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    LG - poor OH. I hope he soon feels better - but he's probably better staying home in the warmth than braving the arctic cold!

    Oma - I bet your tree will look fabulous. I'd probably forget where i'd put the new baubles!!

    Zizi - I've recorded Ethel and Ernest. You're right - it was called when the Wind Blows. Also Fungus the Bogeyman, a couple of Father Christmas books and some others which I can't recall.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      I watched Ethal and Ernest this evening, I thought it was charming, well worth watching.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Nice to see you Daisy
        LG, poor OH I hope he feels better soon.

        OH and I have (in separate parts of the house!) slept most of the day. I did watch some TV too, dipping in and out of things.
        OH came downstairs a while ago and had a small turkey sandwich. I had a couple of water biscuits lightly spread with marmalade. It felt like manna from heaven! Now I have a little food inside me I was able to take painkillers to get rid of the headache was hung around all day. I feel much better. Hoping to feel even better tomorrow. OH was much poorlier than me so it was nice to see her brighter and eating this evening.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Good morning.

          Frosty again, so will probably have some sunshine.
          Get well soon, to all your family Gem.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning all, from a bright but frosty south coast. Sorry to hear so many of you have been poorly, get well soon is Brian now Oma?

            we had a very nice couple of days with DD and family. Christmas Day went well, lovely food, everyone enjoyed their presents and it was just so,nice to all,be together. Boxing Day DH and I had a lovely walk through the park and across the common, so many people were out and about, kiddies with new bikes etc and a Dad and Grandad struggling with a new kite . DGD came home in the afternoon which was lovely and DS' in laws came round too. More food and presents and lots of chat.

            We we have at last finished all the left overs although I have frozen some turkey and beef, just chocs and cheese left now. I'm always pleased to get back to normal after all the excesses. We are out on New Years Eve but otherwise a nice few relaxing days.

            Look after yourselves all you poorly people x
            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


              Morning ladies , how are all the poorly people ? I know Gem and S are on the mend how about Mr Libra this morning and everyone else .
              Been a busy bee this morning did house work , washed floors , put clean bedding on ( mucky trollop we slept with no Duvet covers on last night ) too tired to make beds up , thought one night won't hurt. Then went to Asda did some shopping now having a rest before go to Hospital . Martin bringing MIL later today she hasn't seen Brian since he went in Hospital so she's anxious to see him now , have a good day ladies whatever your doing xxx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good morning all.
                Very foggy here.
                Oma is right, we are feeling much better today! We will have an easy day. OH won't play golf and I will see my mum tomorrow instead of this afternoon.

                Oma, you have been busy!! Has B got any tastebuds back yet?
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Good morning, everyone. As Enfys says, it's very frosty down here on the south coast - it looks properly wintery!

                  Gem - pleased to hear you and OH are on the mend. Enjoy your relaxing day.

                  Oma - You've dont a week's work this morning! I thought you were supposed to be taking things a bit easier! I can't believe you slept with no duvet covers on last night! What is the world coming to.

                  Enfys - what love get togethers you've had, and I'm sure you had lots to catch up on, especially with your GD. Has she got a few days off now?

                  LG - I hope Mr LG is feeling better.

                  Nanto - love the graphic! Have a good day.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Morning all. How are the tummy bugs today. I hope we have seen the back of those.
                    L.G How is your OH

                    This morning as I was opening the blinds in the sitting room I saw our neighbour going by with her two dogs. I will wave as she looks this way I thought to myself but as she glanced in my direction she disappeared from view !
                    I dashed out to see if she was OK. I could see she was just about to get up when down she went again. It wasn't helping by the fact the dogs thought she was playing and were jumping all over the place and I think once they noticed me things just got worse. There we were trying to get her on her feet on a very icy foggy morning and me with only my slipper and pjs on ! What a sight we must have looked.
                    Anyway she managed to get to her feet and refusing all offers of a cup of tea she very carefully went on her way.
                    This is something we knew would happen in time. As we are at the top of a steep hill its always been hard to get out with when the weather is like this but since the council put tarmac down on the pavements and road its made it twice as bad .Its like walking on glass out there at the moment.
                    Keep warm all of you and mind slippy hills
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      I am on my third day with the bug, no sickness just the other. Felt better yesterday so was not to sensible with my food, suffering for it today. Keeping away from the rest of the family.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Plant, keep warm and get well very soon. So many of these nasty bugs about this Christmas season.
                        Mimi, it far from funny for your neighbour, but your post made me laugh, picturing the scene ! You were the Good Samaritan, and I hope you lady suffered no ill effects and you didn't get too chilled out there in your nightwear
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Hubby is slightly better this morning,still full of cold and certainly sweat it out last night in bed.I had to strip the bed this morning,his side was wet through bless him. He really wants to see Taren tonight,but we will see, I have shoved him off to bed for some rest,fingers crossed I won't have to strip the bed again .. Sad news about Debbie Reynolds,so soon after her DD. Very frosty with black ce here this morning,I do not have to go out again thank goodness.Matthew will take us out this evening. Zizi we watched Ethel & Ernest it was a really lovely story.
                          "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                            Well we got up late again today, going to have to change that, husband is on an early tomorrow morning, suspect it will be a case of him working and coming home early afternoon and snoring for England for three hours!! I my worried that if I personally do not start to get up earlier my routine is going to go out of the window when I start back at work.

                            We didn't go furniture shopping today, we just did a quick veggie and meat shop to top up the left overs and what we have in the freezer. I took delivery of two coats from my on line shop today (with a view to only keeping one) but both have been returned, one which has a detachable fur collar was black and white tweed look but just hung on me despite being the right size and the other was a faux fur job which husband said made me look like a womble so with that vote of confidence both were bundled up and returned. I haven't had a new winter coat for three years. The one I have is a three quarter black quilted one with a corduroy collar and cuffs and really comfy. Important thing is that it is warm when you are waiting for a train or bus but can easily allow you to cool down once on the transport. I do also have lots of different macs but in the real winter unless I wear a big jumper underneath they are not suitable and today it was a hard frost so it was back to he old jacket!

                            hope all poorly people are feeling better. Husband is working tomorrow but not Saturday. He is on an early on NYE so we are not going to do a nice meal with fizz NYE we will have it on the 1st as, although he is working on 2nd January, it is a late which neither of us are happy about but it is one of those hazards of shift working BUT it means that we can have a couple of bottles of fizz etc. And he doesn't have to get up for work. For 2017 celebration dinner we will have baked Camembert, duck breasts with home made orange sauce, vegetables and rosti potatoes followed by either mince pies or brioche bread and butter pudding which we had Christmas Day as well and it is lovely (Mr Sainsbury gave me the recipe) along with some rather lovely Devon cream custard that I put in cartons especially for the occasion. 😜😇
                            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                              Been to Hospital everything ok except his Kidneys still causing concerns , they objecting to all the drugs but they can't take him off them so a catch 22 position, waiting for results of today's tests they phoning later or in morning if he needs to go tomorrow for another transfusion , still no taste buds he's lost another 2 kilo but he is trying to eat . It's very very cold now so heating full on poor MIL almost fell asleep with the heat in hear plus she had just eaten a big meal before Martin brought her 😀they have gone home now so I'm about to make tea then put my feet up 😊
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Sorry to hear that Oma. Hoping thjngs improve for you and B. XX
                                If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

