Nanto I’m sorry you had a bad night. It’s horrible when you need your sleep but it just won’t come.
When I was walking down a lane the other day a cat came towards me and as I put out my hand to it and it was just about to sniff me without warning it changed direction and slowly walked a few feet on to the grass verge. It then assumed the stalking pose and pounced. It came back on the road with a small creature in it’s mouth which it proceeded to play with and chase into a hedge.It had sensed that poor creature from a good way off , that’s the thing I dislike about cats, their stalking instinct.
No plans for today but I must find something to make to use up some milk that’ s nearing it’s date.Probably a semolina pud. (I’ m a bit bored with rice 😀) and perhaps some pancakes.
Nan2, what a pain having such a poor night.
Clover, the one advantage of owning aging cats, as we have for many years, is they stop wanting to hunt! They sometimes watch with interest but never stalk or pounce. Birds play happily on our lawn while Henry lays watching them!
I hope all goes smoothly for B at the hospital Oma.
GD and GS2 day. This will be the last week of term, so presumably the last GD will have to spend up in the 'school room'. Actually I think she quite likes having it as her room here now, so may pop up there over the summer when she wants quiet time from little brother
DD and SIL3 are coming tonight and we are having fish and chips. They will be able to come into the house for the first time since lockdown!
Have a good day everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning everyone. My intentions for an early start today remained just that - I didn't wake up till 8.30, and still haven't had my shower!
We didn't have any St Swithin's Day rain - you're all welcome to come and visit.
Oma - I hope B's hospital visit is ok. Has the sickness stopped now - was it graft versus host?
My DS1's cat hunts, and in her kitten days she would bring them into the kitchen and perform horrible massacres. I don't think she had the concept of present giving!
Nanto - sorry you had a bad night - I hope you can get a rest sometime today.
Clover - Cooper, my DS2's 35 kilo Hungarian Vizsla, stalks (a breed trait). He stands absolutely motionless, watching, edges slightly and silently forward, waits, and repeats until the bird or whatever takes flight and then he can safely leap into action chasing it. He's got no chance as by then the bird is 20ft in the air, but he can walk away with his head held high, proud that he did his best!
I often use up milk with a savoury sauce - parsley, cheese, etc
Gem - have a lovely day with GD and GS2. I think my GD1 is like yours - she's quite enjoyed doing the school work, and told me one day she started doing it then realised it was Saturday, but carried on anyway. At least you don't have to worry about the weather tonight.
I really must get some washing done today - I keep putting it off.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Another late start for me, not dressed yet. I have several plans for today, the courtyard needs sweeping and I want to make some pittas. I found some strong white flour yesterday. Where does B put his dough to rise. I shall make the dough in the breadmaker but it has to prove again after you have shaped the pittas. I have used the airing cupboard in the past.
My GGD1's cat is a terrible hunter, he has been catching slow worms lately, I hate to see him playing with the little wood mice.
Nanto, sorry you had very little sleep, hope you make up for it tonight.
Oma, I hope B's hospital visit goes okay.
I think some children have enjoyed doing school work at home Gemini but are missing their friends. Have a nice evening with DD and Sil.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Been a busy day,all washing done and all ironed.
Then, just the usual housework.
Cooked mince beef and onions in the slow cooker.
Should be enough to make 3 pies tomorrow.
DS1 called and stayed for dinner.
Had plenty of sunshine today,but was a bit cool when the wind blew.
Plant - how did the pittas turn out? I've never made them. I am wondering now exactly what B does with his dough.
Nanto - you have been a busy bee. Thanks for asking about Eva. At first we thought she'd cut her paw, but yesterday we realised that the other front paw had the same type of injury. It looks a bit like when somebody's got sunburn and the skin peels - only much thicker! A bit of Googling led us to think she's 'skinned' those pads when she was racing round DS2's garden with Cooper last Friday. I'm putting doggy antiseptic gel on them, and wax on her back paws, which also seem a bit dry. She's being very patient with all the attention her paws are getting.
Oma - how did B's hospital appointment go?
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Aww poor Eva! Let's hope they heal soon.
Plant, GD is lucky as since half term she has had 2 days at school, as well as the home schooling on the other days. Being 10 year old girls they do lots of Zoom chatting out of school time too
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Oh poor Eva! I hope her paws heal soon, I am sure she is enjoying all the fuss.
The pittas were a great success Daisy, I have frozen some. I put them in the airing cupboard after I had rolled them out, they rose nicely balancing on the bedding.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Nothing much planned today, weather very quiet, sun is up there somewhere. I have a new plant to plant sometime today. I think GS1 is coming around with the babies today, his wife is working today. GD2 is home atm and is dying to see them, at a distance of course.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Poor Eva have you tried that ( Stinky stuff ? ) That's it's name apparently it's really good for all kinds of stuff
Plant B uses our airing cupboard sometimes to rise bread if it's really cold outside . Otherwise he puts oven on till it's quite hot turns it off and opens door and puts Bread on top of hob so the warmth of the room does the trick .
B is going for a scan at some point they think his kidneys may be playing up again stands to reason all the meds he's on but his bloods are good and nothing to worry about there . They also think he's had a mixture of GVH and IBS again Due to meds . But he's fine otherwise .
Gem loved the house GS made how did the Fish & chip night go ?
Nanto is it F&C day today ?
What a stuffy night I only put a sheet over us last night but even it ended up at bottom of bed, not very bright yet but very warm , all the windows and patio doors open .
Asda just been with shopping so that's all away and DD popping in sometime today apart from that not sure what I will be doing .
Thanks for the dough rising advice Oma, the airing cupboard did the trick but very difficult to find room for two trays. I will try B's trick next time.
Pleased to hear B's bloods were okay, hope they can sort out the other problems he has been experiencing.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare