brother's family to have their OHs there for the funeral. xx Isn't it frustrating when you can't get a photo of two grandchildren together. Our GDs are happy to pose, but the GSs are .... well, I've given up!!
Plant - I bet that fish will be really nice and fresh. If anyone's interested in some superb duck breasts etc, this company is brilliant. Unfortunately because they normally supply to hotels and restaurants they're in danger of going out of business, so they're doing a good deal online. My OH doesn't like duck, or I'd have definitely ordered some.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Daisy, we are both partial to duck, and their prices are reasonable.
If i had room in the freezer i would be tempted to make an order.
Oma, at our local crem,they were allowing 12 mourners. Don't know if that still applies.
In laws were fine,thank you.
I spent most of the afternoon looking online for a summer jacket, but didn't see what i wanted.
Later, i had an email saying our refund had been paid,for the clock we never received from Amazon.
While i was on Amazon,i looked at their jackets. Saw just what i wanted,in the colour i wanted,so that has been ordered.
Its due to arrive on Sunday/Monday.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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