I rang GD1 last just for chat. She told me the doctors thinks something is wrong with the baby's kidneys.
She has to go for another scan tomorrow and to see the consultant.
Asked her why she hadn't said anything to us,and she said she thought we had enough going on.
Told her she was silly for not wanting to bother us.
They said it might just be a case of putting him on antibiotics as soon as he is born.
Hopefully we should know more tomorrow.
Weatherwise we have had everything today.Sun, wind,rain,sleet,snow and hailstone.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Nan2, I know it is a worry.
I know of several people whose babies have had problems detected before birth which resolved themselves naturally. Pre scan days these things would go undetected and parents saved an awful lot of worry.
Forewarned is forearmed though, so if there should actually be a problem once he is born, they know and will deal with it. Please take care and try not to worry xx
I walked to the village (very windy and cold, though sunny) to the post office.
Just before I left I heard that the deeds are not missing! I have updated on the YEO thread.
I have spoken to my auntie on the phone this afternoon. She is suffering from a bad attack of sciatica. We had planned to take her out to lunch on Monday but I have said we will bring lunch with us instead. She hasn't been anywhere for about 3 weeks so I hope a visit will cheer her up.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
.Nanto if it’s any help , Same thing with my GD picked up a problem with her kidneys on DIL’s scan
When she was born she was put immediately on meds ,
Had checks every 3 month for about 2 years , she is almost 9 now and apart from occasional water infection and yearly checks she is fine .
Try not to worry I’m sure they will be on the ball and monitoring baby all the way xx
Had MIL out for lunch and shopping , she was good but a nightmare taking shopping kept disappearing
She was worn out by time got her home , took her to Morrisons and then to Lidl as they have a lot of German goodies on this week .
Nanto - I hope the scan brings good news tomorrow. As others have said, if there is a problem forewarned is forearmed and some treatment, if needed, can be given in utero.
A scan picked up a possible heart problem with my GD2 - it looked as though one of the chambers hadn't formed properly. But when they re-scanned a week later they did a higher resolution scan for the consultant's appointment and the baby had changed position and all was fine. I hope this is the case for your GD's baby tomorrow.
Oma - I'm sure your MIL will sleep well tonight - and I hope you do. It doesn't seem 8 years since B's dad passed away. I also don't know how you get by on so little sleep. xx
Gem - our posts crossed this morning. I hope S was able to play and the weather didn't get worse. Poor auntie - but I'm sure your visit will cheer her up a lot.
Plant - it's probably not too late to get caterers in for your DD's birthday. It would save all of you a lot of work. How was it at bowls?
I was very good today and did loads of housework. I can't say the whole house is spotless, but it's a lot better. I'm off to bed, though, tired!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
I slept a good 6 hours solid last night , I was in bed by 10pm slept right through till 4 👍
Daisy I think you get used to lack of sleep , isn’t great but if I am really shattered a half hour nap keeps me going during day ,
Dont always have one depends on the day I’m having .
you have been busy today haven’t you , we will be calling you Mrs Mop 😁
Gem what a shame you can’t get Auntie out but I’m sure she will be pleased having you take a treat to her house ,
How you feeling today ? Xx
Hairdressers at 9.30 then pop to Aldi and hopefully that’s about it today
I have just noticed big fat paw marks on my patio windows , didn’t notice them till the sun shone on them , Storm must have been trying to attract my attention when he was outside to get back in although he can push the door open himself as it’s always slightly ajar he still likes me to open it at times 🙄.
Good morning, hoping for good news for you all today Nanto.xx
The surprise meal for GD2 went really well last night, she got home from football training, in the cold, she walked into the back garden and saw us all sitting there, her face was a picture. Her friend was there and staying the night so we all had a good meal. Her auntie wasn't there, she had to work. DS2 and partner bought her a case for her Polaroid camera, she got that at Christmas. DIL has had the flu (covid) but feeling better again now.
I have been to the gym, everything is allowed from today. It was raining at 6am so I decided to break my rules and go in the car, I did have an excuse though as I went to fill up for petrol on the way, £1,75 for a ltr, luckily I don't drive much.
Oma, you must be tired out after coping with your MIL, we have Italian products at Lidl this week, they do have side of salmon on offer tomorrow morning so I will be going for that.
Gem, I do hope the house sale is plain sailing from now!
Lizzie I bet she was delighted , what a lovely surprise for her 🎂🎁🎈
We have Austrian week at our Lidl and lots of German stuff , MIL was pleased , being German she doesn’t get to have much of her German childhood food unless we visit her sister in Hamburg ,
with COVID and her age we haven’t been able to do that the last 2 years .
so we stocked up on some goodies .
You put me to shame cleaning your oven Nan2. It is always a To Do job here! All good wishes for news on the baby.
That was a decent sleep for you Oma! I'm feeling much better thank you. venting on YEO and the prompt action on recovering the deeds have helped.
I'm so glad your GD's surprise went well Lizzie! Sensible choice to go to the gym by car in the rain.
GD and GS2 day today. They are coming over mid morning. I'm not sure if we will go out or stay in. If they have had busy week they often prefer to just chill out here. We will need to go into town to deliver the deeds to my solicitor however, provided they arrive as promised.
Happy Friday everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
So sorry your family have worries about the baby Nanto. It is good that these scans can detect a problem but often nature deals with it before the baby is born. Good idea to use liners in the oven.
When we used to visit DS in Germany (he worked for the British Forces Broadcasting) we used to bring home Kassler meat, they don’t seem to stock it in the shops here.
Lizzie, nice surprise for your GD, it is nice to have a camera which takes real pictures.
Oma, that was a good sleep, perhaps you should take Mil shopping every day to tire you out.
I am being a worry again, yesterday and the day before in the evening I had the shakes and my lower legs were hot and swollen. I rang 111 last evening because it was so stressful and he questioned an infection but I didn’t have a temperature. The shaking sub sided and I slept quite well. Rang the surgery and my doctor wants to see me this morning, I think she is wondering if the wound on my hand is infected.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare