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    I don't know how to feel.Today is DS1's birthday but just had a text to say he and his girlfriend of a year are splitting up. He is 47 today (gulp) and was finally happy,feeling this was his last chance. I know he loved her so will be devastated.He said he might ring me after work but I don't know how he'll cope. He may be 47 but it is still breaking my heart.


      Originally posted by WeeGranny View Post
      Have had a lovely break visiting DS in Slovakia and also a few days in Salzburg. Weather was beautiful, have eaten far too many cakes and ice creams.....and possibly drunk too much wine, but it was most enjoyable! Don't much like this cold weather we've come back to though!
      Sounds perfect WeeGranny.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Awww Clover that's sad . 47 or not your his Mother and he's your baby . All you can do is be there to give him support . My BIL split from his wife before Christmas he's 49 and we worried about him but in the last month he has met a lovely girl we met her on Saturday and he's smiling again so never say never xxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Oh Clover, how sad. We feel bad for our children whatever age they are xx
          โ€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ€ โ€“ Unknown


            That's sad Clover not what he needs for his birthday we feel for our children all you can do is be there sending you hugs


              Clover - I'm so sorry to hear about your DS and his GF splitting up. Even worse that it's his birthday - a day you would want him to be especially happy. We never stop worrying about our own children, and can't help feeling their pain when they are unhappy. Sending you big hugs. xxx
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                When I got home from looking after GDs today some friends were in the kitchen having a coffee. They had been doing a charity door-to-door collection and met Eva for the first time, so OH invited them in to meet her properly. They said a sad goodbye to their 13 year old doggy on Saturday and my friend was cuddling Eva, saying how much she misses her dog and I felt like crying for them. I think there is a lucky dog in a rescue home somewhere who will soon be offered a loving home!
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  A cold but sunny start to the day.

                  First job done, washing out on the line.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Originally posted by Clover View Post
                    I don't know how to feel.Today is DS1's birthday but just had a text to say he and his girlfriend of a year are splitting up. He is 47 today (gulp) and was finally happy,feeling this was his last chance. I know he loved her so will be devastated.He said he might ring me after work but I don't know how he'll cope. He may be 47 but it is still breaking my heart.
                    Sorry to hear this Clover. It doesn't matter how old the kids are, you still feel hurt for them.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Morning ladies wet again off to get some shopping soon then pick Storm up hope he's tired today love him really ๐Ÿ˜Š..
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good morning, Nanto and everyone. Nanto - you never cease to amaze me. I couldn't even find my way to the washing line at that time in the morning. I hope it dries ok. I put a load of washing out at DIL2's yesterday only to get it covered in hail - and me too trying to get it off the line quickly! It was more like January than April.

                        Today's my usual catching up with odd jobs that don't get done when I'm looking after the GDs, then at lunch-time we have Eva's first training session. I know really it's us that are being trained, but I kid myself it's Eva.

                        Oma - I hope Storm behaves himself for you. xx

                        Have a good day everyone.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning. Sunshine today!

                          No GD to collect today, as she is going to a party after school. It would be a bit silly me driving the 50 minute round trip just to take her to the party, when DD is at home on maternity leave. I miss GD though!!
                          GS1 seemed recovered yesterday, but had many many spots scabbed over. I think he is really ready to go back to nursery and other children. DD is too
                          We had a lovely evening with DD3 and SIL round for a meal and game. Tonight is our turn to eat out at friends, a sociable week!

                          OH and I are going TV shopping. As some of you know we have one TV. With one sport loving and one sport hating member in this household, it if far from ideal. There is nowhere to put one in the bedroom, which is why we don't have one. OH plans to build something at the foot of the bed to put it on. I will keep you posted.

                          I hope Storm is good (maybe they should have named him Calm instead ) and Evas training goes well
                          โ€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ€ โ€“ Unknown


                            Good luck with the TV shopping Gemini.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Afternoon all quiet day today cleaning bathrooms and kitchen might get a little tickle, need to go to bank later to draw money out for work tops which are being delivered tomorrow and money for kitchen fitter who is coming to fit them Tuesday.
                              Looked at cinema for today there is absolutely nothing on for us hence the cleaning๐Ÿ™„
                              Plant glad Nora is back to her normal self.

                              Gem have you a wall to put tv on with a bracket?
                              Daisy rather you than me training a dog ๐Ÿถ
                              Nan2 it's snowing here so no washing out.
                              Oma take care of that wolf of yours !


                                This morning it was beautiful sunshine, dried the washing. Now, it snowing heavily and it's settling.Might get a bit warmer now the snow has come.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

