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    Good morning, Daisy, it was very busy in the town (not my thing) but lovely to walk round with GD2. Where we had our lunch was really different, very good food. We managed to walk almost 8kms!! I shall relax today.

    Yes, we do remember what our mums did! I can picture mum standing in the kitchen baking.


      Morning Lizzie /Ladies
      very hard frost here and it's very cold .
      Just put 2nd load in to wash puzzles me where all this washing comes from ,
      I'm sure we have a gremlin that creeps in at night and puts all our clothes in the washing basket 😄

      Meeting DD and SIL and his Parents our friends for breakfast at the garden centre this morning . Been a few weeks since last seen our friends with me not being well , we usually meet every other Sunday if we can ,so looking forward to catching up.
      Have a good Sunday ladies I will pop back later xx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Very hard frost here as well. Saw the weather forecast earlier,and he did say it will get milder.

        Bro in law got to work ok in the car. He's just let us know.

        I'm just having a break from cleaning the extractor fan in the kitchen.

        Didn't do any shopping yesterday with hubby being busy.
        Don't think i'll bother now this week,we have plenty of food in. Will do a big shop next week.
        So long as we have plenty of milk in for drinks,we will be happy.

        Better get back to finishing the extractor.

        Have a good catch up Oma. Enjoy breakfast.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good morning ladies.
          Another hard frost area here. The trees look very beautiful draped with white

          Lovely photo of GD2 Lizzie.

          Have a lovely meet up with your friends Oma, and no hot drink spilling!

          Cleaning the extractor fan is not a job I enjoy Nan2. Good when it's done though.

          GS2 is awake and up and GD is still asleep and will probably be in bed for some time. She has to be up early every week day for her 8.30 school start so enjoys weekend lie ins when she can.

          I think the children are being collected around midday.
          We are having friends round for a Sunday roast at 6. These are the friends who will be AWOL for 7 weeks soon ( New Zealand, New York and other places!)

          Have a good day everyone.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Lizzie, your GD is lovely.
            Extractor fan all done.

            Gem, enjoy your meal with friends this evening.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good frosty Sunday morning everyone. It does look pretty especially in the sunshine, but I'll be glad when it warms up a bit. The cold weather makes me feel lethargic and miserable!

              Nanto, your OH did a good job on the car, and I bet your BIL was thankful to get to work ok this morning. Why do extractor fans have to be so difficult to clean! Still, it's nice to look at a job well done, isn't it!

              Gem, your GD is definitely a teenager! I don't blame her wanting a lie-in at weekends. It's a pity secondary schools start so early - my GD1 has to be up at 6 on week days, but of course doesn't want to go to bed early so by Saturday she just wants to catch up!

              Enjoy your Sunday roast with your friends. What are you cooking? Are they excited about their long trip?

              Oma, there is definitely a gremlin who sneaks clothes into the washing basket here!

              Lizzie, 8 k is a long walk round in a city. I should think your feet were aching after that. It's not the same as walking in the countryside is it! Still your GD obviously had a lovely time and won't get lost next time she goes.

              I got side-tracked yesterday and didn't do what I'd planned, so I'll try again today.

              Take care everyone.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                All the family were at a 40th birthday party, it wasn’t the usual 40th party as the birthday girl is still a big kid. A hall was rented and party games were played. apparently H won the musical statues game. All the beds were occupied here again including a cot for GGD1, she and her brother also stayed overnight as their parents were off to another party. Never a dull moment here, they will be doing breakfast for 8 next door. DD and Sil will just let them get on with it. Another white out here but lovely sunshine.

                Gemini, I hope GS1 has had a good sleepover. Have a lovely meal with your friends, some trip they are having.

                Lizzie, How lovely to have a day out shopping with GD, she is a very pretty girl.

                No real plans for me today, I shall see the family before they return to London, better go and get a shower before they come through.

                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  I was just serving dinner,beef casserole and savoury pancakes when DS1 popped in.
                  He didn't have time to stay,so packed him some dinner up. He will microwave it at work.

                  Dasiy, hope you get done what you didn't do yesterday.

                  Not warmed up at all here. Roll on spring/summer.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Lucky DS going away with his dinner Nan2!

                    Plant, it sounds a lovely busy family set up where you are

                    GS1 arrived home at lunch time. That is all I know so far, but that sounds positive because if it hadn't worked well you would think both parties would have wanted him to leave earlier!
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Gemini, I do hope GS1 had an enjoyable time with his father.

                      Nanto, your family know where to go for a feed.

                      Gemini, we are a large crowd when we have something to celebrate. Sil is one of six and they all live reasonably close and are like my second family. DD and Sil have 4 children and 3 GC, My son lives quite close and he has 2 children. Like your family they love to get together and it is open house next door.
                      Last edited by Plantaholic; 23-01-2023, 09:50 AM.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Plant, what a wonderful family you have. When we were first married we lived quite close to OH's parents and his youngest brother was still at home. His two sisters and their families lived close by as well, and my in law's house was permanently on Open House. By the time my in laws retired and downsized OH's eldest sister and her family had moved to an old country house and that became the meeting place for family gatherings. Even though by then we lived further away we were always welcome to stay overnight. Happy times!

                        It's hard to get the whole family together these days, and it's usually here or at a niece's in Southampton. but it's very hard to get the whole clan together.

                        Gem, thank goodness it sounds as though things went much better with GS1's visit to his Dad's. I do hope so.

                        Nanto, your family has a good sense of timing! I bet your DS1 was very glad of the home-cooked meal at work.

                        I got some washing done today but that's about all. After lunch the wood burner was keeping the living room nice and cosy and it would have been wrong to ignore it! I did take Eva out later in the afternoon, but it was very cold still.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Not as cold today. We didn't need to thaw the birds water with hot water from the kettle.

                          Hubby out today with DS1,so i'm doing a roast beef dinner for when they get back.
                          Beef is in the slow cooker.

                          Gem, glad things seem to have gone better this time,with GS at his dads.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.

                            Not freezing here for the first morning in a long time.
                            DD3 and baby are coming over soon. They are having some building work and repairs done to the house which will be noisy. The baby still has at least 2 daytime naps, so they need somewhere to camp out.

                            I hope everyone is well today.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good morning, there is no frost here either, luckily! I was out and about early to take GD1 to the hospital, DS1 had an important call and asked if I would do it. It all went very well and now she has a soft plaster for another 2 weeks then they will see how it goes. I was home much quicker than I expected to be.

                              Gem, you will enjoy having DD3 and the baby for the day.


                                A white out here again but lovely sunshine. I need to pop out later to M&S Foodhall for some fruit. I also need a fluorescent tube and some printing ink from a couple of shops nearby.

                                Nanto a lovely roast dinner sounds good, When you put a beef joint to roast in the slow cooker do you add fat or water?

                                Gemini, have a lovely time with DD3 and your GS.

                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

