Pics were lovely Libra that T put on FB looks a really good trip
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Welcome home Libra!
Put your feet up a bit now you are home
Nana, as Oma says no need to reply to everyone, we are just glad that you are here!
We went for a walk this afternoon, as it was so nice. I bought a couple of things from the village charity shop for the GC. My back is still aching slightly from carrying baby GS up and down stairs yesterday but is getting better.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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We've had a gorgeous couple of days here. Enjoyed a lovely walk around Kingston Lacy yesterday to see all the snowdrops and did some gardening today. Also had a good morniing at my Family History group meeting, very interesting chat and planning a trip to,the National Archives at Kew in April. Now I,need to plan my research, very exciting
Had a a docs appt also yesterday about my blood pressure. It's very strange, last week I did it at home which was fine, three lo wish readings. Then checked it just before I'm due at docs and it's high, get to docs and it's low, he does it again and it's high. He thinks it's white coat,syndrome and wants me to leave it for a couple of months without testing. I do get worried about it so he could be right as any stress can send it up, so we shall see. It's not dramatically high so he's happy to leave it for a bit. Otherwise I feel so well
Hope all the poorly people are feeling better now, it's makes a difference to see the sunshine 🌞
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
Hope everyone has had a happy day.
We had our usual Saturday walk on the cliffs after picking up the newspaper,the only day we usually get one. This afternoon I made a start on pruning the apple tree.I'm afraid I ran out of steam before I managed to do all of it plus I was getting hungry.I'll have to finish it on another day.
Enfys, hope your blood pressure settles.
We went into town shopping In Wilkos i went to look for what i wanted,while hubby went to look for something.
He came and found me in the shop, saying i wouldn't mind one of these plum trees, which he then showed me.
Where will you put i asked. His reply,don't know but i will find somewhere.Oh OK i told him.
After we got home he spent an hour in the garden trying to think of where to put it.( i'm sure you can imagine what my answer was)
He finally decided he wanted it on the patio, outside the conservatory. So now everything has to be moved and rearranged to make room for it.
I wouldn't mind, but i only like plums if they are very very sweet.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Enfys - the trip to the National archives sounds brilliant. Will you have plenty of time to search in them, or is it more of a tour round? At least the doctor isn't too concerned about your see-saw blood pressure. It does sound like white coat syndrome, doesn't it.
Nanto - I'm the one who does that. I buy things for the garden thinking I'll be able to find somewhere for them!!! I'd love a plum tree, but I do know we haven't got anywhere for it unfortunately.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Went out to lunch today with DD, SIL and his mother, getting to be a regular thing, Still feeling full so will have to starve myself tomorrow as DS has invited me to lunch, well three o'clock, my GS is picking me up at two. Bit surprised to get the invitation because DIL is in Australia and she is the person who usually instigates invitations. He is a very good cook so I am expecting a very nice roast.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
It looks like another nice day here today. We are going to DD's for a meal tonight, so will make a pudding later to take.
I'd like a couple of fruit trees but like Daisy, not sure where I'd put them. We did think about patio trees but not sure how they develop. Hmmm, DD's dog might have the same idea, Oma, or decide to "water" them for me.
Zizi, it would be really nice meet for coffee, but I'm not sure how much time we are going to have. I will know more after our next meeting. Daisy, you don't get a tour, it's purely for research but one of our group has been many times and she said she would show us the ropes. There is so much there it is mind boggling.
Enjoy your lunch Plant.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
Good morning, nice sunny one here.
You are having a lovely time of meals out Plant
Oma, Storm is a pest, good job you love him so much!
Baby GS is coming here this morning. His sister is doing her first karate grading and DD wants to go. They are serious quiet affairs and GS2 is a noisy baby. Very happy, but noisyHence coming to Grandmas.
This afternoon I will go to see my mum, and pick up a wireless mouse from Argos for my new laptop.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning ladies glorious sun shine lovely to see , we going to see BIL today not staying long don't want to tire him out ,
Nanto we bought 5 patio fruit trees he ate 3 of them had to put the 2 apple trees he left behind the shed so he couldn't get them naughty dog 😲Im not fat just 6ft too small
Morning ladies, the sun was shining a while ago but it's come all over shy and is now hiding behind some clouds.
Hopefully DIL will be popping by this morning as she didn't make it yesterday.
That flipping parcel that was supposed to be collected on Friday is still sitting in my hall. I waited in all day and all for nothing, just wait till their offices open on Monday, I will be giving them a phone call !!
Oma ,how is your BIL ? Give him my best wishes won't you .
Gem enjoy your time with babyGS .
Now the warmer weather has arrived OH spends a lot of time in his shed. What is it with men and sheds ? He just laughs when I ask him and he replies "Well you have your kitchen......" . The kitchen isn't a place where I enjoy spending my time, it's a place to make meals and that's that . Men !!!
Have a lovely Sunday ladies.
Forgot to say , yesterday I watched the film Girl on a Train. My neighbour let me borrow the DVD . I had read the book so I knew the story line but I have to say I enjoyed the book more than the film.
Happy Sunday everyone.
I have just read through this post, I do ramble on don't I ?Bring me sunshine in your smile.
Ramble all you like Mimi. I watched the DVD Girl on a Train and I kept getting the women mixed up, the two blondes that is and I found the main character mumbled a lot but I did enjoy it, I haven't read the book. Love your comments about the shed, perhaps you should have a shed.
Still feeling full from meal yesterday so have had only tea for breakfast, as I will not be eating until about three at DS, I will have something later if I feel peckish
Hope you find your SIL comfortable after his op. I expect he will enjoy your company.
That dog Oma thinks you have put them there for him to chew. I left a young lab. in the SR to speak to a workman and he had a lovely time with a rubber plant (remember them?) There was dirt, leaves and root all over the room. I wasn't keen on the plant.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare