Originally posted by Oma
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MillieB - it sounds as though you all had a great time, and that nap was well-deserved.
Oma and Qwerty - we're just grateful that our post arrives! The service gets worse and worse.
Today has been a long, long day. GD2 has a cough and was a bit cranky. Her vocabulary diminished to the one word "NO!' So everything became a test of my ingenuity to gain co-operation wihout tears. She seemed very tired after we had walked their dog, so I gave her an early lunch and put her down for a nap. Just over an hour later she was up again. We went to pick up GD1 from their parents' shop after school, and she ran riot for the few minutes we were there, and the pattern continued when we got back to their house. Just after 5 pm DS2 phoned to say their shop alarm wouldn't set and they were waiting for the engineer to call back, so they'd be late home. So seeing how tired she was I bathed her, managed to get her out without a major war, dried her and sent her into her bedroom while I hung the towel up and grabbed nappy and pjs. And there she was, crouching in the middle of the bedroom, looking at a book and with a big beaming smile pointed to the wet patch on the carpet - 'Wee-wee, Grandma'!!!
Woven into this fraught day were 5 (yes, five) announcements 'Done poo, Grandma'. She was right every single time. How can a small child produce so much in one day!!!!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Hi everyone.
Daisy and MillieB, you deserve medals
Yesterday was very busy, but nice. GDs party was lovely, but noisy. I forgot how much noise 6 excitable 6 year old girls can make after school near to ChristmasThey settled down later, to decorate the gingerbread houses DD had assembled for them. They all wanted to play Great British Bake off then!
Today is easier. OH and I are going to a firework place to buy 2 or 3 big fireworks for new years eve. The only other job is taking my mum to the dentist this afternoon. The rest of the day I plan to finish present wrapping, and make bread and soup.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning ladies Daisy that brings so many memory's back I used to say the same they sure know how to poo 😁 Reminds me of my DD when she was small if she wet her pants it was never her it was the little man with a bucket of water who did it , we never did find out where she got that saying from 😂
Been in garden and swept all the twigs and leaves up its a bit wet but at least snow gone , now storm can't bring them in and chew them on my carpet and I can see where he does his business easier, I'm stuck in waiting for new phone so may as well do some outside jobs while I have the time ,Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Well done Daisy, that so made me laugh. When Ben was born, as you know, he was a very poorly child. I was running an awareness programme for some students and I asked dil to come to give a talk about her job (she was a BBC journalist). It was one of the very few times she had left Ben and granddad had volunteered to look after him. We phoned him when we had finished and he related a tale of Ben, the very sick and tiny child, who had done the biggest, runniest and smelliest poo husband had ever seen. According to husband it was everywhere! It as so bad that when we got home he had the six month old Ben wrapped in a big white towel after having cleaned him in the sink. The clothes were in a plastic bag and goodness me there was a lot of "it" on them, dil said we should just chuck them. Children can be soooo surprising can't they?If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
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Originally posted by Daisy View PostWoven into this fraught day were 5 (yes, five) announcements 'Done poo, Grandma'. She was right every single time. How can a small child produce so much in one day!!!!
Zizi - poor Granddad. He did well, even if he was a bit brave using a white towel to wrap Ben in!
I think life with GD2 is going to be interesting. If she has the tv on the only thing she wants to watch is Peppa Pig. GD1 loved Peppa at that age, too, but she used to say 'Peppa, please, Grandma'. GD2's approach is more direct: 'Pig, Grandma, pig, now,....<pause, heart melting smile> please!'
Oma - I love that, just please, please don't tell my GD2 about the man with the bucket of water!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning everyone. We had a busy day yesterday. First we popped to town to get some flowers to take up to the cemetery. We always make sure we do this before Christmas, the only trouble with this plan was the long wet grass . Our local council has taken upon themselves to limit the amount of times the grass is cut so the cemetery looked as if the graves were in a field. I wasn't very impressed.
Before we went there I had to pop into a card shop to get a few birthday cards. Big mistake !! All the birthday cards had been demoted to the back of the shop so I had to push my way through shoppers buying their Christmas cards. By the time I had come out of the shop I was a little flustered and on top of that OH had taken upon himself, whilst my back was turned, to buy himself to buy a cap . Now I'm not sure about it on him. I know he feels the cold now and I have been on to him to get a hat but a cap.... It's another 'nod' at accepting the fact that we are getting old. ! He wears a baseball type of cap in the summer, which is completely different to the tweed type he has now.Bring me sunshine in your smile.
Good morning everyone.
Mimi, it can be hard to find other cards around Christmas time! DD2s wedding anniversary is December 20th. After the first year, when I realised there was almost no choice, I now buy theirs at the same time as I buy DD1s ( October)
GS day today. Then handover to DD1 when I collect GD from school, as she and I have a playdate with friendsDD2 will pick her up from there, and I will head off to the cinema to meet up with OH, to see the live streaming of The Nutcracker from the Royal Opera House.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Originally posted by Mimi View PostBy the time I had come out of the shop I was a little flustered and on top of that OH had taken upon himself, whilst my back was turned, to buy himself to buy a cap . Now I'm not sure about it on him. I know he feels the cold now and I have been on to him to get a hat but a cap.... It's another 'nod' at accepting the fact that we are getting old. ! He wears a baseball type of cap in the summer, which is completely different to the tweed type he has now.
Mini - heheh - if I were you I'd let OH wear his cap - it could be SOOOOOO much worse! My OH has two 'things' that he wears on his head to keep warm. One was given to him by a hatter in Luton (yes, there really are such people) about 40 years ago. The family call it The Rat. No matter where I hide it, it finds it's way onto his head every single winter. It's a bit like a furry cossack type hat but it's all out of shape and he keeps turning it round while he's wearing it.
The other delight is a woolly bobble hat, bright blue with white snowflakes and the words The Boss knitted into it. He wears this for 'casual' wear (as opposed to the 'smart' Rat). It's usually covered in sawdust or something because he wears it to do any sort of wood turning/logging jobs or working on the allotment - anything messy.
If my OH went out and bought a tweed cap I'd be overjoyed!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)