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    Lizzie, just received your post. Pleased for GD that her injury is improving enough to have a soft plaster.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Morning ladies
      up early and got bits done , phoned Martin as it’s his birthday today.

      Then we went to B&M , Iceland and Lidl for few bits .

      GS1 coming for tea after college he wanted shredded Duck , couldnt get it in Iceland so had to drive to Farm foods for it.
      Can always get it in there .

      your DS will appreciate a nice beef dinner it’s the weather for a nice roast .

      Enjoy your day with DD and baby , building work isn’t the place for a baby who needs its sleep .
      Is S golfing today xx

      pleased to hear GDs foot is healing , a quick appointment is a blessing isn’t it .
      What would they do without us grannies😁

      Be careful if it’s still frosty wrap up well.
      Is Hs face ok now .

      When it’s warm and snuggly you don’t want to go out do you .

      Im thinking about clearing the cupboard under the sink but I’m not sure I would get up again ,
      My back is fine but I’m still a bit wary , it was so painful it’s made me a bit nervous of setting it off again .
      Becoming a softie 😁
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Good Monday morning everyone.

        I'll pop back later and catch up - I've just got a few jobs I want to get done before lunch-time.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Oma, thanks for asking, H’s face is showing a bruise now, I hope the red line will go soon, she is just as happy. You be careful, I can’t imagine any cupboard in your house needs urgent cleaning. What do you do with shredded duck, I love duck. I was looking through some pics on the IPad today and found one of dearTizzy with her OH taken at the event she organised at Stoke Mandeville, her OH is in a wheelchair recovering from having both his knees operated on. I wonder how he is fairing without that mad lady in his life.
          Last edited by Plantaholic; 23-01-2023, 07:49 PM.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            We buy a half shredded duck with sauce and pancakes ,
            he likes chips with it and B makes him plum sauce . He never leaves a scrap 😁

            Paul seems to be doing fine what I read on his Face book page ,
            he’s working in Hampton court as a gardener and before Christmas he spent a month in Barbados .
            Spends Christmas with the boys and often has time away with them .

            Tizzy loved Barbados xx
            Last edited by Oma; 23-01-2023, 02:10 PM.
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              I was thinking about Paul just the other day and wondering how he was. Thanks for the update, Oma. I think they both loved Barbados, and had good friends there.

              Oma, I didn't even know you could buy shredded duck - I imagined you with a kitchen half full of feathers and all the rest of the bird to deal with! I hope Martin's having a good birthday.

              Plant, I'm sure H's face will soon heal. She's such a cheerful little girl isn't she.

              Lizzie, it sounds as though your GD is well on the road to recovery, although I'm sure it seems like ages to her.

              Gem, I'm sure you will have enjoyed having DD3 and GS3 for the day! How lovely. I hope the work at their house has gone smoothly.

              Nanto, it's still frozen hard here, and due to be -2C again tonight. No let up! The roast beef sounds perfect! I've been wondering how you do it as well. Did you enjoy it?

              I got a few jobs done and gave the living room and hallway a good clean. It was still icy cold when I took Eva out about 4 o'clock. She's desperate for a run but I don't want to risk her hurting herself on rutted icy ground - I'd rather cope with the sea of mud when it all thaws!

              Off to cook dinner now - a vegetable stir fry I think.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Tizzy certainly did love Barbados didn't she?

                It's a bit colder where you are than here now Daisy. We are not forecast any minus temperatures in the near future.

                It was nice having DD and baby here today. We had a free day anyway.
                We didn't know they were coming until half an hour before! DD had thought the builders were just delivering the skip today but no they were starting!
                They will be here a fair amount as the work could take several weeks.
                I think they may go to DD1's and to their dads at times, but they are welcome here anytime.
                DD and I went for walk with baby this afternoon. Just a short one as it was cold
                The baby is 6 months old today
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Oma, that is good news about Paul, I am not a FB friend of his.

                  Gemini, I can’t believe your GS3 is 6months old. He will be rolling onto his tummy soon.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Gem, isn't it lovely when you get time to spend with the babies.
                    We must be due a phoyo of the baby.

                    GD1 just sent me the latest photo of Tommie.
                    They are coming one day next week.Her husband is working overtime every evening this week.

                    Plant,when i am doing a joint in the slow cooker i don't add any fat.
                    I always put a little bit of water in. There have been a few post on Facebook, about the inner pot breaking.
                    All the manufactorers have said they break when there is'nt any liquid in.
                    You do get a bit of juice from the joint when it starts cooking,but i put a bit of water in,don't want to take the chance of it breaking.
                    Hope the bruise on H's cheeks goes away soon.

                    You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                    This gallery has 1 photos.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Nanto, what a gorgeous little boy he is. I'll have to have a go at cooking a joint in the slow cooker. I'm sure I could use it a lot more than I do.

                      Gem, I can't believe your GS3 is 6 months old already. Happy Half-Year birthday to him. xx

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)



                        Adorable baby you have Nan2!

                        I know ladies, time flies. Newborn to half a year in the blink of an eye!

                        A recent sleeping photo of ours. I will look out an awake one tomorrow ​​​​​​​
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good morning ladies. Nippy,but we have a beautiful red sky.

                          Going into town this morning with hubby.
                          I shan't stay with him,he'll meet his pal for a couple of hours.
                          Will meet up later for coming home.
                          I want to go to butchers,Wilko's,Iceland and Bon Marche.

                          Lovely photo Gem,don't they grow quickly.
                          Need a photo of Finn now, please Oma.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Morning ladies
                            These babies are adorable , they are all 6 month already and getting their own little characters 😁

                            A nice clear morning , not sure what we are doing f anything this morning we will just go with the flow .

                            will you have lunch out today x

                            Finn is going to like beer 😁
                            You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                            This gallery has 2 photos.
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Good Tuesday morning Nanto, and all who drop in later. I had to check it was Tuesday because I woke up thinking it was Wednesday!

                              For the first morning in ages we have no frost! It's still very cold, but a relief that it's a bit less chilly.

                              Gem, he is gorgeous! Just look at those eyelashes, and his rosy chubby cheeks, and his cute little mouth. Sometimes, don't you wish time could stand still for a while to enjoy a perfect moment. xx

                              Nanto, enjoy your shopping trip. Are you looking for something in particular in Bon Marche? Yes, I agree, a photo of Finn would be lovely.

                              I'm gradually catching up with things round the house that I've neglected lately - today the kitchen may get lucky!

                              Stay warm and safe everyone.


                              Oma, our posts crossed. Thank you for those gorgeous photos of Finn. I love the beer one - he's ready for his first half pint by the look of it! He's gorgeous too, and he's got a mischievous twinkle in his eyes! xx

                              Aren't we lucky to have 3 such beautiful babies to coo over, and it will be fantastic to see their different personalities emerging as they grow.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Good morning ladies.

                                No Finn, you can't have Daddy's beer! 😁 Another little cutie Oma

                                It sounds as though you will be busy in town Nan2.

                                Library and school pick up for me. DD3 and baby will be here for the day as far as I know.
                                DD and I are planning to meet for lunch in the library cafe after my shift.
                                Keep warm everyone!

                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

