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    Good morning everyone.

    Lovely to hear from you Nan2, I hope your holiday is going well.
    Enjoy your coffee Oma! How is B feeling these days?

    We had 3 lots of visitors yesterday. One was the person we co own the rental house with. She and OH had lots of boring tax things to sort out. Later DD2 came, then just as she was leaving a friend ariived. This friend had the same operation I have had, several years ago. She brought daffodils

    I had an earlyish night as I was tired, but feeling good apart from that.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning everyone. Hoping you all have a good day. Yesterday I spilt 3/4 of a large bottle of oil on the kitchen floor. I overstretched cleaning it up & now have sciatica. Still looking for the silver lining. Ha 😂
      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

      (Doe Zantamata.)


        Gem hes doing ok, each day is getting better, a long way to go still but plodding on How are you feeling ? how sore is it now xx
        Nana you should have covered it in flour or salt let that soak it all up then it would have swept up into a pile , hope your sciatica calms down soon ,
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good morning everyone.

          Nanto - it's good to hear you're getting nice weather and enjoying your break.

          Gem - what a lovely sight those daffodils must be. I love them at this time of the year - they bring such a promise of spring after the dark gloomy days of winter. I hope you slept well after all your socialising.

          Oma - it's so good to hear B is making progress.

          I would never have thought about putting flour or salt on an oily puddle, but it makes sense, doesn't it! Poor Nana though. The only silver lining I can think of is your kitchen floor must be really nice and clean - and another one! it wasn't dropped in the living room!!! I hope your sciatica isn't giving you a lot of pain. xx

          Today feels a bit like the last day of the hols for me - tomorrow it's back to my normal routine with the GDs, dog training etc. OH was in bed most of yesterday with a fluey cold (he did look quite poorly so I held off on the 'man flu' comments) and he's only just woken up so I'll see how he is today when he's had a cup of tea and come to properly.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Must remember that tip Oma, you have a remedy for so many things. Pleased to hear B is making progress, slowly but surely.

            Hope your sciatica clears up soon Nana, very painful I know
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Its a horrible rainy day here so I thought I would send some sunshine to cheer us all up

              Yoga went well yesterday, I didn't cough once.
              I think Oma should have a thread titled 'Oma's handy household tips ' Our lovely Oma is the fountain of all knowledge !

              Nanna how is your sciatica ?

              Today I am on the hunt for a personalised birthday card for SIL who will be 60 and one for DS who will be 40 in February . I think I will look at the two web sites that are always running ads on the TV.

              Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Horray for no coughing Mimi!
                I hate spilling oil Nana, it's sucha mess. I did the same not long ago. I sympathise with the sciatica.
                I hope your OH soon feels better Daisy.

                It was very foggy here overnight and this morning. Now the sun is shining and has banished it all

                OH and I are going out to a country pub for Sunday lunch. I am looking forward to it so much!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Mimi it's jut I seem to remember lots of useless information 😀 and it comes out now and again 😊
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Oma I must remember that tip.

                    Not a good day for us. On our way to meet DS to go to his GF's mother's birthday lunch the darned car broke down It couldn't have been in a worse place,right on a junction.Hazard lights on and a call to AA.So lucky I had the number as I was only taking a small handbag and hadn't put my address book in.(I 've since put number in my phone-don't know why I hadn't before )After a wait of well over an hour the cavalry arrived and got us going again. Of course we were too late for lunch so had to go back home for tea and a choccy biscuit. We'll have to have pasta tonight as I was expecting a nice Sunday lunch and have nothing prepared for a meal. Anyway we are home safely which is the main thing
                    Hope everyone else's day is going well.


                      Oh dear Clover
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Oh Clover - I hate it when the car lets me down. And there's never a convenient time for it to happen, but missing a lovely Sunday lunch really is bad luck. The main thing is you and OH are safe and sound. I must put the AA number in my phone too. I keep my AA card in my purse, but don't always have my purse with me.

                        Mimi - thank you for the lovely cheerful sun. It's been grey, damp and miserable here, not a single peek of blue sky anywhere. You must be so pleased your cough behaved itself - hopefully it is finally getting better. xx Did you find the cards you wanted?

                        Gem - thank you. Yes, OH has been feeling a bit better today, although he got out of bed sharpish when not one but two lots of unexpected visitors called round. Coffee, a chat and laugh with friends made him feel much better.

                        What with one thing and another I haven't done what I wanted to do today, but they can all wait! I haven't seen either GD since our family gathering at Christmas, so it will be good to get back to routine tomorrow now they are both back at school and playgroup.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning ladies

                          Usual Hospital visit again today , looks calm out but dreary could do with some sunshine couldn't we . Have a good day ladies xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning Oma and everyone. Ooo I could just do with a cup of that steaming coffee! I hope the hospital trip is routine and goes smoothly.

                            It's a bit better here today - the sun is rising nicely (sounds like a sponge cake, doesn't it!) and there's blue sky with fluffy pink and white clouds! But, no time to stand and admire it this morning. Just off to take Eva for a walk before picking gD2 up from playgroup.

                            Have a good day everyone - I hope you're all getting a bit of this sunshine and the poorlies are feeling better.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Been talking to QWERTY she's not feeling good at the minute lots going on , she's looking in on us but doesn't feel like posting and that's fine as I told her , J her hubby not been well she's still getting over her friends death and her health isn't great either , she needs to look after herself and I know she can do it ,it will just take time and energy something she hasn't got at the minute bless her . We all have times in our lives when we have to put some things on the back burner and concentrate on keeping going so I'm sure we all understand how she's feeling ,
                              love you Qwerty keep your chin up girl you will get there
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good morning everyone.

                                Oma, I hope Bs hospital appointments go smoothly and without lots of waiting around. I hope I get my follow appointment through the post soon.

                                Daisy, I would rather have your weather. Dull and drizzly here!

                                Later we are buying a Dyson stick from John Lewis, and new land line phone for my mum from Argos. Then we will go to my mums for an hour or 2. We need a few things from the supermarket too. I'm hoping OH will nip off to do that while I'm with my mum.

                                At some point today DD2 will be dropping of some art and craft work GD has done for me
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

