Gem,I hope you and your mum have a peaceful night. Thinking of you and sending love x
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Good morning ladies and thank you for all your kind comments.
Not the most comfortable night on the sofa, but a peaceful one and I did get some sleep. The room I am in is directly opposite mums and I left both doors open. Every time I checked on her I could only hear her breathing. The lamp nor radio were ever on.
We shall see what today holds.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Gem, pleased you managed you some sleep.
Hope today isn't too bad for all of you.
I know if she goes into the care home,you be able to visit,but it would lighten the load for you and S.
Not heard anything anything from Enfys for a few days,hope they are both coping.
Off to in laws in about ½ an hour.
We need a bit of shopping today,so will get in laws things if they need anything.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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After a sleepless night I don't know how those who regularly have trouble sleeping cope! I feel like a wrung out cloth this morning!
Gem,pleased to hear that you had a reasonable night. Hope today isn't too stressful.
No idea what will be happening today....not a lot methinks!
Take care everyone especially if you're out and about xBelieve you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Good morning ladies.
Gem make the most of today it will be busy for you tomorrow . Are yous taking Mum in or have they got transport ?
WG I thought the same about Enfys and Sunshine .
Nanto hope in-laws are well are they eating better?
I have started on the loft , doing a little at a time just spent half hour up there then came down for a cupper
Will do a bit more after a rest . Already got a huge pile of stuff to go to tip and more to find .
I'm being ruthless stripping everything we haven't looked at in years out .
I was shocked how many picture and photo frames I found must be 2 dozen in various sizes and colours .
Found stuff I had forgotten about .
Have a good day ladies xxx
Forgot to ask Daisy did you hear the ship horns from Southampton last night ?
I watched a video this morning they were so loud I wondered if the noise had reached yous
Last edited by Oma; 10-04-2020, 08:20 AM.Im not fat just 6ft too small
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A quick good morning from me because I have to get the bins done and we've overslept.
Gem, if the GP doesn't ring and your worries are growing definitely ring 111 or 999 for an ambulance. I'm glad you had some positive chats with your mum last night, and you managed some sleep. Stay strong - lots of love. xx"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Lots of clapping and cheering here last evening, DD and Sil came in to my place and we stood in the garden.
Weather forecast good for today and tomorrow, I do hope it doesn't tempt people to travel again. I have managed to get a delivery slot at Waitrose for next week so I am making a good order to save GD1. Her partner is picking up some bits for me today, it is GD's day off. I shall keep adding to the list for next week now I have a slot.
Gemini, thinking of you and your mother wondering how things are developing. As you say, she sounds too poorly to go into a care home tomorrow. I hope the doctor gets in touch.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Good morning all. Its another nice day here so far.
I have done some washing and general tidying up.
I made OH a coffee and took it to him outside as he is painting the garden bench . I sat and watched him whilst drinking a glass of cranberry juice . I have to get this continual cystitis cycle in check some how Its really driving me mad .
Gem, has the GP called. I hope it's good news and they are able to take your mum in. You could do with a complete break from it all . Keeping my fingers crossed xBring me sunshine in your smile.
Originally posted by Oma View Post
Forgot to ask Daisy did you hear the ship horns from Southampton last night ?
I watched a video this morning they were so loud I wondered if the noise had reached yous
Don't overdo the loft clearing. Our local council are asking us not to put out 'extras' that they would normally collect because everybody is at home and generating more rubbish for the normal collections, and they're struggling to cope. Our tips are shut. At the moment we get weekly collections and I'm a bit worried that if they get overwhelmed they'll go to 2-weekly ones - and not revert when all this is over.
Plant - I agree. I hope the amazing weather doesn't tempt people out to places they shouldn't be. Glad you've got a delivery slot.
Mimi - you could certainly do with breaking that cycle of cystitis. I hope you've got gallons of cranberry juice to help. At least with it being warm it's not so hard to drink lots more than usual.
WeeGranny - poor you. I hope you catch up on sleep tonight. I agree. I don't know how the insomniacs amongst us cope - I'm hopeless if I miss a night's sleep.
Nanto - take care when you're out shopping.
Gem - wondering how things are with your mum. I do hope the doctor has been in touch. Take care of yourself. xxx
Another lazy morning for us. It's becoming a habit. We're just about to have a quick sandwich and then we'll get on with the gardening. It's another lovely sunny day, but with a slight breeze to take the edge off the temperatures.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Daisy we have fortnightly collections and we find it ok but wouldn't want it that way if we had children it must be difficult .
All our tips are closed too
I finished the loft , one side is all the Christmas stuff that I didn't touch at all ,and suit cases . I put smaller cases inside larger ones
The other side is boxes of ornaments and lamps I want to keep and piles of photo frames I don't want to throw .
I have put many boxes and bags of stuff with rubbish in just by the loft hatch so when the tip re opens all the rubbish is in one place and easy to access . Wecwill have to make a couple of runs when we can finally go I think
Its a lot tidier trouble is my back is aching now so no more today
Mimi ouch that's not good I bet your so uncomfortable. I know it's sometimes difficult t drink when your not thirsty but as you know you must drink lots and lots of water or cranberry xxIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Oma - you must have worked hard to get all that done in the loft - I think you need to put your feet up this afternoon and rest your back. Two-weekly collections would be a nightmare for us here in the New Forest. We don't have wheelie bins because the ponies and donkeys can open them, so we have black plastic bags for general rubbish which most of us keep inside a normal dustbin, and some people would have trouble storing the extra bags, especially in the summer and even more so on the open forest. Our current service is fantastic, so keeping fingers crossed it stays that way.
The sun's still shining, so we're off into the garden to do a few hours weeding, mulching, sorting out pots, especially the banana plants.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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