Went to Metro centre this morning for SIL,s stocking fillers called into BHS just for a look around came out with a lovely winter coat in a lovely soft grey colour reduced by 20% to £39 a bargain I think , so tired though Both Brian and myself been up since 3 am I had to put heat on my knees and he can't sleep because he's on steroids so we were out quite early , got Joshua school play at 6 then I'm going to try for a early night tonight , never happens but I will try 😊
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Afternoon ladies I have worked 2 days on the trot,exhaustingHave youngest pink ones here until 6pm.Off now for 4 days,then work 1 day and then 13 days off. BHS have a great sale Oma,I bought a friend their weekend spa bag a rather posh brand,full of toiletries reduced from £50 to £25 and a nice jumper and denim skirt for me,also 1/2 price.
"What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."
Well just back from Joshua school play Pirates of the Curry bean 😊 Josh was squawk the parrot it was hilarious and yet again so very good his friend played Admiral Horatio Hornshower what a good little actor he was , lots of cheesy puns and forgotten lines but it just added to the fun , this is his last as he will be in comp next year , only one downside for some reason he thought he was staying with us tonight no idea why so he was a bit disappointed so we have agreed with DD he will stay next week insteadIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Thanks Gem, putting finishing touches to MIL coming home much more disabled than when she left.... I do hope it is as you said, so that when the carers call they can also make her a cup of tea/pop something in the microwave as we need a life outside as well as being unpaid carers...A day without wine is like a day without sunshine....
Good morning, ladies. Another week nearly over. Doesn't time fly!
Skye - lots of good advice about your MIL. It must seem rather daunting, but I think you are very wise to get all the support/care in place first, and you certainly need to have time for yourselves as well. It's a huge commitment and I send you very best wishes - what a lovely, caring DIL you are. xx"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning everyone.
Chilly out there this morning.
Early start today. Yesterday we realised that my MOT ran out - on September 30th!!We had to take my car to the garage for 8, then we came back in OHs car. Breakfast, shower etc and get ready to leave by 9.30 to go to the station for my day with Qwerty and Granny Jules. Thank goodness OH is taking me, it would be earlier if I had to get the bus!
Have a good day everyone, we will think of you all when we are having our lunch“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Skye - lots of good advice about your MIL. It must seem rather daunting, but I think you are very wise to get all the support/care in place first, and you certainly need to have time for yourselves as well. It's a huge commitment and I send you very best wishes - what a lovely, caring DIL you are. xx[/QUOTE]
Thanks Daisy but I don't deserve any praise. My OH would have done exactly the same had it been my mother, it's just circumstances , from the fact that she ended up living with us to this latest crisis. Obviously I would rather if it was just the two of us but there you are, you got to make the most of it and the fact that both myself and MIL are easy going people have made all the difference...A day without wine is like a day without sunshine....
Originally posted by Skye View PostAggie (or anybody else who might know), is it true carers cannot make a drink/sandwich/warm up a meal for the person they care for? Would you need a home help for that? I'm asking as we have decided to have MIL home when all disabled equipment has been put in place, but we cannot be expected to be home with her 24/7.
Mum has carers four times daily. They get her up, wash, dress her etc & make her breakfast. She has Wiltshire Farm Food frozen meals & the lunchtime carer sees to her dinner. Another calls in at tea time to get her a sarnie & drink etc. Then she has a night call to help her get ready for bed etc. It's surprising what they can do. They also see to her toilet needs etc. Just for anyone whose parents pay for incontinence pads there is a system where the elderly can get them free of charge. Not sure if this is widespread. They also supervise her whilst she takes her meds."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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Pleased your car passed it's test, we write notes on the calendar for things such as this, it's easy to forget. Thank goodness you did realise eventually.
Day out with Qwerty and Granny Jules sounds good.
We are going Christmas shopping with Rosie for her Dad.She wants to get something for his new home, and something for himself.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.