Apart from visiting the oldies (3 of) I am done. Everything wrapped, put in gift bags/Santa sacks, food ordered, tree up, cards sent, wine received (very tempted to try it), sister in laws birthday present plant ordered, card written and waiting to be posted.
Husband said just now (he is in early) "Goodness me we have done well this year with all the gift buying and card writing". I looked at him and pointed out that he has not been involved in any of it. He said that he had supported me! Mmmm and what was that exactly? His response was that he poured the wine or gin and tonic that I needed when I was busy..........
Husband said just now (he is in early) "Goodness me we have done well this year with all the gift buying and card writing". I looked at him and pointed out that he has not been involved in any of it. He said that he had supported me! Mmmm and what was that exactly? His response was that he poured the wine or gin and tonic that I needed when I was busy..........