Good morning everyone.
Lovely to hear from you Nan2, I hope your holiday is going well.
Enjoy your coffee Oma! How is B feeling these days?
We had 3 lots of visitors yesterday. One was the person we co own the rental house with. She and OH had lots of boring tax things to sort out. Later DD2 came, then just as she was leaving a friend ariived. This friend had the same operation I have had, several years ago. She brought daffodils
I had an earlyish night as I was tired, but feeling good apart from that.
Lovely to hear from you Nan2, I hope your holiday is going well.
Enjoy your coffee Oma! How is B feeling these days?
We had 3 lots of visitors yesterday. One was the person we co own the rental house with. She and OH had lots of boring tax things to sort out. Later DD2 came, then just as she was leaving a friend ariived. This friend had the same operation I have had, several years ago. She brought daffodils

I had an earlyish night as I was tired, but feeling good apart from that.